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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Don't worry, you can visit any castle, even castle of random strangers. You can also put the name of the castle, so you don't need the other player's friend code.The game gives you a list of "recommended" castles as well.
  2. A looked at and it's still 1.0. Cause I remember playing with my friends once, and the hover bug in fishing pond happened. But the other bugs didn't happen, oddly enough.
  3. The NA version of the swimwear in the hot spring for all characters.
  4. Out of curiosity, I dug my copy as well and lo and behold, it's a grey 1.0. I know it's the 1.0 version because of the chanting. I actually have something rare!
  5. Let's be honest, the puppets from Fates can be pretty creepy...
  6. Oh, now I remember! Especially the Ridley thing! That part in Melee's opening is what made many people want him in the first place!But man, even back then there already was controversy... Makes me wonder what would be people's reaction if Mr. Game & Watch were to be a new character in 4 instead of Meele.
  7. How was it?I remember parts of it, but not everthing. Could you refresh my memory? I really curious now, and I just can't remember.
  8. http://www.siliconera.com/2016/05/20/pokmon-sun-moon-will-feature-multiple-islands/ A very small leak, but Amazon just comfirmed that the Alola Region will be multiple islands. To be fair, we all expected it. Now, I wonder which Hawaiian islands they will chose to appear.
  9. Maybe that's why Gen VI had so few new Pokemon?We are getting close to a thousand Pokemon, so they are probably slowing things. Gen VII will probably have few new Pokemon. Let's be fair, the new Pokemon will have to stop one day. They can't create new Pokemon forever.
  10. I think Sugimori is still worked on the designs, he said it himself that he wanted to make Gen VII's Pokemon look simpler. But the official artwork does seem a bit different than the usual Sugimori style.
  11. Here something interesting I've heard, Some are saying that the Pokemon artwork was not made by Sugimori this time. Apparently the official starter artworks were done by Megumi Mizutani, who also did the ORAS Gym Leader artworks, and Yusuke Ohmura did the Sun and Moon legendary art and he also did the Gym Leader artworks for BW/B2W2. However there is no confirmation yet. Some fans are guessing because of the style the Pokemon were drawn.
  12. Link has been getting more personality in more recent games, so having him talk in a movie wouldn't be too weird. And Zelda has been getting more active as well, so her role probably won't cause much trouble. Besides, she's probably would portrayed as the movie's smart person, having the Triforce of Wisdom. But would they make an original storyline, or base it on an existing game?
  13. Because they are allies?Daein's liberation ended with an alliance between Daein and Begnion. And if Daein and Begnion are allies, it's only natural for one country seek the help of the other, and it's also only natural for the other country answer said call. That's the whole point of an alliance. Daein had no such alliance with the Laguz, thus, other than the fact that the country was still being rebuilt, Daein had no reason to refuse Begnion's call for help.
  14. But they are not aiding the other group because of racism, they aiding the other group becuase they called for help.The fact that they are both racists group is irrelevant when the motivation is not racism.
  15. You're forgetting one thing.Considering the situatuon, it's not racism. She's fighting another army, who happens to be the target of racists. Daein is not in the war because of racism. Daein answering to Beignion's call for aid. Ergo, she's not participating in racism, she's providing support to another army.
  16. Of course it won't stay at an order. But consider the situation, the country is still reconstructing, is it really the right time to try to stop racism? Not really, and if she wants to changes thing, she will have to suck up and obey orders she doesn't approve of. It's not as simple as you are making it out to be.
  17. Is it really? Is the collapse of the country she loves really worth it? Do you honestly think that after fighting so hard for Daein's freedom, and becoming a saint figure, she can just say "Fuck it, I'm out" when the king gives an order she doesn't like?
  18. Again, that's the point of obligations. An obligation isn't supposed to be the right thing to do or supposed to be meaningful. An obligation is what you have to do. Nothing more, nothing less. Think about it for second. What would be the consequences of Micaiah refusing to obey Pelleas's order? Are they worth it?
  19. If I may intervene,That's the whole point of obligation, having to do something you don't like, but not having the option of backing out. Micaiah didn't have the choice of backing out, unless she risks what she fought to restore. She couldn't simply get out. It's not that simple. Remember her role.
  20. Out of curiosity are there any news on this discovery? From what I know, neither Nintendo or Game Freak tried to block the guy's video about the leak, which makes me think it might not be true and that those type icons might mean something else.
  21. Here's where I've heard:http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/learn/meanings/high_priestess.shtml Anyway, actually, the Tarot meanings in Persona games are actually quite accurate. The first two games, however, doesn't follow the tarot meanings very well, but Persona 3 and Persona 4 are very accurate when it comes to tarot. Especially Persona 4. Persona 4 uses the tarot meanings masterfully. Persona 3 the Anwser also use the Tarot motiff well, but Persona 4 still uses them best. The meanings of Tarot and the major Arcana are incredibly accurate in Persona 4. Particulary, Yukiko as Priestess, Teddie as Star, Rise as Lovers, Nanako as Justice, Hisano as Death, Daisuk and Kou as Strenght, Naoki as Hanged Man and Sayoko as Devil. Actually every single social link in Persona 4 use their Tarot motiff very well, incredibly so in fact. I could go hours on why they are accurate, but I won't bother you guys.
  22. Actually, Priestess can symbolize men, but it's very rare.Makoto seems to be a strict figure, who probably be the party member who will look after the other characters, similar to Mitsuru, which is why I said Empress. However, her strict behavior is also very fitting of the Hierophant, which is also know as the pope. As you said, Priestess is also associated with wisdom, but also with reclusive behavior, which doesn't fit Makoto. It's interesting however, that like Sakura, Anne is also said to be rather reclusive.
  23. What signs her to be a Priestess? Makoto's personality is more fitting of the Empress or Hierophant. Priestess is more fitting for either Yusuke or Haru, considering their bios. My guesses for the Arcana are: Anne: Lovers Ryuji: Death Morgana: Devil Yusuke: Priestess Makoto: Empress/Hierophant Haru: Magician
  24. Some people, after seeing this screen, are saying that Sun and Moon will run badly on the regular 3DS. What do you guys think?
  25. Actually, it's very likely that Ryuji's Arcana is Death. Ryuji's bio mention that he wasn't always a rebel, and that something happened that made him change. This great change in life is what the Death Arcana is about. It also fits his "Skull" theme.
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