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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I just finished all the 4 elematal shrines. Which ones had the best music in you guys's opinions? Mine were: 1 Earth Shrine- The mix of instruments in this one is amazing, and there's something about the music that fits after you discover Minatauros's true nature. It's a sorrowful tune but at the same time it doesn't make you depressed, this music it's an interesting mix of sorrow and upbeat. 2 Water Shrine- I'm a sucker for classical music, and the piano is just divine, and it fits so well while you read Asura's diaries! 3 Fire Shrine- It really gets you fired up! Pardon the pun. 4 Wind Shrine- It wasn't bad, but it just didn't have the majesty of the other three, and a bit disapointing, for the last shrine. Also, I just went back to Pendrago and...well, to put it in an eloquent way:
  2. No, I know that there are brazillian people on SF but I don't think there is any SF members in the city that live. It's actually kind of weird to imagine the lives of the people that I meet on the internet. ... ... ... Wait a second, do you mean to say that you people actually exist?
  3. Yay! Another one who thinks FFV is the best in the series! Those are a rarity.I thought was was the only one. Gilgamesh is cool, but I'm more of a Ghido fanboy, you will never find a snarkier guy in Final Fantasy.
  4. Those are perfect! Especially the fact that the Ryoma snowman has his arms crossed. He looks pissed for some reason.
  5. Really? Man, I never noticed it actually, and I played Crisis Core! Man, I must have really not payed attention.
  6. A Zack pallete is unlikely, since it would be mostly the same SOLDIER outfit that Cloud wears, only with black hair. A Sephiroth pallete would probably be a black version of the SOLDIER outfit wih silver hair. Also, I really hope that the Advent Children costume has pallete swaps, cause I really want to se a white version of it. It would look so cool!
  7. I want a Maid/Butler triangle attack! But wait, if Gunther is involved, wouldn't it be a square attack? Hmm...doesn't sound as cool. And I wanted to see the Ryoma and Takumi snowman.
  8. I mentioned this before, but my guess for Cloud's alternate palllets will be the other Final Fantasy heroes like a pure white one representing Cecil, a red one with green hair representing Terra, a blue one with brown hair representing Bartz and so on. Also, I demand a "not interested" taunt!
  9. People are so quick to criticize Cloud's broody behavior in AV that they forget that Cloud actually has good reasons for his depression, considering what he went through in FF7.Aerith's death wasn't the only bad thing that happened to him in FF7, for example, remember the reason why both Cloud and Tifa had to leave the party during a part of the game? After something like that, it's a wonder he even managed to fight again. (I'm actually kinda curious to see that scene in the remake, I remember seeing Cloud in that state unnerved me quite a bit.) It's also important to remember that during AV, Cloud had Geostigma, a terminal disease with no know cure at the time. Is it really suprising that Cloud was in depression in AV? Maybe he brooded a little too much during the movie, but honestly, he had good reasons for that.
  10. Don't try to do everything at once. Even if you think you should do all your tasks at once will leave you with more free time, you may end doing a half-assed job due to overwork and wanting to finish it quickly. While you usually should't leave things for the next day, if it is feasible to leave something for later, you should leave it for he next day. It's like trying to eat everything you like at once, you might enjoy it at first, but you'll end sick eventually. Don't try to be the good dad, the good husband, the good student, the good employee at the same time. Be the good dad when you need to be a good dad, be a good stundent when you need to be a good student and so on. You'll be suprised of how well you can do many things if you do them one at a time. Of course you shouldn't leave everything for later, or you might end up with a worse problem.
  11. Obiviously fake, especially the whole cutting Elise thing. It's dumb, not only for story purposes, but it would also make the game unnecessarily harder, as from what I've heard Besides Elise already appeared in a Treehouse video.
  12. Damn, didn't mean for my comment to give the wrong idea, that really wasn't my intention. Sorry for this. All meant to say that both sides of the fandom, the japanese and the western, has their bad habits, and that we make seem like the japanese fandom is so different from the western fandom, when in reality they are very similar, I mean, of course there are core differences, but still. Maybe I should have explained myself better, sorry again.
  13. Just finished shrinechurch, wasn't expecting It was an interesting twist. But, wow, so many sidequests... I'm a bit overwhelmed, it's like the sandbox was opened. I think I'll start with ruins north of Pendrago.
  14. I know, it's just that I noticed something interesting about the behavior of the japanese fandom. When there's something they don't like, some are quick to say that creators of the game are trying appeal the west. In the same way that when there's something some western fans, they're a quick to say that the creators of the game are trying to appeal Japan. In the end, both western and eastern fandoms are no different, it's very interesting.
  15. Funny thing is, they're saying the same thing about Cloud. They said that Sakurai put Cloud on Smash because he's trying to appeal western fans.
  16. Warriors game tend to have a lot of character, if I'm not mistaken Warriors Orochi had more than a hundred playable character. Fire Emblem actually fits pretty well in this sort of game. And we could get a wide variety of characters.
  17. Lilith? Or maybe...Jakob and Felicia? Asura is adorable...actually a lot characters are. And I wonder what the Faceless languange is called, and if Izana has some sort of accent.
  18. I feel that playing as Guy rather than Luke is better on Unknown. Guy and Natalia work very well together. Since Guy is always running around, Tear's healing artes don't always affect him, while Natalia's artes always affect him. Problem with Natalia is that she tends to drain her TP very fast, other than she's a good party member. My party, during most of my unknown run was Luke, Tear, Guy and Natalia, and they never failed me. That being said, since you have 10x exp, even Unknown might not be too hard. Of course there's that pesky God-General trio battle.
  19. Regardless of whether Bin Laden is dead or alive, it wouldn't matter, what matters is his influence and image. Just like someone could pretend to be Bin Laden to act as decoy, someone could pretend to be Bin Laden to rally the others terrorists.And besides Bin Laden founded Al-Qaeda, not ISIS, and those two groups don't get along from what I heard. Not only that, but while Bin Laden is obviously guilty of a lot of things, he is, in the end, a scapegoat that was used to be the person that people would project their hate on, to be the story's "Big Bad" one could say, the villain which the heroes has to defeat. Not every terrorist act is his fault and there are plenty of other dangerous figures that we know nothing about.
  20. Just finished the Fire Shrine, and let me say, the bosses are hitting harder and harder every time now. I'm finding it easier to armatize with Mikleo and attack from affar, when it comes to bosses, but it does hurt losing a healer for a while. Also, I'm at the shrinechurch, and it's getting on my nerves: I mean, it's easy to get lost and you have to keep going back and forth all the time. And thanks for the advice on weaknesses eclipse! I knew about species weaknesses, but I kept forgetting because I used to weaknesses only involving the elements, but I gotta remember the species now. It becoming very important, even on regular battles.
  21. Lon'qu and Vaike are one the better choices, but since Lon'qu is better as Brady's father, I would go with Vaike.
  22. There's something I'm not getting, It has been less than an year since the Charlie incident, and like I said before there had been a bomb threat in the german soccer team's hotel. Didn't those two things should have left people, or the goverment, more careful, more alarmed? How come they were caught so off guard? It doesn't make sense...
  23. I do have Mikleo on Snack Prep, and did it have weaknesses? I don't remember. I did armatize with Mikleo and Edna, but, speaking honestly, I ended up spamming Arrow Squall and Crystal Tower.But still think that Griffin was a bit overleved for that part of the game, it drained almost all my life bottle, and the trolls after didn't help either. Also, you were right, the Fire Shrine music is amazing! And it even plays during battles!
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