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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Not that hard, from what I researched it is pronouced "Levelin".
  2. First of all, I must stress for you all to take this with a grain of salt. It could be completely fake. According to this site: http://www.dcdouglas.com/credits/ It seems that in the english version of Fates there will character named Llewellyn, that will be voiced D.C. Douglas. But who could it be? I did a little research on the name: It's a name of welsh origin. It is a variation of Llywelyn. It seems to mean either "Leader or "Lion" And one of it's variations is Leolin. Could it Zero's english name? It would fit with the lion-themed name of his master Leo. Or it could be Benoit's english name, as his name may be changed to avoid having the same as Chris Benoit. Or it may be Clear's english name as he is the leader of the Ice Tribe. Again, I must stress this. That site could be fake.
  3. I finally managed to see the site, and it does seems that the link provided is trustworthy enough. Here is the link: http://www.dcdouglas.com/credits/ Now to figure out who this Llewellyn is. Maybe I should make a thread about him?
  4. Might be a mistake on Douglas's part. The dub was done rather early, so maybe it was still "Fire Emblem if" when it was being dubbed.
  5. I tried checking his site, but for some reason it doesn't load for me. Could someone check it out? Llewellyn might be the english name of a character but I can't imagine who. I'll research the name to see if it exists. EDIT: The name either means lion or leader and it's a name of welsh origins. Apparently it's a variarion of Llywellyn and, interestingly another variation of the name is Leolin. Maybe it's Zero's english name? Since he serves Leo.
  6. "It would also make perfect sense, as outside of Awakening, the series was never huge in America -- so this double-pack would be much more appealing." Umm...Are they aware that the series wasn't exactly huge in Europe either? They speak as if Fire Emblem was always huge in Europe. Is there any basis for this claim? That aside, the comments for that article are...weird.
  7. Leo and Elise can only reach A support, and I don't think they can reach A+, not sure though.And sorry to dissapoint, but Flora is Kamuisexual, she can't marry Xander. Or is this list simply pair-up?
  8. His expression and pose are like: "Well, what are waiting for? Order me already!"
  9. Hmm, you might be onto something there... I'll admit he escaped my mind, even thought he did such a good job with Ishimaru, I really liked it. Kinda ashamed that I forgot about him.
  10. Why does Marx looks so good in Hoshidan classes? Is there something he's not telling us? I wonder if Ryoma looks good in Nohrian classes... He did look handsome in a butler outfit...
  11. The child/parent supports in this game are really, really good, seriously they're some the games's best support. And why do I get the feeling Hinata and Odin would get along really well?
  12. Again, it's unlikely as he works at New York. We can be sure this game it's not being dubbed at New York, due people like Travis and Kaiji most likely being in the game, and those two work at Texas. Sure, Dan could be doing a side gig at Texas, but it would put his carrer at a serious risk, and I don't think he can afford that now. Trust me, dubbing in America, from what I know, it's very complicated thing, especially when it comes to agencies.
  13. Huh...It must have been another pokemon voice actor that retired then. But even so, it's still unlikely that Dan Green will voice anyone in this game, as he work at New York. And if I'm not mistaken, his latest role was at 2011, and since then he hasn't worked at voice acting, most likely due his wife's death.
  14. I honestly don't see a problem with Skyloft, I can understand why some don't like Wuhu, but I honestly don't see much of a problem as well. Here's a question: I want customs turned on in this tournament, but if they are banned, what about Miis? Also, we should do a 3ds tournament as well, It's only fair for those who don't have a Wii U.
  15. Dammit, now I can't unsee(or unhear in this case)Arthur's voice as a comical version of Garen...
  16. You can a grunt from Tsukuyomi in the E3 trailer.And here's some of my guesses: Nishiki: Johnny Yong Bosh Silas: Bryce Papenbrook Sophie: Cristina Vee Deere: Doug Erholtz or Orion Acaba Iago: Kaiji Tang Camilla: Wendee Lee or Tara Platt Saizou: Jamieson Price
  17. And I don't know why, but I get the feeling that in the english version, Felicia and Flora will have the same voice actress, maybe this will also be the same for Suzukaze and Saizou even though they have very different voices in japanese. Again it's just a feeling.
  18. Interesting choices, especially with Kate Higgins as Ophelia amd Karen Strassman as Soleil, I also had that same idea, but one thing bugs me: Does Reuben Langdon still voice act for games? I don't remember him in anything but Capcom games. I also don't think Tsukuyomi is Yuri, I heard him in the trailer, and even if it was just a grunt, it did not sound like Yuri. I also don't think Nishiki and Flannel will have the same voice actor.
  19. Guess Europe is the lucky one for once. To be fair, the video game industry is always making things hard for them.
  20. How about: Maribelle+Owain Lissa+Brady Sumia+Severa Cordelia+Cynthia I would be interesting to see the interact with best friend's child.
  21. True.But thinking about it, I wonder if Nintendo will ever make a poll. By the way, how many months after Awakening's release did Nintendo make the poll? We could use that to predict if Nintendo will make a poll for fates.
  22. So they will only get special version? And now I think about, how and when Fate was annouced for Europe?
  23. I wonder if the anwser to these questions will affect the DLC content that's coming after the Invisible History DLC.
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