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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I see, To be honest, I wasn't sure if it was battle or turns, but thanks for clarifying that. But if it depends on battle, the what if the unit is refreshed on the same turn, and then attack again, would the penalty still remain on the next turn? And what about battles triggered on the enemy phase? Does the halved attack remains during the entire enemy phase, or does one battle on the enemy phase is enough to get rid of the penalty?
  2. There's something I want to know about the weapons that halve attack/magic, let's say one unit uses Snake God in the first turn and has their attack halved, but in the second turn, they don't do anything and simply chooses to wait, so in the third turn would the unit's attack still be halved or it would return to normal, despite not having attacked?
  3. Erk really isn't a bad unit, but he's not the best unit as well, I think the best word to describe him is...average. Erk's problem is that he is at the mercy of the level-ups, it's very easy for him to get screwed by the RGN. And, is there any stat that Erk excels at? I don't really remember.
  4. It is a possibilty, but if it's not the NX, why are they doing this? Is there any financial benefit? Or is it marketing?
  5. I was checking the stats between Lucius and Serra, and it seems the choice between the two depend on what kinda unit you want, if you want pure power go for Lucius, however his luck stat is terrible, meaning that while his speed is good he won't be able to dodge a lot, Serra on the other hand has an amazing luck stat, and good speed as well, making her dodge a lot, which makes her an effective healer that can also attack, however she won't hit as hard as Lucius. So, like I said, your choice between Lucius and Serra depends on what kind of Bishop do you want. If your Bishop's primary role is to attack, then Lucius is the better choice, but if the Bishop's primary role is to heal, then Serra is the better choice.
  6. I know, I've heard, but the time they waste making fake leaks could have been used for something so much better, I mean, what do gain by making fake leaks? Managing to fool some people on Internet, with something that people will only talk about for a few weeks before forgetting it? It's not exactly something worth wasting your time and skills on.
  7. That's...actually kinda sad.I mean, imagine what they could do with such good photoshopping skills. And yet, they waste their time doing that. Seriously, the time and effort they used to create the fake leaks, could have been used for something so much better and productive.
  8. I did a little research, but I'm starting to think that maybe seven sins and the character's arcana aren't related. But anyway, about the previous, very interesting, and I get the that feeling Yusuke will be the story's tritagonist. Also, look what I found: https://mobile.twitter.com/PersonaCentral1/status/644870067692404737 There are still more party members to be shown.
  9. I tried some of your friend's stages and they pretty good. But sadly, I will be away from home and from my Wii U for a week, so I won't be able play everyone's stages for a while.
  10. Also, do you plan on using any other units other than the ones in Lyn's tale? I know you said you won't use Hector, but I just curious. Also, I know I praised Serra a lot, but it's worth noting that Priscilla is still the better unit, due to mobility and Anima magic is superior to Light magic, the good points about Serra is that she dodges a lot and will get a lot of criticals. When I said Serra is good, I was talking about Light magic users.
  11. Here it is:http://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/characters/supports/calculation/ This page tells a lot about elemental affinities and supports. Hope it helps! The boost given by supports however are not as high as the ones in Awakening, but they are still very good.
  12. You don't need to force yourself to use Serra because of me, but anyway, The problem with Will, is that most base class archers like him and Rebecca don't do well, Louise, despite being a pre-promote and joining late, usually is better. Sain's is pretty good, he has excellent strenght. Both Lucius and Serra are good, but Serra's is usually the superior light magic user, due her supports choices. That being said Serra and Lucius can support with each other, and their support bonuses make the two quite a team. Their supports conversations being good certaintly doesn't hurt either. Do you know how the character's elemental affinity boost each stat? The support bonuses from the GBA games work in different way than from Awakening.
  13. Ever read Fire Emblem's reddit? Or youtube comments on Fire Emblem videos? I also remember a certain guy on gamefaqs, who hated every game after FE7, and honestly thought that IS was plotting against him. I wonder what's his opnion on Awakening and Fates.
