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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. You sure it's Yuri? The grunts may sound like him, but his talking voice really sounds like Cam Clarke. Yuri can do deeper voices, but Corrin sounds way to different to be him. But then again I may be underestimating Yuri's vocal range. Ever since I've heard Todd Harberkorn as Rowen from Tales of Xillia, I've learned to not underestimate a VA's vocal range.
  2. I remember you saying this before, but where have you heard that they are making Hoshido more rebellious? I remember you also saying that IK won't be translated, even though it's translation was already confirmed. Could you give us the source for your claims?
  3. I may have dropped out due to being at a place without a Wii U or 3ds, but at least I can still watch the matches! I wanna see who wins! And the matches are getting better and better! You're planning to do this again, right Jedi? I hope I will be able to join another tourney.
  4. Seth, without a doubt. Even if the enemies weren't so weak, he would still have an easy time.
  5. Well, if you want you can get an earlier Dawn Stone by trading with a friend, since you can have a Pokemon holding it.It's also possible to trade with yourself, you really only need one 3ds and wi-fi.
  6. I would say 4 is the best one for a newcomer of the series. Even though your party is constantly changing, it's have a very simple gameplay compared to the others. It's very simple to get into.
  7. I would keep Ralts and make him a Gardevoir, while Gallade is good, the Dawn Stone comes way too late in the game, seriously, you only get your first Dawn Stone just before the Pokemon League. Besides, Fairy-Type is very useful in this game. Another good choice is the Marill line, they hit very hard if they have Huge Power. Altaria is mostly defensive but it's still very useful, and it's Mega Stone is very easy to get. Electrike and Manectric are also very good and they can learn Fire moves.
  8. I would love a new Colosseum or XD. Really, I would love one, the problem is that the selling point of Colosseum and XD was that they were 3D Pokemon adventures, but with Gen 6, it lost that. I know that the Colosseum and XD games are very different from the X&Y games, but the whole reason people bought Colosseum and XD was because it was a 3D Pokemon adventure, and also because it was the only way to get Gen 2 Pokemon in that time. But now, I'm not sure if there enough incentive for people to buy a 3rd shadow pokemon game.
  9. Seconded, despite being called a sadist, Niles strikes me as a bitter person rather than a sadist. And judging by his supports with his daughter, he actually dislikes the kind of person he is.And Rhajat is more of a person that is awkward, quiet and unsocial rather than a stalker. She really isn't much like Tharja other than her cursing habit.
  10. Power of one, because it's so cool, and Lugia's song rocks! And Mystery of Mew 'cause I love Sir Aaron and Riley.
  11. My favorite character is Steven, the guy's just amazing! And Archie is Alpha Sapphire is so awesome too! Those two are great! My favorite spin-off? I really liked Colloseum and XD, I just love them so much!!! But man, Pokemon Conquest is pretty good and amazing! I'm suprised more people didn't play it!
  12. He's pretty cool guy, and suprisingly young give his deep announcer voice, he's only 22! I wonder if he will voice a character in Fates, he has been in a lot games lately. He would be perfect for Arthur!
  13. I hope Bowser isn't the main villain, because when he isn't the main villain in a Mario RPG, his dialogue is priceless. I just want a colorful world like the first 3 games, especially TTYD, which has the best setting and partners, but I do love Paper Mario 64's partners as well. Sticker Star's world felt sorta bland, compared to the original 3. For partners, I hope for a Chain Chomp partner(There was supposed to be one in Sticker Star), a Toad partner and again a Boo partner. I wonder if there will be a hub again, like Toad Town, Rogueport and Flipside. And we can't forget the Merlon and his family!
  14. Sticker Star's problems were Miyamoto's fault not IS's. The game was going to have partners. And apparently, they did a survey and it said most fans don't care about story in Paper Mario. I really want partners back, and that Toads aren't the sole NPCs. The charm of Paper Mario was the colorful world and characters. Then again I shouldn't be so negative.
  15. To be fair, Shara isn't a japanese name either, I did some research and it's actually a name of hebrew origin.So either way, Tsukuyomi's daughter doesn't have a japanese name.
  16. Usagi was the first name that came to mind when I though of an anagram for Gaius.I'm all for it! I know people are complaing about Rhajat not sounding japanese, but was Syalla a japanese name in the first place? In fact I don't think it's even a real name.
  17. You...you can't force me to choose one! You just can't! It's impossible for me! There's so many I like! Greninja Empoleon Samurott Slowking Ludicolo Gardevoir Lapras Altaria Driblim Starmie Absol Vaporeon, But I aslo love the pre-evolutions of all of them ... Huh, more than half of this list includes Water types, who would have thought it?
  18. So it was just a rumor? I swear I heard people saying they found files of a Silas and Male Corrin S-Rank Support, but I guess I heard wrong.
  19. If I'm not mistaken they did find leftover data implying that Silas could S-support with Male Corrin and Azura could S-support wit Female Corrin. But I could be wrong, as it was a while ago.
  20. I know, and I don't worry about being blunt. I'll admit it was poor performance, mostly because after he used Finishing Touch for the first time I got nervous and started makkng mistakes, such as charging smash attacks without meaning too and abusing Elwind. I lost my cool and paid the price for it.
  21. The interesting about it, is that Niles/Zero and Shara weren't supposed to be the only homosexual options. Both Silas and Azura were supposed to be homosexual options as well. Makes you wonder how gay marriage would be seen in Fates if these two options were kept. And considering these guys join you in all three routes, gay and lesbian options wouldn't be exclusive to one version or the other. I wonder why they were removed.
  22. I remember getting Red, but I don't remember why, I believe a friend showed me? Not too sure. That being said I do remember that I got Red even before Yellow was released, or at least very close. I been playing Pokemon ever since Gen 1. ...Man, I remeber when Gen 2 was announced, so exciting! And Pikablu! How could I good forget Pikablu? Those were good times.
  23. To be honest, my point wasn't archetypes, it was just to use an example, my point was that it always seems that female characters are usually the ones being critized on how they are portrayed. Of course I know there are male characters that are also critized, but the critics usually focus on female characters. I know there's good for reason for this, and maybe I'm the one in the wrong. Perhaps I'm going nowhere with this, but sometimes I feel that when it come writing females characters, writers, both male and female, are too scared of offending someone, and it leads to female characters not being used to her full potential. Simply put, I wish the writers would be more daring when it comes to female characters. Then again, I may be reading the wrongs works, and there are writers that are more daring when it comes to female characters.
  24. Good game Zerker! I gotta admit, Cloud's Finishing Touch got me more times than I like to admit, I forgot that Cloud has an insta-kill move of sorts. I gotta learn how to deal with Limit Break, I thought it would be easy to predict but I was mistaken.
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