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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Happy Birthday!

    1. Jedi


      Thank you.

  2. Source: http://cosumik.tumblr.com This guy is starting Popplio Defense Squad. Even if I end being only here at Serenes to protect Popplio's honor, I will fight with all I have! I shall protect my little Sea Lion from the haters!
  3. Maybe familiar means something of a more supernatural nature? Familiars are assistants to Wizard and Witches, and the occult does seem to play a huge role in this game.
  4. I think you're reading a bit too much into this, most people here use the terms "Waifu" and "Husbando" jokingly. There really isn't a deeper meaning here at Serenes.
  5. Can you blame them?By the way, here's some more cute Rowlet stuff: Source: 144178066269/remember-visit-my-patreon-d-diives-patreon-diives (the link might not work) Isn't impressive that there's already animation of it? More cute Rowlet fanart: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Rowlet-resting-608237263 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Rowlet-608191665 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Rowlet-608191985 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Rowlet-608312750 http://www.deviantart.com/art/smol-rowlet-608208668 And another Dapper Rowlet: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Rowlet-608242110 Are these fanarts getting annoying? Or are you guys enjoying them? What do you guys think of the pictures? Let me know, so I could find more or stop posting them. And will credit the source, don't worry.
  6. I was thinking, a lot of cities in Kalos appeared to have real world counterparts, for example, Anistar and Strasbourg, Snowbelle and Besançon, Shalour and Saint-Malo. Of course this isn't confirmed, but it's interesting. Hey eclipse, since you live in Hawaii, what sort places and cities in Hawaii would be interesting to appear in Sun and Moon? Is there any place you want to appear? And I just remembered, since this region appears to tropical, I wonder if there will be few Ice-type Pokemon in this Gen. Then again, they did place a desert with ancient ruins just north of New York, there's nothing stopping them for putting a snowy tundra in Hawaii. Eclipse, are that any places in Hawaii that could have Ice-types? Sorry if I'm bothering you, but I'm just really curious to hear the opinion of someone who lives there. Must be an interesting feeling to have a region in Pokemon based on where you live.
  7. Pokemon Sun-This way! Sun Legendary-B-Big trainer? Moon Legendary-He's my trainer! Pokemon Moon-Were are your party! Defend Sun or Fight with Moon?
  8. Ryoma is even better, he says: "You have breathed your last!" While cooking!
  9. I just reread the interview, and to be fair, what he said was that he wanted the Pokemon designs of Gen 7 to more simple.They weren't exactly working on the actual Gen 7 games by then, but it seems that they already were planning the designs of Gen 7's Pokemon.
  10. My friend, you understimated the internet and paid the price. Let us postpone our duel. I want to face you at your strongest, and right now, you need to rest. Your mind is at a broken state at the moment. Seriously though, it's impressive that there's even fanart at all. Actually, I remember that when X and Y were first released, Ken Sugimori gave an interview and said that they were already working on Gen 7 back in 2013.
  11. I just remembered something important! Remember the strange souvenir from X and Y? Maybe there's a connection?
  12. Two very small chances my dear! Very small! While I have an entire ocean at my beck and call!Anyway, that's why I think people will like Popplio's evolutions. Remember that people mocked Oshawott and Froakie, but later loved their evolutions. While Samurrot and Greninja are cool, maybe people's low expectations played a part in it? There wasn't a lot fanart of Oshawott and Froakie when they where forst revealed, but look at them now! Maybe the same thing will happen to Popplio. People already have low expectations for it, while they have very high expectations for Rowlet and Litten. So the same thing could happen again.
  13. You speak as if it is even possible for it's final form to be bad. You poor, sweet, naive child. It's about quality, not quantity.And remember that Popplio can probably learn Water and Ice attacks, meaning that it deal with both Rowlet and Litten with ease! Math means nothing! Joking aside, remember the Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox incident? Everyone loved Fennekin and Braixen, loved them. But when Delphox was revelaed, the family's popularity dropped a lot. It was still popular, but nowhere near as popular as before. But I believe there's a reason. I've noticed before. When starters are first revealed, there always those who are very popular like Snivy and Fennekin. But because of the popularity of some starters, it creates expectations for their evolutions, and when said evolutions are revealed, they never meet the fans's expectations. So I expect a lot of people will not like Rowelt ans Litten's evolutions becuase of said expectations.
  14. Challenge accepted. I shall defend Pipplio's honor to the very end. We shall meet at dawn on the hill where everthing started, bring your best blades. You will need them. Especially when Pipplio's undoubtably cool evolutions are revealed. Don't say I didn't warn you!
  15. But those resources are finite.They won't last forever. EDIT: It that wasn't what meant, then you shouldn't have used the word "self-sustainable", it means that a country can sustain itself without comsuming goods from other countries. What you are trying to explain is completely different. And yes, the US have a lot of resources, but it still lacks a very important one, that you didn't mention: Cheap Labor.
  16. But the US can't sustain itself, it's simply impossible.Even if you produce more, you need things like Oil and Cheap Labor. And the US barely produces primary products. If the strategy is to produce more than you can cosume by yourself, it's doomed to fail, because the resources will eventually end.
  17. With all due respect, how can say the US can sustain itself? No country can do that! If the US can sustain itself, why would it seek trade with other countries?
  18. Great, amazing, wonderful! It was so cool!
  19. Calling it, the evil team leader will be a Garon expy, with Muk as his main Pokemon.
  20. Is it a bad thing that the reason I'm mostly paying attention to this election not out of intellectual curiosity, but because of how amusing it is?Back on th subject, whose "skeletons in the closet" are dirtier? Clinton's or Trump? Because a scandal could decide this race, and both a lot of material for scandals. That being said, I wonder if Trump wins, what kind of adventures can we expect from the Trumps living in the White House? What kind of scandals will we have with president Trump? Because let's be honest, Donald Trump in the White House is the recipe for a lot of scandals. I'm not even joking. I'm actually being serious. After all if anyone is going to win something from Trump winning, it will be the media. Which makes me wonder, if Trump ever wins, what will happen after he leaves the White House? What would he do after being president? I'm genuinely curious.
  21. Ryomas was created with a lion in mind... Could it have been intentional?! Sun=Birthright and Moon=Conquest!
  22. To be honest, it boggles the mind as for why anyone would chose Sun when Moon is an option. There's no reason to pick Sun over Moon. No reason at all.
  23. I'm still going to chose Popplio! Water types are my favorites, and if Popplio has a circus theme, I'm hoping it's final evloution will be some sort of badass sea lion magician!
  24. Here are the sources: http://1212m.tumblr.com/post/144148247835 http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56823793 http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56822675 http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56822913 The link for some of the other pictures wouldn't work, sorry. Don't deny it! Even I, who loves Water Types, am almost tempted to pick Rowlet! And just because you loved them so much, here are some more, especially picked for you DanMan! Source: http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56824870 These ones are especially cute: http://www.deviantart.com/art/ROWLET-608186969 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Rowlet-608176770 http://www.deviantart.com/art/Rowlet-608191985 And my personal favorite, Dapper Rowlet! http://www.deviantart.com/art/Dapper-Rowlet-608202657 Are you gushing in the cuteness?
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