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Everything posted by luyairis

  1. We're still packaging the supports, sorry. Most of the team is off today (for good reason).
  2. The stuff in the credits? Probably gmap. We have that on low priority, it'll be some of the last things to be translated, probably.
  3. Update: I must thank Christianponte for accepting to help me on this one. Given my current mental state, lack of rest, and real life (aka university), I have passed on the remainder of this job to Christianponte. All items will be shipped to his house on January 8th, and he will ship it to your respective addresses. As such, the aftercharge still exists. You will be refunded for any item you didn't get, or your order in total if your entire order was cancelled. However, because of miscalculations on my end (aka I undercalculated shipping and some other stuff), he will ask you to pay however much you need to after. Also, because I failed to complete the job, I will accept absolutely no payment on my end. That is all. Thank you.
  4. Ok important stuff...again. Due to the notoriety of this convention...4 orders were cancelled. And because of that, there are also some complications. I hate to say it, but all remaining packages and refunds are going to be heavily delayed, by maybe up to 2 weeks even. I'm sorry. Several people here know the situation to understand that I'm literally tearing my hair out right now. However, if someone wants to make some money....contact me.
  5. Small Flat Rate Box - $5.95 Medium Flat Rate Box - $12.95 Large Flat Rate Box - $17.90 We're going to try and ship everything in those boxes for the domestic orders (aka if you're not TheVinceKnight). Since most of you paid more than that already for EMS, the real cost is how much it'll cost to send that big box of stuff from Japan to the United States. However, split between 12 people or so, that shouldn't be too much a problem. At most a $20 difference.... We're still solving things out.
  6. Ok so here's the slight problem.....The Japan Post office is closed tomorrow. I'm not sure if Felix is willing to ship everything once he gets back to Osaka, or if he wants to just ship EVERYTHING to my associate's address in the United States and have it sorted from there. Problem is, if it's shipped to the United States....things could get a whole lot more expensive. (Like, $50 more TOPS). I'll try to convince him to ship from Osaka... Edit: Not that much more expensive. I just realized most of it is domestic shipping. (100% USA with the exception of one to Australia. And Flat Rate boxes are looking nice as hell, aka cheap af)
  7. Yeah. I'm trying to compromise on the boxes to get the widest distribution of those boxes tomorrow. It really just depends on what we can get.
  8. The orders being shipped out tonight are: VincentASM KentoBento Kirie kingddd Astromime
  9. Ok yeah. Most of you who ordered boxes....it's looking grim on those. Your other items aren't AS bad though...
  10. Unknown. We have 3 people going tomorrow, and we'll try to go on opening. I've taken direct control of purchasing myself. However, if you purchased two boxes, please plan on only getting one, or perhaps even none. I'll update as needed.
  11. Felix and I will work that out after we purchase the stuff and start sorting at the TFT Japan Post office. I'll see to it that everything is safe....
  12. CURRENT STATUS UPDATE: Makoto has successfully exchanged the money with Felix. Felix is now on his way to the Tokyo Big Sight. Orders soon to come!
  13. Well, 6 line-ups, but there's actually 12 orders, since at least 2 people are going. That also makes 12 cards....which will be distributed based on availability and the first-come-first-serve basis. I know I won't be at C90, but for C91, when I'm a full time uni student, this will be a LOT easier..
  14. Let's see. They'll each have to queue up 6 times. I'm fairly confident that since the majority of the items are in Orders 1, 2, 5, and 6, that's just 2 line ups, so pretty much 70% of the items SHOULD be good. SHOULD. I know boxes sold out slightly later than the others, so we SHOULD be okay... It's possible we can do all 6 line ups today... But if not, we'll push it to tomorrow!
  15. Assuming the money transaction goes smoothly and Felix can get to Comiket West, 4th Floor, 441, he'll arrive several hours before it begins... He and his friends will attempt to queue at least 3x a day, if not 4x or 5x. Because two people are there at least, Orders 1 and 2 will be done at the same time (and first), then probably order 5 and 6 (which were originally listed for 12/31 but if it's just his second queue, it's easily possible to buy it all. Besides those orders, it's just a matter of getting in line for the boxes... Also, the public spreadsheet does not reflect updated orders. I have a private document with Felix that does... So here's to hoping!
  16. I hope lol. I have an 18-hour flight right as this job is over. That should help >.>
  17. Hopefully. Felix will be there upon opening. ...Hopefully this goes well too. I'm so incredibly tired right now. (And admittedly sick of this job, lol). There will be some refunds / afterpayments requested later.
  18. Purchase schedule updated to reflect buying limits once again. They usually do, but as some people here know, there's a high markup.
  19. I fixed the purchase schedule to reflect buying limits. Luckily, the brunt of the orders, we can buy within 2 waits in the line cause at least 2 people will be going there....possibly a third. He's going to arrive as soon as Comiket starts and try and purchase as much as possible, so.... If not, it'll take some time, but I'll get the money back to you....
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