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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. People tend to understimate Silas's personal, VoF. It actually makes him an amazing tank, especially for early game. And you can pair up Corrin, so they can keep the low health for the entire map.
  2. Shiro is my favorite. He's such a nice guy, and cool as well. Good-looking too, I love his arms, they are just perfect! And most of supports are pretty good, his friedship with Siegbert is very well done! This may sound weird, but their frienship is so healthy, and they are such a good influence on each other. I don't really dislike any of the kids.
  3. Please don't refer some players as "Awakening kiddies", that sort of attitude really isn't necessary. Some people like Awkening, some like the Kaga games. And why would they hide them? Like many said, it's a finacial matter.
  4. ...... For some reason that makes a lot of sense, and that scares me. Just what sort creature is Leo anyway?! Will his desire for tomatoes never end?! How long must he world suffer until he is satisfied?! How many poor innocent tomatoes must be sacrificed for is hunger?!
  5. That Leo/Keaton makes me wonder...Just how many tomatoes does Leo eats each day? He's not even ashamed of his obsession of tomatoes! And that tomato throwing event...why does the idea of Leo grabbing the flying tomatoes with his mouth and then he swallows them whole can't leave my head? He wouldn't do that...would he?
  6. Localization is a costly thing, it's as easy as some people think. It's pretty expensive as well. And this games will only cater to a niche market, which means Nintendo have likely decided that it's not worth the effort and costs. It seems that the only way those games can make it to the west, is by making remakes of them. Then again there are those who are against that.
  7. I think you should go with Shiro. I don't think Siegbert should be a Vanguard, not only because he loses his horse, but Xander gives him a negative speed mod, and Vanguard is already a slow class, so it would't go well. Shiro has Ryoma's and Mozu's positive speed modifiers, so he can handle Vanguard's speed drop well.
  8. Honestly, if she could, I think Velouria would a pretty good Vanguard, because of her Personal Skill. And yeah, I think Shiro is your best bet to be a Vanguard, he might bit slow though. Who's gonna be his mother?
  9. Which path are you playing? If you have him, Shiro works quote well as Vanguard, and Ryoma can handle the speed drop with no problems.
  10. I apologize if I assumed something wrong, or if said was completely different from what meant. Anyway, like some you said, there will always be someone who will dislike something no matter how good some think it is. Like eclispe, I dislike Final Fantasy Tactis for some reasons. But not everyone liking something it's not excatly a bad thing. People have different opinions and that what's make things interesting. Funny people should mention Pokemon Black&White, because the game's theme was about that. I even remember a certain NPC that said that it's actually really strange and wrong for everyone to share the same opinion and ideals.
  11. You know, while it was silly that Kana forgot that she can transform, you can't can deny that it was impressive the way she managed to hit a farway enemy with a tiny stone like that!
  12. I think she meant that no matter how well-written a story is, there will always be people complaing about the story because it didn't go the way the wanted it to go. This is, sadly, a very common behavior this days...
  13. And considering the way it was revealed, it ruined the "moment of truth". I mean, from logical point of view it made sense for Ranulf not to hide the truth and tell Ike at that moment, but it felt so anti-climatic... See what happens when apply basic logic to a videogame? It ruins everything!!!
  14. Wow, that was very heartwarming! To be honest, Camilla does seems like the kind of woman who loves motherhood. Which is interesting, considering her own mother most likely did not give her any love.
  15. Get ready for more, Fates's RNG has lovely things such as enemies with 1% critical that actually do active and quite often, and characters with 99% hit actually missing.
  16. Actually she's Hoshidan, she's refered as a Hoshidan if you click on her name.
  17. And Sophie really likes Lancefaire which Hinoka can pass. Actually, by making Silas have an A+ with Ryoma, Sophie can have both Swordfaire and Lancefaire! It makes her a great damage dealer!
  18. Speaking of Silas, I've heard that his support with Hinoka is pretty good, and Hinoka seems to be Sophie's best mother. Another good combination Effie and Azama, a good support and Effie is a great mother for Mitama.
  19. It's interesting how Shiro and Siegbert are such polar opposites, even they ways they were raised were completely different. And yet they get along so well. And it is a good question, who writes the character bios?
  20. Actually you can get Apothecary for the Male Corrin from Yukimura.So it's only Oni Savage, and even then you could always marry Rinkah.
  21. For "reincarnations" I can imagine a Virion expy as Takumi's son, like Kiragi, he would be the opposite of Takumi, being very self-confident in himself. And if Brady were one if the Awakening guests, I could imagine him as one Elise's retainers. He would act all tough, but Elise would often comfort him when he cried. And they would bond over the fact that they both play the violin. He also would be the only that probably wouldn't adapt to Nohr well, being a gentle person. Another reason as for why he wouldn't adapt well not Nohr is because that since his mother Maribelle was someone that studied law and was very insistent on lawful behavior, Nohr's abuse of power wouldn't sit well with him.
  22. To be fair, in the original game Ike never appeared on this map, in fact, ironacally, his first appearance in the game is right after this map!
  23. It all depends on your boon/bane and which side you pick. For example, if you want a magic Corrin and you sided with Hoshido, you should pick Mage, but if you want magic Corrin and side with Nohr, then you should pick Diviner.
  24. You know, Azura does have a high Str growth... Then again, dancing takes a suprisingly amout of muscle power, so it can make sense. And Lilith's face, the poor thing! She doesn't seem to happy with this!
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