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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I know you mentioned this a while ago, but Gary in your game has Jolteon, right? Even though you lost a battle with him right? Which battle did you lose? And did you battle him again, after you lost? Because if you lost one battle, but had a rematch and won, it will not count as a loss. Meaning you had two wins, and thus Gary evolves Eevee into Jolteon.
  2. Probably the reason he and Lugh get along so well. Hugh can actually support with all 3 orphans, Lugh, Raigh and Chad.
  3. Micaiah fan number 8# here. One of the things I like about Micaiah is that she's not some naive teenager. Despite her looks, she's actually aroud 30 years old, and it shows. She's a good person and yet she's bitter and resentful. She pretty much is a person who is a pessimistic adult stuck in a teenage hero situation. While I don't have many problems with Nohr! Corrin as some people do, I can't simply understand Corrin would choose Nohr. The sibilings are no reason to chose the morally wrong side. And that's not counting the fact that there's someone in Nohr that's actively trying to kill you and you know about it.
  4. Yeah, I know.Mother Nature might have created life, but she's one sick, twised bitch. Either get killed by a parasite or watch it control your life unable to do anything...I would say it's a "between a rock and a hard place" kind of situation, but that's a serious understatement. It's an interesting, cool, sick and twisted idea all at once.And yet, I kind of want to see it now.
  5. No Pokedex entry beats Parasect's in terms of creepiness. You'll feel bad for evolving it. The worst part is that it isn't something you read in the Pokedex. You can see it in Parasect itself. Compare Parasect's eyes with Paras's eyes. You can tell something changed. Something really bad happened to it. REALLY BAD.
  6. The difference between Ryoma and Xander is that Ryoma is still the game's best Swordmaster even without the Rajinto. He's still an incredible unit without his Rajinto. Xander on the other hand becomes kinda average without Siegfried, and Silas does outclass him as Paladin. But this is not the thread to talk about that.
  7. People, people, let's just agree to disagree, okay? We will find out eventually, so let's not start anything, okay? To make everyone happy, I found some leaked battle footage, so let's talk about it instead:
  8. As someone who is studying law in the same country as you, I can why you would complain. I particulary enjoy law so the downsides of it don't bother me much, but if it's becoming something you don't enjoy, don't force yourself to do it. Because I go to my college's psychology building for some classes, I sometimes talk to some of the students there. And they all told me the same advice: "If you are planning to go to psychology, I recommend making a lot of connections. People seek psychologists through the recommendation of other doctors. Even if it is just for research." Best of luck to you, especially now that things are harder in our country. You live in Brasilia, right? Things there must be crazy right now.
  9. A new trailer have been released by Corocoro! It's mostly the same, but you can actually see a new Pokemon in it! It's just a split second but can see it as the player leaves the house!
  10. So you know that the Pokemon developers said that they created the Kalos starters with an RPG theme in mind? Some people in Serebii seems to think that it's a similar case for the Alola starters, only this time the theme is Circus. Rowlet would the ringmaster Popplio would be the clown and acrobat And Litten would be like those tamed tigers that appear in the Circus. They are speculating that the starters will get more colorful and Circus-like as they evolve. For example some think that Litten's final evolution will have a huge ring around it's body as a reference to those tigers that jump through flaming rings. What do you guys think?
  11. Perhaps Litten's evolution would not actually be melting, but rather as it evolves, bone-like appendages would appear in it's body, like Houndoom, to give the impression that it's melting, and the oil from it's body it's corrosive. Maybe it would learn a Poison type attack that hurts Steel types by using corrosive oil. It would a little pointless, considering it's already a Fire type. Maybe a Fire/Poison move, like Hawlucha's Flying Press?
  12. Phantump is the spirit of a dead child. In BW2 there's the ghost of dead girl trapped into an eternal nightmare. N's mental state. Everything about Parasect. EVERYTHING. And much more. Much more creepy things in Pokemon. I think Nintendo and Game Freak crossed the morbid line a long time ago.
  13. Dear god, I feel sorry for that man. I know that any fanbase can be bad, but considering the amount of effort and dedication Sakurai gives me a particulary bad impression of the Smash's fandom. I fear that a fifth Smash Bros would be seriously detrimental to Sakurai's health.
  14. Star Fox Zero is a very good game, and I mean REALLY good, however it's flaws are very noticeable. Which is why the critics are being very harsh towards it.It's also not a beginner-friendly game, which is odd for Nintendo these days. The game is brutal from start to finish.
  15. Shall we start guessing types? Here are my guess for Litten's evolution type: I think Litten will be Fire/Poison, due to the oil on it's fur. Oil is something that can be very toxic, and is particulary poisonous to animals. The oil is associated to sulfur, which is not only poisonous but also flamabble. The symbol on its head also resembles the alchemic symbol for sulfur. Sulfur also produces toxic gas when burned, and Litten's black color is similar to the animals that are covered in oil. Maybe it's evolution will be something similar to Litten, but with their body melting due the in their fur being covered in oil. Perhaps the final evolution will be a Fire/Poison skeletal tiger, with it's skin and fur almost completely melted.
  16. No need to fear it Popplio! You won't bother Popplio, Popplio won't bother you. *Hugs the Fire type* *Gets covered in flammable oil*
  17. Indeed, and it's good you realized your own mistake. Not every has the courage to admit that they aren't blessed with good opinions like you just did.
  18. Be careful of who you make fun of: Because they will remember...
  19. Actually, I think Payne will be Phoenix's opponent in all of his cases in Khura'in. However he's will be just a paw to Phoenix's real opponent which I think is going to be that priestess girl whose name I forget.While Apollo will face the new prosecutor back in Japan/USA.
  20. Oh, don't worry, I'm not asking anyone to love Popplio, I'm only trying to stop the shit Popplio is getting. Popplio is getting an unreasonable amout of hate and it's getting kind of ridiculous.
  21. I think they did that not because of gyms, but rather to give the player access to a wider variety of Pokemon.
  22. Gen 1 is a bit more open world than other Generations. For example, you can challenge Blaine from the moment you get Surf. And you can go all the way to Indigo without fighting Surge. You can liberate Silph from moment you get to Celadon. Think of Gen 1 as a open world game.
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