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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. You know, sometimes I wonder what's so interesting about hate. It seems that these days purposely seek things to hate in games. I see people taking pride in hating a game or a character. What's so cool about hating? Why do people brag about being the biggest haters? Like, "I'm guy who hates that character the most! Look how cool I am!". Why do people waste their time hating something when they use that time enjoying something?
  2. I believe the scene with Ryoma and Xander in Chapter 18 is pretty much the same in the same in the japanese version. If I'm not mistaken Ryoma says his face is better looking than Xander's.
  3. I spent the New Year with Xander. Interesting... Xander was partying a little too hard. Poor guy ended up with a hangover.
  4. W-What's with that low number count in Revelations Endgame? Why did the number drop? Is the map small or something?
  5. I'm just worried that this will give the FE fandom a bad name. I mean, I know it's already rather infamous, but this is in a whole new level. They may be a loud minority, but they're being very, very loud.
  6. Sorry to bring up a post from the first page of this thread but after you said this, I went to Know Your Meme to see how things were. And my god, were the people there salty. Seriously, that's way to much salt, it's like they never played a localized game before. Especially that Liveandsound guy, I've never seen a saltier guy than him. It's borderline irrational. Makes me wonder how he would react to Radiant Dawn's localization. Is the rest of the internet just as bad as these guys, when it comes to Fates's localization?
  7. I've been thinking of using Great Knight! Jakob, but wouldn't that leave you without a healer in Conquest chapter 12? I mean, the medicine pots could help, but still...
  8. FFT's is has a pretty interesting plot, but it sorta falls apart near the ending. It tries to hard, and it kinda backfires..? Maybe that's not the right word, but I can't fight the right word for it. I especially disliked the ending. It made me feel like I achieved nothing. Twist and Tragic endings are interesting, but I feel they don't belong in video games, unless it's a bad ending. Was it really necessary for
  9. This is getting tiresome, I will admit. Besides, people are acting like this is the first time the localization changed things in Fire Emblem. Ever since FE7, the localization has been changing things, and this is hardly the only time the localization changed story details.
  10. Funny you should say this, considering there are hints that Reina wasn't going to be a Corrinsexual, and was going to be able to marry others. But there were also hints that Rinkah was going to be a Corrinsexual.
  11. I believe it's Hell's Kitchen, but I'm not sure.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, Corrim spares all the soldiers from Chapter 8 to Chapter 18 In those chapters, there are no deaths, unless is a player character. After the fight with the Kitsune things get complicated. Do they kill Hinoka's soldiers? And do they kill Ryoma's soldiers? I'm pretty sure Saizo and Kagero die if you defeat them, while Azama and Setsuna survive if you defeat them. And what about Iago's soldiers in Chapter 26? Are they spared?
  13. It is stated in the game that in Conquest, Corrin and the others fight without killing anyone. Yes, even Peri doesn't kill anyone.
  14. Well, put yourselves in Lilith's place. You would you eat raw wheat?
  15. She's a water elemental character, so as a personal rule of mine dictates, I like a lot. Her supports are actually pretty good too. And I really like her personality. Her voice is great as well.
  16. Actually, Corrin didn't really join Hoshido because they were his/her birth family. Corrin pretty much says that the reason he/she joins Hoshido was because he/she wants to do the right thing. They being his/her birth family didn't affect much the decision.
  17. I was comparing the interaction Corrin has with the nohrian sibilings in Conquest and Corrin's interactions with the hoshidan sibilings.It's just so different... Take Xander and Ryoma for example. Xander in Conquest, as I said before, only say things like "There's no justice in the world" or "I don't like Garon's actions either bit just grin and bear it" Where Ryoma actually explains things to Corrin, and makes an effort to teach things to him/her. Birthright Chapter 15 and Birthright Chapter 17 are two good examples of this.
  18. I wonder Sakura tries to patch up the enemis she fights... I can just see her doing that. And don't Felicia, Leo isn't mad. That frown is natural.
  19. I was playing Conquest's story again and I realized something. Is it just me, or do the nohrian sibilings, with the exception of Leo, treat Corrin like a fragile doll? They are also rather condescending towards him/her. Every time Corrin talks about the morality of their actions and Garon's own actions, Camilla and Elise are all like "I love you Corrin, but I don't have the answer. You're so cute when try to be nice!" and Xander is like "There's no such thing as justice in this world so just grin and bear it." Leo is the only one who actually tries to explain things to Corrin and actually have a discussion about morality. Leo is the only one who treats Corrin like a sibiling instead of a doll. Maybe that's why Corrin keeps doing mistakes in Conquest, because everyone coddling him/her.
  20. This is going to be a little weird for me since I played the Wii version, and everything was reversed.
  21. It's funny how Conquest Corrin and Birthright Corrin are different. Like you said Conquest Corrin keeps saying "I'm so sorry..." while Birthright Corrin keeps saying "I'm gonna kill Garon!" Really, the contrast is quite schocking.
  22. I do like Corrin a lot, but in Birthright. In Birthright, Corrin is much more active and actually makes a difference. Corrin even talks backs to Garon. I particulary like the moment in the Opera House, where Corrin is very sarcastic when talking to Garon. A sharp contrast from Conquest!Corrin, who seems desperate for Garon's approval and acts like a frightened child when talking to him.
  23. I must apologize as well, I really don't think we should be blaming him. Sorry about that. And now that I think about it, Sticker Star, by itself is already a bad and bland game, the Paper Mario label just made it worse.
  24. Do you think it would be better recieved if it wasn't under the Paper Mario label?
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