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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. If you write a female character that's interested in sex, some people will call her a slut. If you write a girly girl, some people will accuse you of pushing a stereotype. If you write a female character that have flaws and show weakness, some people will say you think women are weak. Writting female characters can be a risky thing to do. And to be honest, I'm rather tired of the tomboy or the tough stoic girl archetype. I mean, I don't have a problem with these archetypes, but these days everytime I see a female protagonist that's a tomboy or tough girl, every other character will gush over her, saying how amazing she is. Examples are Lighting from FE13, Milla from Tales of Xillia, Athena from Ace Attorney, Lyn from FE7 and so on. Seriously, everytime there's a tomboy as the main character, everyone seems to love her, and she will be an amazing girl that never makes mistakes.
  2. Just something I forgot, I mixed the names of my NNID, it's not "Luiz" it's "WaterStarLight". It's a very long and embarassing story about the StarLight part, so don't ask, a nervous laugh is all you'll get from me
  3. This not much of an advice, but there's something important, Grind, especially when it comes to materia. This may seem obvious, but leveling up your materia is really important.
  4. I won't deny that Youthful Wind is good, is one the few Ultimate skills worth using alongside Burning Petals. In fact, Youthwind Wind, Burning Petals But Youthful Wind is something that would be more useful earlygame, like Cadenza was in Persona 3. I feel like it's potential is wasted as a lategame skill.
  5. Depends on your playstyle and party, to be honest.If you prefer constant healing, the Fuuka is better, but if you want to control turns and who attacks when you need to, the Rise is your choice. Both are pretty good however.
  6. I don't think it's Fire Emblem, doesn't seem My best guess woulb be either Mario or Animal Crossing. Mario had a really good chance, since there has been talk of Mario anime for years, Nintendo just never went through with it. But Beserk, huh? Could it be Metroid? Or Punch-Out?
  7. Seeing those is getting me pumped! Man, this getting exciting, I can't wait for my match!
  8. Glad to introduce to it! It's nice to see new fans! And yes, the sprite job is amazing, you can see the dedication and hard work the guy put on it. And did you manage watch the original series? I can show where to watch the original series if you want. And if you watched already, what where your favorite fight and episode?
  9. I wouldn't worry, the original Mario games had things that are difficult to replicate in Maker such as the Castle that reaches the sky in Super Mario Bros 3, the secret exits of Super Mario World's Forest of Illusion, etc. Which reminds me, I really gotta return to making stages on Super Mario Maker.
  10. I think one the reason that the game got easier was the buffs the party members got. Kanji makes Chie pointless in my opinion, as he makes a better tank than her and also makes a better physical attacker as well, unlike in the vanilla version where Chie was the better physical attacker. Another character that was very good in the vanilla version but not as good in Golden is Yosuke. Funny thing is, Yosuke wasn't nerfed, but rather other characters now outclass him. It seems that the only characters that remained good in both vanilla and Golden are Yukiko and Teddie. In fact I would say these two are even better Golden, especially Yukiko, as her healing was buffed in Golden, due her Social Link giving her a skill that boosts her healing, but I don't remember the name. And Teddies still remains an execellent support fighter. Also fusion became much less of a hassle.
  11. Breaking news! Magikarp has been comfirmed! Seriously, it has been confirmed. ... ... ... As a support Pokemon that is. Alongside Pachirusu. http://www.serebii.net/# Also, Sylveon and Croagunk are also support Pokemon.
  12. With more than 700 Pokemon, it's going to be hard to find someone that will get all the Pokemon they want. That being said, Chandelure it's a really interesting choice, and damn, does it look good in HD. In fact, out off all playable Pokemon, I have to say, Chandelure looks the best in HD.
  13. Welcome! Welcome! Nice to see newcomers! Also, don't worry! Everyone was a beginner once, there's no shame in playing on casual!
  14. The reason I thought there was going to be a Daisy amiibo is because the reveal coincides with the reveal of the new MariovsDonkey Kong game, which uses all of the Mario series amiibo. I thought it would be a way of revealing a Daisy amiibo.
  15. The corocoro has already been released so it's not a spoiler anymore.
  16. Say, a Daisy costume was confirmed for Super Mario Maker, could this mean a Daisy amiibo? There's isn't one, is there?
  17. We would have things like: Fire Emblem Shuffle Fire Emblem Puzzle Leatue Fire Emblem Mystery Dungeon Fire Emblem Ranger Fire Emblem Conquest...oh, wait Hey you, Marth! And so on. And I would buy every single one, ... I'm not kidding. Oh! Of Course! Fire Emblem Snap! Give me a big smile, Marth! Show thoses muscles, Ike! Don't be shy, Florina! Let's take a family shot, Sigurd! Oh man, it would be pretty interesting!
  18. Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here! Nice to see another GaiusxMaribelle fan! Also, best of luck playing RD! It can be a little tough at times, but it's pretty fun! Lots of different map clear objectives too!
  19. I'm fine with Braixen. I was actually kind of hoping for another not fully-evolved pokemon other than Pikachu. We needed more small characters, and Pikachu and Braixen fill that role quite nicely. And that Garchomp is...female, I think? Can't tell from the picture.
  20. Forgot about that one, Also, I guess one the reasons people thought that Palutena's up smash was how it looked at first. You can't deny that a giant blue laser gives an OP vibe.
  21. To be fair, a smash attack with that sort of range was unheard of before Smash 4. But you know, I just remembered the time people though Bowser was OP.
  22. From what I've seem she has a bit of a slow start up. And apparently, the longer her combo is, the longer the landing lag will be. Also, trailers always makes characters look overpowered.
  23. Like Duke of Dozel said before, the bathouse has been confirmed, and you can still see female Corrin's thighs.There doesn't seem to be any oufit changes, as Camilla is left unchanged. Also skinship has been somewhat confirmed to be in the game.
  24. You know, this discussion makes me wonder, what does the other fandoms and the rest of the internet think of us?
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