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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Here's my new stage The Fallen Angel's Pursuit: 0B31-0000-0029-54C0 I would some serious feedback on it, because I'm not completely satisfied with it, but I like the idea, so I want this stage to improve.
  2. Honestly this such blatant, obivious and badly done theft, that maybe I'm starting to understand why Nintendo is so controlling when it comes to copyright. Honestly things like these will not help us make Nintendo lighten the copyright claims they do all the time.
  3. Thanks for the feedback Jedi! And yeah, the fire bar is a little cheap, there was supposed to be more fire bars actually. I'm particulary proud of this level, especially the "Thwomp puzzle" at the beginning. Did thought it was intereting? I also noticed that many people that played my levels, really liked my Yoshi vs Bowser level, which suprised me, since I thought it could have been better, but I'm really happy that people liked it, it actually took a lot of work to create a boss battle setting.
  4. I wonder if they have their own version of the squid sister... Maybe Minnie and Daisy?
  5. My new stage, Oceanic Airship: 66C9-0000-0027-0088 Now that I'm done playing around I will try the stages you guys made.
  6. Disney has no shame, does it? Granted Nintendo did made the amiibos, which Disney did something similar before, but it wasn't this blatant...
  7. Camilla looks incredible in that dress. She really makes the best out of that dress, and Sakura looks incredible cute.
  8. I've found this today, and though it was interesting, it's probably a coincidence, but still an interesting one.
  9. To be fair, Elise was sick, so it was an urgent situation. Kamui didn't exactly have the time to have a long discussion with Ryoma at the moment.
  10. The most handsome guys are: Ryoma, Silas, Deere, Zero, Nishiki, Flannel, Kaze, Odin(muscles <3) and Shinomone(huge muscles <3) The most beautiful girls are: Azura, Felicia, Sakura. There are so much good-looking guys in this game! And for some strange reason, even though I like muscles, I don't find Rinkah attractive, and don't ask why, because I don't know the answer, it's actually confusing me since I love muscles. Don't let such a silly thing like stats get in the way of true love!True love can make anything happen!!
  11. I think Ash Greninja it's going to be a "special form" similar to Spiky-Eared Pichu, so I wouldn't worry to much. It can't be a Mega Evolution since Ash doesn't a Key Stone. And Zygarde's forms are interesting, makes you wonder if there will be a 20% form or a 30% percent form and so on.
  12. Here's my new stage: F715-0000-0021-ACB5 It's called Underwater Tunnel, and it's a bit...crowded. EDIT: Also, I've made a mistake on my previous post and posted the wrong code here's the actual code: 6F0E-0000-0019-AAFC It's called Yoshi vs Bowser.
  13. It's interesting that the biggest cynic in the game is from Hoshido rather than from Nohr, the guy has like, no hope for the world, despite being a priest and all. And Mitama seems to be just as cynic as her father, if her supports with Siegbert are any indication.
  14. Here's mine, it's nothing special, and pretty small, but I hope you enjoy it: 6F0E-0000-0019-AAFC
  15. I'm pretty sure it's possible to fill the cannons with chain chomps.
  16. If it helps, Silas and Aqua were intended to be gay options, but were cut in he end.
  17. Maybe it's because I'm law student, but I try to find proof and justification in everything, but then again, you guys are right, it's war not a court of law. And now that I think about it, Aqua's kidnapping had a rather interesting timing, considering that during that time many heirs to the Nohr royal family where being murdered left and right.
  18. Just edit your first post, the option to change the title will appear.
  19. Now that I think about it, Gunther was under orders to kill Kamui, should he cause too much trouble, so maybe Garon and Fake Garon didn't always meant to kill Kamui.
  20. Water Mage

    Pokemon GO

    Is it just me, or did only Gen 1 pokemon appeared in the trailer? I guess pokemon from later gens will be released later. But man, even if it is very different from the actual game, that trailer was awesome.
  21. That's what I think too, I'm pretty sure that Mikoto's death and Kamui's choice are what caused the war to reach it's peak.
  22. War's a tricky thing to define, one could say that the war was going even before Sumeragi was killed, or one could say that the war only really happened after Mikoto died. War is something that can be really ambiguous at times.
  23. You would be surprised by how long power scrambles can last. They can last for years.Also, both of my arguments are connected, they lost a king, a prince went missing and they all had was an assuption, it wasn't the time to go war. It was the sum of all of these events. If Sumeragi wasn't killed or if Kamui hasn't been kidnapped things would have been different. And the Garon that kidnapped Kamui and the Garon that appear in the game are two different beings, and it's that by the time that the fake Garon appeared, the royal sibilings, or at least Xander and Camilla had already bonded with Kamui, so he couldn't kill Kamui without creating suspicion. Besides, he kidnaped Kamui, only to kill him later? Other members of the court would also find Garon suspicious, and fake Garon couldn't have that. EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot about Ryoma being there... But even so the Hoshido wasn't in the right political situation to go to war, without a steady leadership. And besides, even thought Ryoma was a prince, he was still a child. Which would be more credible? The testimony of a emotionally shaken child who lost his father and sibiling or the testimony of an adult king?
  24. He was with his retainers, Kaze was there as well. However, even the word of a retainer, no matter how trustworthy, means nothing next to the word of a king. And no matter how obivious, you can't accuse a king of a crime without proof. And I'll repeat, even if there was proof, that was not the time to go war, they just lost a king and a prince went missing. Things in Hoshido were far to hetic for them to declare war.
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