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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I see, thanks.And I can't believe I forgot this, and this is really important, you absolutely cannot forget this, especially of you like to catch many Pokemon. Boxes in Gen1 and Gen 2 work differently. You have to chose an "active" box to send Pokemon. And this can lead to bad things if you're not prepared. Let's say your "active" box is full and you ran into a Pokemon you want to catch, you won't be able to catch it because your active box is full! Everyone who played the game in Gen 1 has a horror story about the box system. EVERYONE. No exception But please don't forget this! Always check your boxes! I cannot stress this enough! It sucks, but it's important!
  2. No problem! But I forgot to say something rather important. How were your battles with Gary? The results of those battle will affect which kind of Eeveevolution he has. If you won the battles at Pallet and Route 22 he will have a Jolteon. If you lost both of them he will have a Vaporeon. If you lost one and won the other he will have a Flareon. Did you battle Gary at Route 22? If you didn't that's not a problem, but then I'm not sure what Eeveevolution he will have.
  3. Here's the locations and conditions for you to get the starters: Bulbasaur is at a house next to the Pokemon Center in Cerulean City. The girl there will give you Bulbasaur if Pikachu has max happiness. Charmader is at the north of Cerulean City at Route 24, a guy in a place surrounded by ledges will give it, there are no special conditions. Squirtle is given by an Officer Jenny in Vermilion City, however she will only give you Squirtle after you beat Lt. Surge the Gym Leader of Vermilion. All of them come at Level 10. Hope it helps!
  4. Pikachu's tougher than you think. Also you will need Pikachu at max happiness to get Bulbasaur. This game sure bring back memories. Pokemon Red was my first Pokemon game. To thise that started on generation 1, remember all the rumors? And how exciting was the reveal of generation 2? And you can't forget Pikablu! Remember Pikablu?
  5. Don't rush at the start. It will only make you lose units. Start rushing by the time you are near Takumi. Don't attack Takumi with units that aren't paired up on defensive. That's how it worked for me. Remember, your walls are limited as well! So plan ahead!
  6. Hmmm, I wonder if they will reveal more party members. We know there's brown haired girl that appeared in one of the trailers, but will there be more? There's not a lot of female characters...is Morgana female?
  7. Character wise: Kaden and Silas Unit wise: Camilla and Ryoma. Those two are even better than Corrin, but Camilla beats Ryoma by a little. There's no unit as useful as Camilla. There's no reason not to use her.
  8. "Let's get wild!" Without a doubt. Hard to believe that Cam Clarke, the voice of Liquid Snake, voices Hinata.
  9. Yup, besides most voice actors in Fates voiced at least 3 characters, and no other character sounds like Bryce. Ben's Hayato voice sounds exaxtly like his Kiel voice in Rune Factory 4. Gotta admire Ben's range he voiced Saizo, Jakob and Hayato, 3 completely different characters. And they all sound different.
  10. They are releasing the Callie and Marie amiibos now, because it coincides with the Live Shows that they perfomed this week in Japan, so they are taking advantage of Callie and Marie craze.
  11. Fire Emblem already follows the FF part. Pretty much every Fire Emblem game has something that makes them unique.
  12. Apparently Zelda U's release date was changed from 2017 March 27 to just 2017. It could mean a lot of things. But, honestly, this doesn't annoy me. Things like this made me remember that 3 whole dungeons were cut from Wind Waker because it was rushed. And how Sonic 06 could have been an amazing game if it wasn't rushed. Seriously, if only they had more time to refine it. Sonic Boom is a different story, it was rushed, but that wasn't the only problem.
  13. Ah, the music is great, my only issue is that Zoness doesn't have that awesome calming music. It's even a stealth mission, so a calm music would fit. Also, despite what some say, the graphics are pretty good. Makes me wish Aquas and Solar were stages in Zero. Can you guys imagine Aquas and Solar in HD? Aquas would be utterly gorgeous and Solar would be awe-inspiring.
  14. Mwahahah! Better luck next time dear blah! That aside, your Takumi Trump joke ended up being much more accurate that you originally though, huh?
  15. Also, blah I'm not sure you noticed but on of the major part of the endgame map's strategy is building walls to block Takumi Trump's attack. The irony is hilarious.
  16. Downfall rant? Haven't seen a good one of those in a while. And the endgame is deliciously evil, isn't it? And RNG is just so malicious, it's wonderfully annoying. A people used to say that Bow-wielding bosses were easy.
  17. Maybe the PS3? The Nintendo Consoles usually have backwards compatibility, where Sony's doesn't. However, the NX might not have it. Bu think like this, which console has the most games you want to play?
  18. Actually, all of the main series Mario games till 64 were remastered. A lot of Mario games were remastered on the GBA. I remember it quite well.
  19. The problem for voice chat in Splatoon is not only rude, trash talking people. There's also the languange barrier. I've ran into a lot japanese players in Splatoon. And quite frankly, I dislike voice chat, because it always end up in trash talk.
  20. ORAS is a remake. Sun and Moon is a completely new gen. A new Pokemon gen would overshadow a new Zelda game, even if they are on different platforms. Besides, Smash is much much bigger than Zelda and is on par with Pokemon.
  21. Yeah, but after the Sabrina episodes, Kadabra never appeared in the anime again, it only bad a single cameo on one episode, other than that, it vanished. All because of the Uri Geller.
  22. But..But don't you want Fire Emblem Snap? Fire Emblem Pinball? FIRE EMBLEM TYPING ADVENTURE?Joking aside, they may start oversimplyfing the series, but then again anything that becomes popular will be offensive to someone. Remember Jynx? And why do you think Kadabra never appears in the anime? There's a reason for that! There are a lot of different things in Pokemon that were cut because is controversial.
  23. That's what I think too. To me, Corrin isn't a bad character at all, he has a lot of potential. My real problem with the story is how the world treats Corrin. Like you said, they treat Corrin like a porcelain doll, who is to fragile for the world, the Nohr sibilings in particular coddle Corrin way too much, especially when compared to the Hoshido sibilings, that while they are also overprotective of Corrin, they don't coddle him as much as the Nohr sibilings, and even if they did, the Hoshido sibilings have a very good justificatiom to be overprotective of Corrin, the Nohr sibilings don't. Honestly, the Nohr sibilings, other than Leo, treats Corrin more like a pet, rather than a sibiling.
  24. Now people will no longer complain about Fire Emblem having too much characters on Smash! Who am I kidding? Of course they will still do that Anyway, I really do wonder what this will mean for the series, and people's opinion on this.
  25. Honestly, I don't mind if Nintendo's role in this E3 is smaller. I mean, if right now, they don't anything else to show, it's better that it is something small but full content rather than something big and empty. Take the Microsoft's Xbox presentations for example, I remember them trying hype up the audience but fail miserably to the point that it's awkward to watch.
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