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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Out of curiosity, what do you mean by "deal with this"? Did the shippers attacked for not marrying Robin to either Chrom ot Lucina? Cause I remember you married Olivia. Did some viewers attacked for that?
  2. It's interesting, Kaga wanted is to role-play, and yet encouraged Ironman runs. He really wanted us to feel attached to the characters, so if they died, it would actually affect us. And, just out of curiosity, why did Kaga leave IS again? I don't quite remember, but I think he left on his own accord and without giving an explanation. Is this true? I did a bit of research, but couldn't find much, only that he formed his company after Tharcia. A got sued because of Tear Ring Saga. Kaga seems to be a very reclusive man, because I can't find anything about him.
  3. Now that I think about it, in Norse Mythology, Fimbulvetr is the winter the heralds the end of the world. Fimbulvetr, Ragnarok, Ginnungagap, Mjolnir and Brynhildr. Looks like tomes of Fates are all named after Norse Mythology.
  4. Yup, I say Ginnungagap just like Dawn of a New World says as well! On a related note Ginnungagap means "gaping abyss" or "yawning void", and it's the primordial void from Norse Mythology. Which is probably why the spell's animation is a black hole.
  5. That's what really irks. Pikmin has such an interesting lore, and Olimar is such a human character, it shows that Miyamoto has potential for story, he just doesn't use it. That is, was it Miyamoto that wrote Pikmin's lore?
  6. You mean Yuri Lowenthal? It's been proven that it's not Yuri who voices Niles, but rather his VA is Roger Rose, who also voiced Takumi and Hisame.Here's his and Fates's page in BTVA: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/Fire-Emblem-Fates/side-by-side/ http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Roger-Rose/ EDIT: Ninja'd
  7. "Oh, yes!" is the best, especially when followed by "Meh, I've had better" victory quote.
  8. But I swear the menus from Kirby's Air Ride were exactly like Melee's. It was to similar to be just the same style. The probably reused something. But then again, I think the same person worked on the menus of both games. Speaking of reused assests, I think I finally realised why Fire Emblem has so little trophies. If you pay attention, a lot of the models of the Mario and Kid Icarus series's trophies seems to be taken directly from the original games. Fire Emblem series's trophies seems to be made from scratch which is why there are less of them.
  9. I was going to ask you about the music, but so glad you enjoyed it! One of the things I liked about Conquest's music was the music from Chapters 22, 23 and 24, the chapters you fought Sakura, Takumi and Hinoka. The map music for those chapters felt very climatic, like you were doing something wrong but you had no choice, and you were witnessing the fall of a kingdom. What about you blah? Did you get the same vide from the map theme of those chapters? If you didn't play all of Birthright, try playing it until the end or at least of videos of it's story. The ending feels much more fufiling. Also, Birthright's endgame also have an afterlife scene, but it's so much better used. It felt like Corrin was finally growing up, leaving his past behind. Actually, it felt like a coming of age event, from a child to an adult. Maybe I shouldn't be asking this in this thread, but for those that played both routes, which "afterlife" scene was better?
  10. So, I'm the snark equivalent of Ryoma? I can live with that! Story aside, did you enjoy the gameplay?
  11. She was fired, wasn't she? How much influence she had the game I wonder. But still question the wisdom in hiring someone who insults the game's backers on twitter. She even tells to boycott the game if they don't like her! Did Comcept ever read her tweets?!
  12. I remember Dina, and my god, was she a disaster. Why did they hire her? Why did they thought it was a good idea to hire? She even claimed she never played a Mega Man game before!
  13. I agree, the lack of transparency was ridiculous.But, even if the TV show wasn't his idea, couldn't he it? Thinking foward is good, but they are already assuming the game will be a hit. Then again, like you said, the real issue is Red Ash. He really should have waited for Mighty No. 9's release before revealing it. His Red Ash project was too early. Especially when people were already angry with the delays. That's bad business decision.
  14. While I won't deny there's a lot pessimists about this game, myself included, it's not just the delays that make people question this game's quality. What is making people doubt this game is Inafune. He went overboard. I would even say he went power mad with the support everyone gave him at the start of the project.
  15. To be honest, this was kinda obvious. Nintendo didn't enter the mobile industry without expecting heavy profits. Some people don't realize it, it seems. But Miyamoto being part of this is what's interesting... That man is becoming unpredictable.
  16. http://www.siliconera.com/2016/05/02/mighty-no-9s-worldwide-release-set-june/ Soooo....can we trust it this time? I must admit, my hype for the game is pratically dead. Where did the hype go? Some years ago, everyone was so excited and now this? Inafune's actions are giving a bad name to kickstarters.
  17. Speaking of OP types, for those playing the Gen 1 games, I would suggest getting a Psychic type. Poison is the most common type in Gen 1, Poison types even outnumber Water and Normal types. If you're playing Red or Blue, you should get Jynx. It's really, really strong in Gen 1. But if you're playing Yellow, you should try Kadabra or Alakazam if you have someone to trade with. But Kadabra by itself is also pretty strong. Starmie is also a good choice, but it only learns Psychic by TM. Slowbro, Hypno, Mr. Mime and Exeggutor are also pretty strong but a bit slow.
  18. Didn't they actually use gender-neutral terms when talking about Morgana?
  19. This thread will be locked soon, but I might as well say my opinion: Roy is interesting as a character and he had a lot of potential. And if people only liked units based on their stats and how they perform, then Sophia would't be as popular as she is. And when does Roy whine? He never came across as whiny.
  20. He's both good and bad. For example like Etrurian Emperor said, Rosalina was going to have a much larger backstory, and Super Mario Galaxy 2 would expand it. Her mother would even appear! Not only that but Rosalina was going to have a connection to Peach. But Miyamoto decided to cut it, saying it wasn't needed. And when Miyamoto steps out, the stories are incredible! Majora's Mask was the first Zelda game that Miyamoto wasn't involved, and look at that game's story! It was amazing! That being said, we can't deny the man is a genius when it comes to game development.
  21. Actually, Lon'qu is one of Awakening's tallest characters.His model is the tallest one in Awakening. Lon'qu is taller than Cordelia. Where did you get the idea that Lon'qu is short?
  22. It's good that you knew about the box system, sorry if I was annoying, but this is one of those crappy things that you can't forget. And looks like Gary will have a Flareon, which means that since he doesn't have Vaporeon and Jolteon he will have the Shellder/Cloyster and Magnemite/Magneton as his Water and Electric types, and if he didn't have Flareon, he would have Vulpix/Ninetales as his Fire type.
  23. I love how Corrin is still smiling even after Kaze disappears. She must be used to it.
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