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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. If there ever was a Fates stage in Smash, what would guys think it would be? My best guess would be either the Water Theater or My Castle. Water Theater could have Azura dancing in the background and My Castle could be something similar to the Mario Maker stage.
  2. It's not really a spoiler, they revealed that in the second trailer for the game, and the transformation becomes available very early in the game.
  3. This support has already been discussed enough, it's not that we forgot about it, people are just tired of talking about it, besides everything that could have been said about it has already been said.Also, if a character can't get into Smash because of questionable actions, then no one should want Ridley then, and Wolf and Ganondorf should have never have been playable characters. And like others said, one of the reasons Corrin got in, is because he has lot of pontential as a fighter.
  4. From what I've heard, Dixie was originally going to fight alongside Diddy. Diddy and Dixie would be similar to the Ice Climbers, but later, after Diddy became a his own fighter, she was to be a Diddy clone. I can't be sure if this is true thought.
  5. Darkstalkers. The gameplay in this series is very fun, and it's a shame Capcom ignores it. It almost got revived too...
  6. Say, considering Kanna's personal skill, and the boosts that the dragonstone gives to defense, wouldn't Kanna work best as a tank?
  7. I want to agree with you, but I still see many, many people calling Fire Emblem a niche series. It may be a loud minority thought. And sorry for changing the subject, but I'm curious, how did Japan react to the Corrin and Bayonetta reveals? I went to Legends of Localization, but found nothing.
  8. I see, to be honest, I always found ZSS very hard to play as, but I kept hearing rumors about how easy she and Sheik are to main that I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. About Metroid, I think it's easier to say that Japan sees Metroid the same way the west views Fire Emblem, a niche series. Also, the reason Fire Emblem have one-off characters is because of the series's nature, it's rare for a character to appear in more than one game, while Metroid have recurring characters.
  9. I've heard once that the reason Sheik and ZSS are so common is because it doesn't take much effort to main them compared to say characters like Robin and Duck Hunt, characters which are said to take a lot of effort to master. Is it true that Sheik and ZSS are the easiest characters to main?
  10. Honestly, I think Corrin is an excelllent addition to Smash because of what he offers, a very unique moveset. But the negativity is getting to me, seriously, the first thing that came to mind when I saw Corrin's reveal trailer was that people were going to complain about him, either because he's another Fire Emblem character or because people doesn't like Corrin as a character. Seriously, I wanted to enjoy the reveal, but the only thing I kept thinking about during the video was how people would complain about him. Maybe this is my own fault and I should't give the other fans's opinons much thought, but still, there's way too much negativity around in both the Smash and Fire Emblem fandoms.
  11. I posted this on another thread, but I think this is important to say, is that these could be different voice actors than the ones in the actual game, remember that Fate's dub has already been recorded about a year ago, so they may not have managed to get all of the original voice actors for this trailer.
  12. There also something important that I've remembered, these could be different voice actors than the ones in the actual game, remember that Fate's dub has already been recorded about a year ago, so they may not have managed to get all of the original voice actors for this trailer.
  13. First of all, I really liked it, and the new fighters are awesome. Second, the amount of salt I've seen about them is incredible...but I'm not sure if its incredibly funny or incredibly sad, maybe both? Talking about salt, how are thing over at smashboards?
  14. Also, Togekiss, Rotom, Dragonite and Victini confirmed as assist pokemon, and deconfirmed as playable. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/baFm1SXT6H6NuQC8vWZ8jwd7wvzVjVS0c8VuU3FAyEyP_duD6FzQ_mjXXmuG1yNGGch6Dawf9uDuIYoS6_CkjwtUEvIKkdfP_MIda9BCTva56a2sRY8gbn6z1LHyYAQDKak5UBmlvYJw8NSQZkwg=w654-h225-nc
  15. I just remembered something, there was some salt over alt. colors and alt. Characters, such as people complaing why there wasn't shiny versions of Pokemon, why there wasn't a SS Zelda, why there wasn't leopard print Dedede and there other examples as well, but you get the picture. Granted this is small salt compared to the characters, but it's still impressive that some people get salty over something as small as alternate colors.
  16. Is it possible for an outcome where people won't be salty? Then again, even if we get the characters that everyone wants, there will still be those that will get salty.
  17. Why did say that?Now I can't stop thinking about it. Stupid sexy fox. Joking aside, he did draw a shirtless Takumi and Tsubaki, so it seems that he prefers to draw the male Hoshidans shirtless. There's still hope for a shirtless Nishiki and Hinata!!
  18. I also want to see downtime versions of these two, it would be cool to see Ryoma without his armor and maybe Elise with her hair down.Another thing that would be nice is something similiar to the exalt Chrom he drew before, but this time it would be something like Ryoma and Marx dressed as kings, like Ryoma in Sumeragi's armor and Marx wearing Garon's crown and coat.
  19. Gen 6's medieval Europe theme also seems to be reflected on the human characters, we have Wikstrom who is a knight, and there's Diantha who gives a princess vibe. And the announcement is on the day of my birthday, huh? It's also worth noting that this announcement will happen a day before the Smash Bros event. I wonder if it is intentional.
  20. Yeah, it seems that Gen 6 as whole had medieval Europe theme to it, with Pokemon like Aegislah, Florges, Mega Gardevoir and etc.
  21. Funny you should mention the starters, Ken Sugimori once said that the starters of each generation are the Pokemon whose's design takes the most time to decide. He said that they always spend more time designing the starters than other Pokemon, and there's always a story behind them. For example, Samurott was designed as someone who would break fights between the serious Serperior and the hot-blooded Emboar, and the Kalos started were based on classic medieval RPG classes, the Chespin line is based on the Knight class, the Fennekin line is based in the Mage class and the Froakie line is based on the Thief class.
  22. I think Zygarde's new forms being introduced so soon may have something to with the anime's scheldule, but I'm not to sure. Also, I just remembered, that back in 2013, when Ken Sugimori gave an interview around the time of X&Y's release, he said that he was already working on the designs of Gen 7's Pokemon during that time, so it can't be to far.
  23. It's possible because, like I said before, there's usually a main pokemon game released each year. And, taking previous generations in consideration, it's safe to assume that Generation 6 it's reaching the end of it's lifespan, 2016 is probably going to be Gen 6's last year before Gen 7 is introduced, most likely in 2017 or in the end of 2016.
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