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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I posted this in another thread, but I'll put it here too, Cloud in Smash means Cloud amiibo. ... ... ... There will be blood. So many people will die trying to get the Cloud amiibo. It's going to get ugly. Those who desire the amiibo will have to be prepared to face death.
  2. I just realized something. Cloud in Smash means Cloud amiibo. ... ... ... There will be blood. So many people will die trying to get the Cloud amiibo. It's going to get ugly. Those who desire the amiibo will have to be prepared to face death.
  3. I can safely say, no one saw this coming. It's like the Greninja reveal all over again. Also, the summons look awesome!
  4. Yeah, when it comes to combat, Edna really is the best seraphim. The reason I think the Water Armirite is best fusion, is because you can safely attack the enemy from a distance with the bow, and it's also especially useful when Sorey is alone. That being said, the Earth Armirite is pretty good too, and tend to use those two a lot. Really, it's just the Fire one that doesn't seem useful compared to the other two.
  5. I bought the game, and I'm enjoying it already. I just finished everthing Marlind, and I've noticed some things, is it just me, or is the fire fusion is not very useful? It's just so slow as well. And I seem to be using the water fusion the most, and it's not just because water is my favorite element, but it really does seem to be the most effective and useful fusion now. And about the seraphs characters I have to say, when it comes to battle, Edna and Mikleo seems to be the best seraphs, especially Edna, she's really strong. She's definitivelt staying in my main party. That is not say Lailah is bad, she pretty good too, but Edna and Mikleo are just so effetive together.
  6. Maybe the direct will start with a homage to Iwata and have the new president introduce himself. And I wonder if we will get any pokemon news, it's likely, considering that Zygarde's new forms have been recently revealed and the fact that Pokken Tournament is coming to west.
  7. Bear rider master race. Bear cavalier have to be class. And the class's armor must have bear ears on the helmet and paw pads on the gauntlets. Not having any of these is not an option. I won't accept anything else.
  8. Man, Nishiki is so cute! I wonder if Lazwald has been spending too much time around Odin. And I love the fact that Zero is appearing in a lot of the comics.
  9. I've mentioned this in another thread, but I would love to see a DLC map involving Arran and Samson, since they were one of the inspirations of Fates. Maybe a map based on the one they appear. Or the two as DLC units.
  10. Cool idea! I really like those pictures. I wanted to see characters in different classes. But damn, Benoit... I knew he was muscular, but the guy is built like an absolute brick house. Am I the only one left spechless by him?
  11. Those comics make me wonder about the relationship between Mikoto and Yuugiri. Mikoto didn't seem like the type that would have a murdeous woman as a bodyguard, but then again, that ruthlessness is probably needed to be the queen's bodyguard. Who knows what sort of craziness you run in this job.
  12. Chrom's crown reminds me of Xander's laurel crown. And even the fluffy coat has the brand of the exalt on it. It seems that he people in Ylisse really like to put that brand on everything.
  13. But are they said to be public baths in the game? I thought they were hot springs. And, if I'm not wrong, hot springs baths in Japan are usually in groups.
  14. Takumi, Hinata and Oboro and Leo, Odin and Zero are the best "royal and retainers trios", those guys have such good chemistry together.
  15. That wouldn't work in Fates's story I think.Having an "asshole faction vs asshole faction" would go against the whole choosing a side you sympathize with. And I think having Kamui regret his choice, regardless of the path he took, because both sides are assholes, wouldn't make for a good story.
  16. Another good idea is Dread Fighter, like Grandmaster, it makes for a great mixed attacker.
  17. You gotta respect Harold, no matter how bad his luck gets, he never gives up...which may not be good for his health.
  18. They are poor fools that doesn't understand the magnificence of water.
  19. My stand would wield the magnificent power of water! Really, there's no better or stronger element other than water, so it stands to reason that my stand would be very powerful. My foes fall before the torrents of water that my stand summons, and the oceans of the world are at my command!! Nothing can stand before the mighty power of water! I think I'm having a power trip.
  20. Here's my new stage. The Haunted Bridge: 0E03-0000-00AD-2F17 Here's some hints: It's seems fairly straightfoward but don't rush, and if there's an enemy with a projectile, kill it, or if you can't kill it, wait until the projectile vanishes, otherwise you will get overwhelmed by them. Hope you guys enjoy it!
  21. Interesting, too bad there no pictures. I wonder if they reveal it at the beginning of the next year. And I wonder which third party companies recieved the kit...
  22. I know it wasn't perfect imitation, but I never intended for it to be, I added those enemies because I thought people would enjoy an extra challenge of trying to keep the Kart until the end of the stage. Perhaps I should have said that the stage itself was inspired by the Mario Kart track, not an complete recreation, since making stages based on a theme it's a habit of mine, and I always make my stages with a specific theme in mind. That being said, I did try your stage and it was very much like the track.
  23. You should make your choice based on your Bishop is going to do. What kind of Bishop do you want? A healer or a fighter? Because if you want your Bishop to mostly be on healing duty then Serra is the better choice, however if your Bishop is going to be mostly an offensive unit, the Lucius is the better choice. On harder difficulties however, Serra is the better choice, as she can heal from the start and has great availabilty, and later will also be able to be a good fighter as well.
  24. Poor Silas... However the horse does deserve some merit, it can't be easy to travel to a different country while carrying a guy in armour. And, is it just me, or does Silas look really bulky in his artwork? Or is his armor that looks bigger? Not that I mind, in fact, I think he looks nice with a bulky bulid.
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