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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. "Here comes your final reward!" It just have a an amazing delivery! I'm saying that a lot Honestly, while Matthew Mercer did an amazing job with Ryoma and Shigure, Azama might be favorite Matthew Mercer role in Fates. He was amazing as Azama, and it made wish Mercer had more roles like this. Azama is a character that is completely different from the type of character that Mercer usually voices, and his amazing performance shows his incredible range. Shigure is also very different from Mercer usual type of character. Then again, Critical Role already shows his amazing range. Sorry if I'm fanboying too much, but Matthew Mercer did an amazing job this game.
  2. Not playing the blame game, but this talk about Kibayashi reminds of something. MyCastle's online features were actually Kibayashi's idea. Maybe Kibayashi had more input in the game than he claimed.
  3. I'm in a similar situatuon, since my Eshop account is Canadian. Also, if Fire Emblem Mobile is going to be released this autumm, means that it won't be a large game, since there was only very little time for development.
  4. I knew it. Looks like I will have to create a US account in order to play this new Fire Emblem. It's the South American Eshop fiasco all over again.
  5. Oh, you meant the part about how the characters were in the duel room with Ryoma and Corrin and suddenly outside of it. Yeah, a trap door would have been better. And I know the thread is about the story, but justifying things is a bad habit of mine. But you know, your comment made me realize something, that while Fates's story has mistakes, the game certainly knows how to create an atmosphere. Chapter 6 and CQ Chapter 25 comes to mind.
  6. It's possible to assume that Pokemon Sun ad Moon's holiday release might one othe reasons for Zelda U's delay.
  7. From what I know, it's not possible.I know some brazillians use the american App store to get it, but it's still not officially available on Brazil if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure about other South American countries however. Is there someone here from South America that can help me confirm if Miitomo can be downloaded on South America?
  8. I definitively agree with that. Why Venom A is on the easy path again? It makes no sense. But, like I said before, other than Venom A, Sector Z and perhaps Solar, most of 64's stages were easy or at least not incredibly hard. There were stages like Asteroid Field, Sector X and Zoness which were quite simple and even relaxing. Sure 64's Zoness had those searchlights, but other than that, it was a pretty simple stage. Zero's stages on the other hand, are all very challenging in on way or another, the game gives no time to relax. It's something that is both good and bad at the same time.
  9. While I don't mind Fire Emblem coming to mobile, my biggest issue with this is that it's very possible that it won't be avaiable in Brazil or in other countries beside USA and Japan. It's a very likely possibility.
  10. I know Ryoma waiting to kill Corrin seems weird storywise, but from gameplay point of view, it makes perfect sense. It's very possible for a player's Corrin to not be strong enough to take Ryoma on their own, so they had make it possible to the player fight Ryoma in some other way. They probably wanted to keep the one-on-one duel to the death atmosphere, which is why Ryoma and Corrin are still locked in a room and you have to open it to have other characters attack Ryoma. And about the subject of Hinoka neglecting Takumi and Sakura because of Corrin, remember that Corrin was kidnapped when Hinoka was very young, and they were pretty close. It's obvious that the kidnapping would affect her badly, and she was obviously mentally scarred from losing her father and brother at the same time. It doesn't justify her behavior, but it would explain it.
  11. Some are saying that with Zelda U's delay Nintendo won't have any major releases for the holidays. Apparently, they forgot that Pokemon Sun and Moon are coming this later this year. I wonder if Pokemon Sun and Moon's release being during the holidays had something to do with Zelda U's delay. Is it possible? I mean, maybe they didn't want Sun and Moon to steal Zelda's spotlight since Pokemon has a much bigger fanbase.
  12. Like you said, the challenge is great, but Zero can be very scary for beginners. For example, while it was interesting, I think that the drones attacking Pepper's tower was too much for the first stage. And almost every stage has timed events. There should have been a easy mode. Maybe it was the constant difficulty without allowing the player to get used to the controls that made the game get bad reviews. Corneria and Sector Alpha should have been a lot less chaotic. It's still a great game, but it's not beginner-friendly. EDIT: I forgot to say this, but that picture made me wish I hadn't destroyed Falco's drone.
