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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Honestly, the lag isn't too bad this time, I still having a lot of fun!
  2. Man did I feel sorry for him... But a Fire Emblem 4vs4 was pretty cool!
  3. Drats! One careless moment cost me the match! Good going The Radiant Hero and Dotty!
  4. I know, and most Fire Emblem games start their stories when the Main Lord's country are at their absolutely worst, so it's no surprise children are fighting.
  5. Do remember that they are at war, and during thoses times if you can wield a weapon, then your age will not matter much, you will be forced to fight one way or another.
  6. That Fire Emblem 4vs4 at Suzaku Castle was pretty awesome! Too bad we didn't Ike and the Black Knight Mii as the last two fighters during the match...
  7. No! My plan to kill the Chrom Mii with Thoron was foiled! So Ganondorf is on Ylisse's side! And Chrom even won!
  8. That was pretty cool, and the Double Falco kill happened twice!
  9. You know how painful it is to start sudden death on the middle of the stage? I don't mind sudden death, but seriously...
  10. So I was right! You cad! Have no honor sir?!
  11. Sorry, I got the wrong name, it caught me off-guard, And sorry for acusing you KINGDDD... It just that Bowser was yellow and you were yellow on the other match, so I mixed up
  12. KingDDD, please be honest, was the Bowsercide intentional? I'm not angry or anything, I just have to know.
  13. I'll join in again. I hope I don't get lag...
  14. I see, sorry for the misunderstanding, I assumed that the Faceless had a connection to the IK, but I guess I was wrong. Again, sorry for the misunderstanding. But back on topic, How did fog-o-war map worked in Fates? In previous Fire Emblems, the game would give you tools to help such as torches and thieves, does the IK give any sort of tool to help deal with fog? Do they give you torches? And does units like Ninjas and Outlaws have better vision?
  15. In the IK route, the majority of the enemies you face are Faceless, Golems and those phantom verisions of the normal classes, right? (What are they called? You know, those evil versions of the normal classes that become transparent and seem to be on fire. Do they even have a name?) Of the videos that I saw that involved those type of enemies, they never seem use Guard Stance or Attack Stance(I've seem them use Attack Stance, but it didn't seem to be intentional, they don't seem to plan for it) Maybe that's the reason why there's no Guard Stance on the IK maps. Of course that doesn't excuse the fact that the Hoshido and Nohr enemies you face in this route also don't use Guard Stance. By the way, is enemies with Guard Stance something of a lategame thing? Or do they appear in early maps as well? It could be why the Hoshido and Nohr enemies don't use Guard Stance.
  16. Another possible reason why people are not complaining about her is because she can capture units, so people focused on that rather then her design.
  17. Now that I think about it, I did face a lot of swords users today.
  18. Wow, nice choices! In particular, you struck gold with Charlotte and Azura! I thought about Lapras for Azura, but I've totally forgotten about Altaria! It is a reference to Shigure? Cause Altaria really fits him.
  19. About that sentence you had difficulty with , in the A-support, I belive Saizou was talking about him doing the dirty work in Ryoma's place, But I realized one thing by reading this support and the Beach DLC, that Saizou and Kagerou really need a vacation.
  20. Well, it's certainly possible for Cordelia to be Matoi's grandmother.
  21. But didn't the lag get worse when the background got more erratic? And got better during the sea part? Granted, I played a 3vs3 in this tournament in the Mushroom Kingdom U. stage and had no lag, but even tought the background changed, it wasn't as erratic as FD and Halberd.
  22. Isn't mentioned in her bio that Soleil gets anxious about her surroundings? That cheerful attitude might conceal the fact that in truth she actually putting up a strong front. But anyway this thread is about Felicia, so let's not derail it.
  23. Found the reason for the lag: Stages It seems that stages with to much things happening like Final Destination and Halberd cause a lot of lag EDIT: I'm now 100% absolutely certain that the stages are responsible for the lag. This last match was proof.
  24. Gotta say, your swordsman Mii is impressive! I was completely destroyed in our match because I underestimated him, I mean, I knew he was buffed, but I didn't really realized it until our match, That being said, I have to apologize for not putting much of a fight and my overall poor perfomance, this tournament is the first I played Smash in 3 months, so as you most likely noticed, I am a very rusty.
  25. It doesn't seem strange at all, considering she alone with the man she loves, and probably let her guard down, besides it shows that she's actually a lot like her grandmother.
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