  14. The Chariot being connected to envy is quite likely, as it symbolize victory and a competitive spirit. The Moon being gluttony is...likely and unlikely at the same time. Mostly because The Moon is a card that's is pretty hard to read. The Moon symbolizes many things, like madness, illusion, dreams, mental illness, astonishing creativity, powerful magic, and intuition. If you ever try Tarot to read your future, and get the Moon, you're in for an emotional roller coaster. It is a card of extremes so it might fit glutonny. And I better stop here, if I keep talking about The Moon, this post will get extremely long, so I apologize for rambling, I kinda went overboard.
  15. Actually, Persona used both modern and old meanings of tarot, which is why I like it so much.But I won't deny that it's hard trying to find a connection between The Fool and the sin of wrath, and I'm still trying to find an Arcana that connects to glutonny.
  16. The thing about is not that he's too buff, he really isn't, but rather he has just the right amount of muscles. Not to small, but to not big. Just the perfect amount, and those arms are very well defined.
  17. Sakura, really? That's odd. I've heard nothing but praise for Sakura from the other players, and they say she does well in any class.And while I have not played the game, I've seen her growths, and they are pretty good.
  18. My research isn't done, but here's what I already know, due my previous knowledge of Tarot, I reseached Tarot a lot because of Persona. The Empress is also associated with vanity and pride. The Lovers could be greed, since it represents the desire for something you want, but don't really need it, you only believe you need it, as you think you will only feel whole with the object of your desires, also it would be interesting seeing a male character being The Lovers. Either The Hanged Man or The Hermit could be sloth, since The Hermit isolates himself from the world to reach enlightement, and The Hanged Man hangs himself upside down and waits for enlightement. I think Yusuke is The Hanged Man, mostly because as The Hanged Man is upside down, he lives in a different world from other people as he seeing everything upside down, which could be represented by Yusuke being from a different school. Anyway, back to my research! It may take a while thought...
  19. Good call, I forgot that the sins had that represent them, but I thought gluttony was yellow, but it's actually orange.So were missing Gluttony(orange), Envy (green), hollowness and nothingness, whose names I remember now, so I was mistaken about emptiness. About their colors, both could be either white, which is often associated with hollowness and nothingness, and black, which is the absence of light and color. So could we assume that there are still 4 party members there are yet to be revealed? And the reason I thought the demon boss was connected to lust is because the Devil arcana can be used to symbolize lust, and there those statues around it, which made me think of lust. Now that I think about it, could Morgana's arcana be the Devil? And could be Anne's arcana be the Tower, due to it's connection with pride? I think I will do a research to see which of the 13 arcana can be associated with the seven sins.
  20. Changing the subject for a bit, I was rewatching the trailer, and I was wondering, is that demon boss that used a volleyball has some connection to the sin of lust? I remember in one of the first trailers that the seven sins were named alongside Morgana. Emptiness was also named, and another word that I don't remember. Do you think the bosses in this games have will be themed after the seven sins?
  21. RD Ike of course! He's a hunk of pure muscle! That broad chest! And those arms!! Just look at them!!! Ike doesn't need a sword, just those manly arms to defeat his enemies! Muscles<3 Muscles for life!
  22. Yeah, you're right, sorry I'll fix it. Also, I do think it's quite possible that you may be able to romance the male characters, since the game's theme is about freedom and breaking free from society norms, so bisexual characters would fit the theme quite well. Also I get the feeling that Phantom/Yusuke the painter is going to be a really popular pairing.
  23. That one with Jakob and Takumi is pretty funny! And Ana, I forgot to mention it before, but I really liked that picture of Ike you showed before, I'm a fan of muscles. Muscles <3
  24. I don't deny that Carmen Sandiengo is the first thing that came to my mind when I heard the persona's name, my problem is that some people are really adamant about her persona being Carmen Sandiego, forgetting thst she's a copyrighted character. Also, Anne's persona is most likely this Carmen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen It's fits the whole stealing hearts thing, and if you look at some pictures of the play, and at the clothes of the actresseses that played Carmen weared during the play, you will notice how much they look like the persona. Especially the roses.
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