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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. In FE9, Crimea was portrayed as a perfect place with few exceptions, while Daein was seen was evil, again with exceptions, in fact Daein was born because of bigotry. The laguz are always good guys, even Naesala had reasons to be "evil" and deep down is a good person. In FE8, you don't see anyone complaining about Renais, and even thought Grado had good people, there seems to be a lot more jerks there. In the early games, the enemy nations were also portrayed as evil, have you seen anyone speaking good things about Dolhr and Gra? Really this black and white line of thinking is nothing new to the series. There are even more examples I can think of.
  2. Also, this is a bit minor, but your thread title has spoilers in it, not a big one thought.
  3. I love how pink-haired Soleil looks like a confident Olivia. She actually looks a lot like her grandma.
  4. If so I apologise, I did lose my cool there, but even so there's a big difference supports and FE amie, so I don't think it should be used as a comparison.
  5. I promised myself I wouldn't post here again, but I had too. Are you aware that you just condradicted yourself?
  6. Leo, that rebel... Well if Kamui can go barefoot everywhere, why can't Leo dress like that?
  7. How could I forget? The music! The music is awesome!!!
  8. -Unisex Peg. Knights and Fighters, I really love this, and I hope it stays. -The supports are actually pretty good, and despite the children being non-canon, the child/parent supports in this game are one the best in game. -The new classes, they are so cool! And we get interesting combinations like a flying that uses Tomes/Axes and one that uses Staves/Bows -The japanese theme of Hoshido, it's a breath of fresh air, from the european style of Fire Emblem( I still like the european style though) -The new weapon system, I'm a bit scared of the stat penalties, but I'm not gonna let that stop me! -The personal skills, it makes the units seems much more like individuals with their own abilities.
  9. I still think that as long you know how the game's world works, that world is at the mercy of the player's whim.But in the end, I have no right of how one should view something, so I apologize if I tried to force my opinions on you. But like mimasho, I also joined the site to have fun coversations about Fire Emblem Fates, not get in arguments like this. There's a reason I've only visited the character hate threat once, and never returned to it, I really just want to enjoy the game.
  10. It's seems to me that what is making you angry is the fact that the avatar is doing this to them, rather than the fact this can happen in the first place, and while I do agree that the characters sometimes focus to much on the Avatar, what's the point of having a player avatar if you cannot interact with the characters or affect everything in the game. The developers aren't dumb, they know if the player avatar didn't affect everythingin the game a lot people would complain. Why do you think games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age are popular? In these games, the universe is pretty much at the whim of the player avatar.
  11. The same could be said about games like Xenoblade and the Tales of series. In both of these games you can send characters into battle on bikins, beach shorts and other silly costumes, what does it say about them? Does having the ability to go in battle in silly costumes affect how you view characters from these games? Does it makes you question their standards?
  12. It really doesn't impact the game's narrative in way, not even by existing since the game doesn't shove the facerubbing on you, you have to go out of your way to do it, and I don't think the game even tells you about it beforehand.
  13. The face rubbing is ignorable, you don't lose anything by not using it.Also remember that a book and game are different things, and these days people want waste a little time as they can on various things, sad as it may be, this is especially true in Japan, there's a readon why grinding DLC exist. So in order to cater that they have to make things optional, otherwise many people won't want fo waste time on it.
  14. Actually, I think that his intent, considering Sakurai likes to add features that are separate and ignorable in his own games, so it would a major act of hypocrisy from Sakurai to complain about feature that are ignorable.
  15. Well, Sakurai does have personal experience in this, with people complaing clone characters stole away develop time, honestly this idea that the amie models took develop time away is the same thing, it's like people complaing about clones in smash all over again. I'm pretty sure there was a team of developers entirely dedicated to creating the amie models, and so no develop time would taken away from the game.
  16. But I've heard that Hoshido map design was also pretty good, not as good Nohr, but it's not just open fields, like Awakening was.And while I do agree you shouldn't waste too much time on optionial features, weren't the amie models probably handled by a group different from the one that developed the maps and the story?
  17. I don't see a problem with extra features. Some games feel bland without them. The map design is bad? I've heard is one the best in the series.
  18. Intresting to see Rinkah being so level-headed... Thinking about it, isn't it kinda sad that the Fire Clan barely plays a role in the story? Especially since you fight the Ice Clan and the Wind Clan in all three routes.
  19. Just keep playing the story, it will take a little while to unlock her, since there will be two Link-only chapters.
  20. Well, if were taking the father/child support in consideration, then Brady's father cannot be Ricken, Virion or anyone else of noble blood, seriously Brady's supports with his father makes no sense if the father is Ricken or Virion, since both enjoy tea, honestly the most fitting is someone like Gaius, since he is not of noble blood, and we also have to remember that Gaius and Maribelle have a very rocky past with each other, and their supports also have a lot of backstory for both of them, and it seems to explain Gaius's tatoo.
  21. He looks...moody, I don't think he liked it.Looking at bara Tsukuyomi, makes me want too see other characters in that getup... What? You think Thor is the only fan of muscles here? I'm dying trying to imagine Ryoma and Shinomone in the oni class.
  22. Joke of a final boss? If you seen Sora's whole story, then also seen the scene where Young Xehanort mindfucks Sora. But if you're not finished with Riku's story, there still more crazy moments to come, trust me on that.
  23. Wait, you're still trying to make sense of Kingdom Hearts's plot? I gave up at GBA Chain of Memories! Seriously thought, even thought I love the game, it has the craziest plot so far, I'm kinda scared of Kingdom Hearts 3's plot actually. I get the feeling that it's gonna be a wild ride. Have Sora met Roxas yet? If not get ready for the most WTF moment of the series.
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