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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. You could always use the remaing units as pair up fodder, that way you can use a core team of 10 units, and the rest don't need to figh or be in danger, even if they are low-leveled.
  2. Don't be afraid to use pre-promotes, some of the best units in the game, like Marcus and Pent are pre-promotes. Also, the unpromoted healers in this game Serra and Priscilla, are suprisingly good attackers once promoted, even with an E-rank in tomes, so again, don't be afraid to use them. Also, I'm curious, did you enjoy FE8? EDIT: I totally forgot, but the convoy works a little bit differently in this game, instead of being with the Lord, thte convoy it's a unit of it's own and will be stationary for many chapters so it will require constant protection, so it might be annoying at first, but you'll get used to it.
  3. Which trailer are you talking about? If you are talking about the very first trailer, the you mean the opening theme, and the second song is Mercy of the White Hands. But if you mean the E3 english trailer, then the song is The Light Shines Beyond~ Wind, which is exclusive to the Hoshido path.
  4. I was looking at the pictures again when I realized, Is it just does Phoenix looks like he means business? Seriously, he looks really pissed.
  5. Pretty cool! Also, those FE4 figures were an interesting surprise! I know that people here would have killed for those figures.
  6. Maybe they do it like this: One case will take place in the new country, starring Phoenix. And another case will take in Japan/America, starring Apollo and Athena. This actually have potential, since it could show Apollo and Athena handling a case without having Phoenix to help them, so it could give them character development.
  7. About Apollo and Athena, it's likely that they will appear. If I remember correctly, when Dual Destinies was annouced, Apollo was nowhere in sight, and it took a few months for him to be confirmed to appear in the game.
  8. A lot of things are hinting for Maya to appear in the game. There are lot things that look like a magatama. Some people seem to think that the staff-wielding girl that appear as witness is actually Maya. She's a little hidden, but you can see part of her face in the scan.
  9. They actually changed a lot of things in Gen 6. For example, eletric pokemon are now immune to paralysis and some pokemon had their stats mildly changed, such as Wigglytuff, Clefable and Vileplume getting a boost to their Sp. Atk and Raichu and Pidgeot got a little faster.
  10. Here: http://www.siliconera.com/2015/09/01/ace-attorney-6-will-release-in-the-west/ And in other news, apparently the game will take place in another country, with a deep connection to the spirits of he dead...the Fey Clan? And the 6 in the logo kinda looks like a magatama... Here, about the new country: http://www.siliconera.com/2015/09/01/ace-attorney-6-takes-place-in-a-mysterious-country-with-dead-spirits/
  11. In Gen 6, the grass type gained an immunity to "powder" moves, like Spore, Sleep Powder and Stun Spore. And to be fair Fire is just as fragile as grass.Now that I think about it all of the Fire starters are fragile, and have low defenses. I don't think there's a fire starter that's defensive, I mean there's Emboar's large hp, but still... Not to say they are bad, most fire starters are good, very good actually, but I just realized that there's little variety when it comes to fire starters, it's always high offensive stats and low defenses. It's kinda disapointing. The should be more defensive fire pokemon, like Heatran. I mean, fire is still a fragile type, but it got a lot a resistances that people don't take advantage of. Granted their weakness are far more common than their resistances.
  12. Yup, a western realease was just confirmed! But no word on the Great Ace Attorney, which was released this year...
  13. Umm...Pretty much every Ace Attorney game had friendship as a major theme. I wonder if they introduce a new attorney... Three is already a good number, but who knows? Maybe they will try somehing different, like an attorney with more different personality than the main 3.
  14. The most recent issue of Famitsu just annouced Ace Attorney 6 for the 3DS! Time to start speculating!
  15. Silas is also a very good option. Their supports are pretty cute and sweet, with Sakura going out of her way to help him, and she even gets hurt trying to get medicine for him, and their S-support is one the best and is one the cutest, with Silas giving a poetic confession instead of the usual "I love you, let's get married." that appear in most S-supports, and Silas also talking about of how marriage between a Hoshidan and a Nohrian is taboo, but he still wants to marry her despite everything.
  16. Now that I look at them, doesn't Hoshido's symbol look like a sun? And Nohr's symbol looks like two crescent moons?
  17. A group of teens were doing a dare on the building I lived. The dare was to throw a bowling ball from the 10th floor. I was the loudest sound I've ever heard, I seriously jumped off my bed. But like I said, it was such a simple explanation, I was kinda disapointed. I was expecting something much crazier.
  18. A tree fell on your car? Well, here's something interesting that happened on the building I lived: A bowling ball fell on a car once. I kid you not. It really did happen. The truth is disappointingly simple however.
  19. Really? I thought he would get Mercenary from Silas since Jakob already has Cavalier, but I guess Base Class and Secondary Class overlaping won't change anything.
  20. Which symbol belongs to which royals?Or does the Dragon's vein symbol changes depending on where or which chapter it's used?
  21. There's a similar situation with Jakob, if he marries Felicia, and then tries to have an A+ with Silas, Jakob most likely would get nothing.
  22. Not as bad as I've heard about. I mean, the "nice body" comment was weird, but other than that is not that bad.
  23. Again, I was on the losing team, AGAIN, I lost! I did so well too! This is the fourth time I'm in the losing team for Splatfest. Can't I be on the winning team at least once?
  24. The comics starring Saizou looked pretty funny. What were they talking about? The Radiant Dawn ones were also hilarious. I loved whacking people with the staff.
  25. Same-sex marriages has already been confirmed to be in the english version of the game.
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