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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. An interesting thing about this, is that in Oboro and Jakob's support conversation, it actually shows that this is one of Jakob's duties. He's in charge of battlefield cleaning, which means he looks for survivors of the previous battle and kills them. Makes you wonder if he does that behind Corrin's back. Oboro, however, seems to think just like Corrin, as she finds chasing after survivors and killing them to be despicable.
  2. Now that I think about it, isn't this fight between Hinoka and Camilla the only time the royals sibilings have a boss conversations against each other? I'm kinda disapointed that there isn't Sakura vs Elise, Takumi vs Leo and Ryoma vs Xander boss conversations.
  3. Here's an interesting fact: Originally, there was no way of saving Kaze. He was going to die even if you had an A-support with him. The developers only later changed it .
  4. Sakura's most likely the best magic unit in Birthright, but she does begin staff locked. Felicia is also great as a Strategist, just buy a Heart Seal, since in my opinion, not many units in Birthright needs a Heart Seal.
  5. Doesn't he join a bit late however?I think it's Sakura that is Hoshido's best magic user, but Izana is really good as well.
  6. I was looking at some growths and the join times of some characters in Revelations, and it seems that Hayato is the best magic user of Revelations. Granted Sakura and Felicia are also good magic users for Revelations, but Hayato seems promising! Even better than Leo in magic.
  7. Birthright does start easy, but does have some challenging maps. Maps like the ship one and the Opera House actually caught me off guard. Awakening made me complacent it seems.
  8. Actually, I wast thinking of Blacksmith, but you are right about Hayato being a great Oni Chieftain, his growths even seem to be tailor-made for it. It's his low level that hurts him.
  9. Speaking of Hinata, doesn't Hinata makes a better Oni Savage than Rinkah? And it's just a Heart Seal away!
  10. My biggest problem in choosing Nohr is Mikoto's sacrifice. Your mother just died protecting you, and you repay that by destroying the kingdom she loved? Not only that, but there's Sumeragi's sacrifice as well, he died protecting Corrin, a child that wasn't even his. Taking in account both sacrifices, choosing Nohr over makes Corrin be an incredible ungrateful bastard. Corrin's destroying the kingdom of the people who gave their lives so Corrin would live. You can't deny that it makes Corrin quite ungrateful. Yes, the Nohrian sibilings loved you and raised you, but don't forget that it was because you were kidnapped in the first place. And even worse, Nohr even put two war prisioners to help raise Corrin, who is a war prisioner as well. That's really wrong and twisted, I'm aware that I'm coming as anti-Nohr in this argument, but these are facts that I just can't ignore.
  11. Xander's english voice is interesting... It's not as deep as the japanese one, but sounds more...posh? He sounds like a prince in english version. Which he is Also, I really like Ryoma's english voice, he sounds so dignified! It really fits his personality.
  12. Boon: Clever Bane: Unlucky Talent: Troubadour I want to try Strategist Corrin.
  13. Download the copy from the shop, and started playing since 1:00 AM. I'm having a blast! It's now 8:00 AM where I live, and I just finished Chapter 9! And now, I have to college...but I'm sleepy... But I don't regret it!
  14. Actually, there's already one, and she even replied to it!
  15. Did Matthew Mercer said something about this? Where?
  16. Ms. Strober, if you ever read this, I just want to say I really loved your work as Azura! Your singing was amazing, and even Azura talking normally sounded great! Back to your singing, I particulary loved your the "Nohr" version Lost in Thoughts All Alone, in particular your "Embrace the dark" line was amazing! But the other versions were amazing too! The "Hoshido" version was amazing as well! Honestly, I just really liked your work! Oh, and I really liked your work as Emma in Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel!
  17. Wow, just wow.... I feel like we should do something for her, maybe apologize, or say that we really liked her song and...something, I don't what to do, but I feel like we should do something for her. Leaving things like this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Is there nothing we can do to fix this?
  18. Xandra...I lost it at Xandra! Anyway, crisis averted I guess, but other than the drugging thing, the original wasn't as bad as people say it was. Also, this off-topic, but I loooooove Soleil's english voice! It's so cute!
  19. I never said VA's had it worse than animators. My point was pretty much what Thane said, both voice actors and animators have bad working conditions, and we shouldn't compare them. Everyone has the right to have good working conditions. Everyone has the right to complain. And it's not as simple as quitting and finding a better job.
  20. Y-You are aware of how much anime and video game voice actors are paid, right? There's reason why there was almost a video game voice actor strike.
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