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Everything posted by luyairis

  1. Not exactly, but generally, yes. Either you need a Japanese 3DS or a 3DS under 9.2 (so you can change your region access the Japanese e-shop) so you can download Invisible Kingdom from the e-shop. However, either ways, you would still need a 3DS under 9.2 to play the translated Invisible Kingdom, because HANS doesn't support the necessary requirements for DLC and IK patching.
  2. See: OP Well, you're free to translate them ;D but yes, you can use our translations and still keep your saves. Be careful, only certain saves will be kept.
  3. Anything helps, really. PM me your Skype. Also, you don't need a compatible 3DS....FEITS was made partially so our group could test the files without having to load them into an actual 3DS each time. Heck, I don't even have a 3DS that could work with the patch.
  4. Dunno if you got them yet but here's the ablaze/battle versions.(download) Decryption Key: !2jX7ucA-BckylkVjfRiDzg I don't know if this applies to your files, but SciresM told me that the rips from the cartridge actually have ablaze and calm as the same tracks, but the ablaze versions have extra audio channels for obvious reasons. Do you know if lossless rips are available by any chance? Iirc the only cutscene voice clips available are the ones marked as s##.dspadapcm in the rips. Sadly they do include the bg effects though.
  5. iirc not very, if at all. (We can release a patch that has the English text but all the names changed and other stuff whatnot)
  6. Strange. Those paralogues should not have been included in the patch back then, they were still in testing period. We'll have it fixed by the next release. Yeah. Linkmstr serves as both our tester and our video uploader, and so he has early access to all the files.
  7. Strange. We'll look into it. If you're using a file that's not ours though, I can't say anything. Is the paralogue on the patch translated for you? We don't know. Everyone's about to enter winter break, we can give you a more accurate estimate then. All of the chapters (and probably paralogues) will be done though. Also for the dlc we're still working on a way to distribute the files without piracy (cia builder). That will take some time (or even won't be solved), but we'll at least release the files themselves, so if you can build a cia, you're set.
  8. Likely something in the patch file you have got deleted (for that paralogue specifically). We found that the chapters also have a character limit that causes skipping, which may also apply to the paralogues. However, we can't help you on your own version, sorry.
  9. The most recent publicly available patch didn't include any of the child paralogues, so it shouldn't be something from our end. If it's somehow related, I wouldn't be surprised, though.
  10. All three routes, and hopefully all the supports, but probably just a lot of supports.
  11. 1. We don't keep a changelog. The most current release included 12 more chapters from each path. 2. 70%. Nohr is complete, Hoshido is a chapter away, and Invisible Kingdom is about 8 chapters (about 75% of them about the size of a paragraph). All publicly available support translations were added in, and the rest we'll do. 3. We don't know. But at the current rate, yes. We'll be done by the end of the year.
  12. The group will not release a custom .cia generator, it's incredibly difficult. You'll have to either build one (which very few people can), get someone to build one for you, or venture into the grey zone.
  13. Unless you can somehow combine the dlc with the rom, no. You'll have to use a custom cia.
  14. Yes, you can play the dlc through an edited cia, but you would still have to buy the dlc. Regarding the translated dlc, we'll release the files, but you'll have to build your own custom cia in order to make it work. Or, y'know..
  15. Nohr is much more difficult than Hoshido, and yes, IK is in between. If anything, I'd say IK is probably the closest in similarity of difficulty to Awakening. For Lunatic though (there isn't a Lunatic+), If starts out much easier, but much more balanced - by the end, I'd say it's harder than Awakening.
  16. Update: We have finished translating Hoshido in its entirety. Nohr is two chapters away, and Invisible Kingdom is on its last 8 chapters (all super short).
  17. All hail Marx, leader of communist Nohr. No but seriously Leo and Rinkah? ?? ??? Jakob???? ????
  18. Cutscene movies? Probably yes, since one of our members is a Nintendo dev and can edit the moflex (?) vids Confessions? If there's already existing subtitles, yes. If not, probably not. Skinships? Same as confessions. Build your own cia or hope someone y'know...
  19. 1. The Western releases have the Japanese voices available (in the options) 2. This patch is mostly for those who don't want censorship, and in some cases, an original story. It's known that the Japanese version is more mature than its Western counterparts. Also, the fan translation sticks true to the story - the Western versions may have an edited/censored story.
  20. Most public ones are available on Pastebin, you can find them on Google. The group-specific document is private.
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