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Everything posted by luyairis

  1. Patch 3.0 or 4.0 [public] will have all the supports and skinship conversations. Uncensored, of course. To be honest, there aren't many people involved with the project who do the technical stuff - the other forum posters are just as good! Hmm...that's weird, but we'll check it out. Thanks!
  2. I can't give a very close estimate, but from what I know, it should take about 2-3 weeks for us to finish Hoshido and Nohr. If the other translator isn't busy, in the same amount of time we can do all three paths. What will definitely be in the next patch: All of Nohr and Hoshido What could be in the next patch: All of Invisible Kingdom, child paralogues, some, if not all supports What would take a lot of work and probably won't be in the next patch: DLC (if we can't I'll upload my translations onto Pastebin) Yup, they are. We'll try to see if we can add subtitles. If not, we'll upload a translation onto Pastebin or something.
  3. Thanks! Someone will go fix it. DJPlayer isn't a part of the group. Cellenseres started this thread.
  4. The serial number on the box can tell you which firmware the 3DS inside it has installed.
  5. Nah, just post 'em right here :D We'll take care of it from that point on.
  6. Yeah, frankly, it doesn't matter which 3DS you get. N3DS works better, but it's the same case about finding a firmware. Also, could I ask you be a bit more careful and capitalize "Japanese" ...? It's pretty rude when you don't.
  7. There's a patcher application that we released alongside (made by SciresM)
  8. Actually...because translators choose what they want to work on in this group, very likely for 3.0 we will release ALL three paths (in completion). Several members have also been working on supports and paralogues, so there's a possibility they'll be included in the 3.0 patch too.
  9. Well it's group policy not to share the files, but since it's already public I'll see if I can just post them on Pastebin. There is an application that can remove all the code but it misses lines.
  10. To be honest there's not much to actually read (it's just a lot of code)
  11. Update: (Since everyone is asking) We have finished all translation and proofreading necessary before the public patch 2.0 release. Currently, the tutorial on how to install the game, keep your saves, etc, is being completely rewritten. This will include save transfers. So sorry for the delay, but there might be another 24 hours before release. Public Patch 2.0 will include: - Chapters 0-12, Hoshido and Nohr - More menu fixes
  12. Please try not to ask the same question on both threads. We've already answered this question, it will mostly like be released today or tomorrow. We're still doing some checks, and also the FAQ needs to be entirely rewritten.
  13. I'll have a proofreader check it then, thanks! (This was when we were still doing public edits, so that could be why...I'll check edit history later). Also btw, the other chest was just 5,000g. Though that may be extremely helpful if you're doing Nohr. (I personally didn't get it on my Lunatic run but eh...whatever)
  14. Nope. You'll notice "Rout the Enemy" and "Defeat Commander" are two different conditions. "Rout the Enemy" is basically another way of saying, "Defeat everybody." "Defeat Commander" is pretty much self-explanatory. To win that map, you can either kill everybody , or basically have somebody walk right past Ryouma onto a red box, select the green option, then select "yes".. http://prntscr.com/7wg607<-- Screenshot of victory conditions in the code. (I mean think about it: If you defeated Ryouma and you didn't win, "Defeat Boss" would be an incorrect victory condition)
  15. Okay so it probably isn't very clear but really, the group translators pick what they want to work. Conveniently, the translators each just so happen to be working on a separate path. I played the DLC and it's pretty short, so as soon as I get the .bin.lz files I'll probably translate them asap.
  16. Yes, they're gift items. From the looks of it, we don't have those files. Edit: jk we have it it's just still in raw The guide will be updated before the next patch (1.5 days).
  17. In terms of just translating, we'll be perfectly fine. Also, we've mentioned this several times already, but there is simply too much to translate to another language on your own. Any files we release in the public patch, you can feel free to edit them, but there's simple too many files to translate on your own - it took over 10 of us over 2 weeks to just translate the menus...(chapters are a different story).
  18. We've mentioned this a couple times ago, it'll be coming later this week. I'd assume around 3-4 days, no guarantees. ...translating chapters is much much easier than translating menus.
  19. We may actually have to do that (shortage of translators), but for right now, we won't be putting anything online. If you're talking about support conversations, most likely our public patch 2.0 release won't contain any, or a few. There's over 1,000 supports, which we'll leave to the last patch - many other people are translating them already, and not having to translate, especially since we're low on translators, would help a lot. translators needed
  20. Toss me a pm with your Skype and I'll take care of it all
  21. Why do people expect we'll do anything for you if it's free >.> Why let some random guy's priorities overtake my own if I'm not paid?
  22. Why should we care? We have our own priorities over yours.
  23. I still said there's no guarantee of a fix from us. The people in our group are not obliged to fix the problem - any work can always be cancelled. Now you can keep making a fuss about this problem, or you can wait until someone else helps/fixes, be it from our group or outside the group.
  24. Read my statement earlier. The group makes the rules to how we do things. I have not guaranteed a fix, and if we don't fix it, oh well, too bad. I don't care if you hold me to my word, ultimately it doesn't change anything.
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