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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. An obvious choice! Kaden's maniacal laugh is the best! The delivery is great, and it goes so well with the echo effect! Personally, I think it's the best voice clip of the entire game!
  2. Actually, Soren is pretty racist as well and Mist, Boyd and Oscar are shown to be actually uncomfortable around laguz. And like many other said, it's no suprise Daien is still racist, you can't change years of bigotry so quickly. And I remember reading somewhere that the reason Daein separated from Begnion, was because Begnion wasn't racist enough towards the laguz.
  3. That's not quite correct.They weren't told anything when they auditioned for the roles, but when they recorded the lines, they were most likely told about their character. And, quite frankly, considering who the voice director is, I think that lack of direction is extremely unlikely if not impossible. We can't blame this one on the voice director, if there is anything to blame at all. That woman is a professional.
  4. Actually, the evolution is supposed to be a revolver(Remoraid) evolving into a cannon(Octillery).
  5. I love how smooth Keaton sounds in his critical lines, even though Keaton is anything but smooth.
  6. Gameplay wise? It depends really. For example, Jakob is great at offense, but Felicia is probably the better healer. It all depends on what their role is.
  7. Allow me to change the subject for a bit, After hearing from eclipse that Hawaii has snowy mountains, I decided to do a little bit of research, and I was very suprised at the diverse environment that Hawaii has. It has of course volcanos, bit it also has rainforests, snowy mountains, one of the islands has a desert, and so on. I'm a bit ashamed of myself for thinking that Hawaii were just a bunch of tropical islands. And there are so many things in Hawaii that would make interesting places in Sun and Moon. Things that called my attention: There are eight main islands in Hawaii, perhaps there will be a gym in each island? That being said, one of the islands, Ni'ihau, is actually a forbidden island, which very few people live and very few people are allowed to visit. Maybe it could be a post-game location? It could be a place that only the strongest trainers are allowed to visit, or something similar. Also, do you think that one of the volcanos will house a legendary Pokemon? Maybe there will be a Volcano Trio similar to Sinnoh's Lake Trio? Other interesting places are The Big Crack, Iao Valley, Fern Grotto and many other places that would take a long time to write. Honestly, this is making excited for what Game Freak will put on the Alola region. What do you guys think?
  8. It's not really suprising. Not only Pokemon is very popular, a lot of fighting game experts say the game is actually deep. From what I've heard, Pokken has a mostly balanced rooster and it's easy to play. It's very well polished. Street Figher V, however, a lot of people said that's it feels unfinished.
  9. A Corrin fan club and Camilla wasn't invited? She's not gonna be happy about this.
  10. That was pretty interesting read! Maybe they will make a soldier-like ghost type Pokemon based on the nightmarchers. I'm reading more right now, but it seems that there are plenty of Hawaiian legends that would make interesting Pokemon.
  11. Actually there is someone that is very likely to be the rival, and he seems very friendly.Then again, there could be other rivals. Another thing in recent Pokemon games is that some newer regions were ancient kingdoms before. Both Unova and Kalos have this "ancient kingdom". Will there be an "ancient kingdom" in Alola as well? I might have nothing to do with Hawaii, since Unova has an ancient castle just north of what's supposed to be New York. I don't remeber New York having a desert with an ancient, legendary castle. Heck, they might put a portal to the underworld in Honolulu for all we know.
  12. Maybe the theme will be finding the right balance between nature and industrialization. This isn't something exclusive to Hawaii.One thing that noticed from the small amount of dialogue from the trailer, is the fact that they kept calling Alola a "tropical paradise" and how beautiful the region is. Even the professor says to the trainer "Welcome to paradise!" or something similar. Which, by the way, means that the game will most likely start with the player moving to the region. Interesting, they used that in Kalos and Hoenn as well.
  13. Maybe they will try to tackle a theme that doesn't have anything to do with Hawaii. It seems these days, Pokemon games always have a "theme". For example, according to Masuda himself, Unova's theme is "Cultural Melting Pot" and Kalos's theme is "Beauty". I wonder what Alola's "theme" would be. Masuda is giving a lot thought to the regions recently. Even so, I felt like I made light of Hawaii's problems, so I do apologize.
  14. Sorry, didn't mean to offend. Guess I went a little overboard with speculating.
  15. Oh, I know that they don't want to return everything to nature, but I'm pretty sure the game would want to make the things more "grand". For example, maybe the evil team leader is someone who is tired of seeing his beautiful homeland being "destroyed" by industrialization, and believes the only way to restore his homeland's beauty is by destroying everything.
  16. I think we can give Game Freak a chance. They handle the animal abuse thing quite well in Black and White. Granted they could fail miserably with theme like this. That being said, I could an evil team trying to return everything to nature. ORAS's Team Aqua had a similar intention, but I think it can be used again.
  17. Makes me wonder what kind of evil team would fit Hawaii. Kalos, which is based on France, had an evil team based on fashion, which fits the stereotype that everyone from France has an interest in fashion.
  18. Back then his coat was green because it was very dirty, and it's black....what happened, I wonder?
  19. Really? They think Naruto is better written than Pokemon? I don't hate Naruto, but compared to it, Pokemon has actually interesting writting when they create a story. For example, Black and White. N is fascinating character, and Ghetsis is actually a very accurate sociopath. And the theme of the game is actually though-provoking.
  20. I know, but I thought you might go to Cinnabar first, by Pallet Town.But if you're going from Fuschia, here's something interesting: In Route 19's beach you can actually play the surfing Pikachu minigame, as long as you have your starter Pikachu. I don't think Pikachu learns Surf, however. And speaking of dungeons layouts, Cerulean Cave's layout changes every game, the layout from Red and Blue is different from the one in Yellow, and the one Fire Red/Leaf Green is also a new layout. The same holds true from Heart Gold and Soul Silver. EDIT: My mistake, the layout from Fire Red and Leaf Green is the same as JP!Red and JP!Green's layout.
  21. Moltres is actually at Victory Road. Remember that in the Fire Red/Leaf Green version of Victory Road, there's a dead end that has a circle markings in it? That's where Moltres is in the original games. Are you going to Seafoam Islands? It's layout and Strenght puzzles in Red, Blue and Yellow are pretty much the same as Fire Red and Leaf Green.
  22. I enjoy reading the papers of the cases, granted some are very long, boring and tiresome to read, but there are others that are fascinating. I also enjoy seeing my boss at work in court. Let's just say that the Ace Attorney games might be more accurate than you think. There are those that are boring however.
  23. Ah, so that's why you got Jolteon. Yeah, only the result of the final battle count. By the way, are you planning to catch the legendary birds? Because Moltres in Red, Blue and Yellow is in a different place than Fire Red and Leaf Green.
  24. I believe this is the picture Ms. Bunch is talking about: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/045/348/aad Still creepy.
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