  13. I kind of forgot to use the γ. But I'll refer to it as Gamma since it's more simple.Anyway, now that you mention it, luck might play a role on this stage. When I played it, not only the drones attacked the Great Fox twice, the drones also attacked Falco. Did the drones attack the teamates when you played the stage? Or maybe you destroyed the drone missile before it could attack the Great Fox? Is it even possible? And it's funny. With the exception of Aquarosa, the most stressful moments in this game were also the most fun. Sometimes, it feels like Star Fox Zero is the harcore version of Star Fox 64. Because while the two games are very similar, I don't remember 64 being this stressful. The only stressful moments I can imagine in 64, were Sector Z, Macbeth and maybe Solar.
  14. I just played Sector Y, and even though I cleared it on the first try, it's an incredible stressful stage. But so fun to play as well. It's not really a hard stage, but I imagine if anyone were to watch the stage rather than play it, they would think it's pretty hard. Anyone else though that Sector Y looked harder than it actually was?
  15. Took the words right out of my mouth. Sophia, you're awesome, but why your stats so bad!?
  16. This is a list of capital cities that have rivers running throught them: https://sites.google.com/site/worldfactsinc/rivers-of-the-world-s-capital-cities Anyway, back on topic, while I don't have a lot of issues with Conquest's story (There are things that I greatly about it, but they are few), I will admit that part were Hinoka is spared was silly. Maybe if they gave you a choice to spare or kill Hinoka, like they did with Shura, the scene would be more interesting.
  17. I love all of them, but "You're outta luck, friend!" wins because of the amazing delivery, and is Arthur, of all people, calling you unlucky.
  18. I've been playing the game more, and I have to say, this the hardest Star Fox game yet! I played 64, Adventures and Assault, and none them compare. And yet, it's also the most thrilling as well! There many moments in the game that leaves you very tense and nervous! The relief that comes when you complete a stage, especially a hard one, feels amazing. The bosses, as kingddd said before, are very challenging, unlike the 64 ones where some could be defeated during their introductions! And some of the regular enemies are not to be understimated. And so many of them! This game really puts you in the edge of your seat! However, maybe it's just me, but I wish the laser button was still A like in 64x Not only do I mix it up sometimes and end up tranforming, my right pointer finger is starting to hurt.
  19. Keep going! Let him discover the truth by himself! And tell us his reaction!!
  20. It's a boss. A very hard boss. Took me 11 tries. And I just realized I'll have to fight it again in order to play all stages. It's one those bosses where there's too much going, the recovery rings are in dangerous places, and you can't afford to stop and get a feel for your bearings because it's timed. It's just, overall, a very tiresome boss.
  21. For someone who played the 64 version a lot, this game is very nostalgic and new, it's strange. The new stages are very interesting, and weirdly, I found the Zoness stage, both annoying and fun at the same time. A lot of the things were annoying and yet it kept me on the edge of my seat, and I was thrilled the whole stage. And Sector B was pretty intense! So many things happening! Currently, I'm at Fortuna but it's giving a pretty hard time. I died four times already! Either way, I'm enjoying it more that I though I would! A lot of people are judging this game to quickly. I know I did, and I regret it now that I'm playing it. EDIT: Since Fortuna was giving me hard time, I decided to try Corneria's second path, thinking it could be easier. How wrong I was. How very wrong I was. I. HATE. AQUAROSSA. I HATE IT WITH ALL MY BEING!!!!
  22. When I reclassed Ryoma into a General, he wasn't wearing the helmet! That comic and that scene in the game are made of lies!! Lies!!!!
  23. Pretty much only characters from Awakening and Shadow Dragon. It was because they wanted to keep things simple. Honestly, I can see why they did that.
  24. "For the glory of Hoshido!" is my favorite, but all of them are great. Actually, all of the characters voiced by Mercer, Ryoma, Azama and Shigure, have great critical quotes because of the delivery. Mercer has nailed every single critical quote of those three.
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