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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I wouldn't worry, there will be someone crazy enough to saw their artbook, However it is important to remember that Sacred Stoned's official art, took years to be released.
  2. Why wouldn't he stare at it? Link does have a magnificent ass.
  3. There are supports in Fates that build faster than others, but it's mostly characters that work with each other, like Oboro and Hinata and Marx and Pieri.
  4. Now that I think about it, maybe the concubines's fight is one the reasons she possesive of Kamui, maybe after losing so many sibilings she decided to latch on one, and love them no matter what. And like Thane said, psychopath is not really the right word for her, there's actually a word for it, but I need to research it, because weird as it may sound, that sort of obssesive behavior that Camilla displays, does exist in real life. Otherwise, restraining orders wouldn't exist.
  5. No problem, as for the other question, no I don't think so, Camilla does honestly love her entire family, and with the exception of her obsession with Kamui, she's actually a pretty decent person.
  6. Camilla doesn't take Kamui's betrayal well, not because angry at him, but because she just can't understand why Kamui wouldn't want to side with Nohr, for her, Kamui's actions makes no sense, she can't find rhyme or reason to it, and it slowly drives her insanse trying to find as to why Kamui wouldn't want be at her side, so it's no wonder that she is a little messed in the head when you meet her again, besides in her mind, she must think that if Kamui has to die, at least it should be by her hand, or maybe she never wanted to kill him, but rather wanted Kamui to kill her, so she put on an act to force Kamui to fight her.
  7. Characters that can only marry Kamui, like Yuugiri, Fuuga, Yukimura, Guther, Asyura Crimson and Flora, and with the exception of Crimson and Flora, these characters are probably over 40, and most likely aren't virgins.
  8. Now that I think about it, most characters that most likely aren't virgins, are Kamuisexuals aren't they? And sorry for going off topic again, but for those who read that article, send me a message telling what were opinion on the Jimusho system, I'm feeling sadist today, and want to see some horrified reactions.
  9. Don't say I didn't warn you, but it's a fascinating, if disturbing read:http://neojaponisme.com/2010/04/05/the-jimusho-system-part-one/ There are three more parts if you want know more of this fascinating but grotesque industry. I apologize for going off-topic, but I had to say it.
  10. Whoa, dude, it's okay to have a different opinion, but no need to be mean, he didn't say anything offensive or disguisting.
  11. Well, you could try to stab someone with the pointy ends of a bow, or just pick an arrow and stab someone with it
  12. Okay, I'm returning, just wait a moment, as I had to answer the phone
  13. Here's a piece of advice don't go Brady, not because he's bad, rather the opposite, Brady is actually is on the best kids( he's one of my favorites), but he gets everything he needs from Maribelle, so he really doesn't need Robin, at least when it comes to classes.
  14. I can give more examples more if you guys are interested and share my morbid curiosity, And don't think male japanese celebrities are free from this, Take the Mamoru Miyano incident for example, that thing was NASTY. And there's the truth behind the idol industry, if you guys ever knew what goes behind the scenes of the idol industry, you would never see idols the same way, EVER AGAIN, seriously if you ever want to continue enjoying idols, don't research the industry behind it, it will crush you, even if you don't like idols.
  15. Good point. Still suprised thought, since the company that localized Squid Girl supposedly went bankrupt.
  16. So many amiibos... So many games... So many moms... Seriously, why everytime I go to a gaming, there's a lot of moms? And no teenagers...
  17. You know this support has serious fanfic potential, I can just imagine fanfics about Luna disappearing and Zero following her to Ylisse, and now that I think about it, Luna/Suzukaze is another that has fanfic potential, since it has
  18. Awww... Those supports were so sweet! But one part in the Odin/Aqua support: Made me laugh for a good five minutes.
  19. Here's food for thought: In Japan, some fans tried to create a law that forced all female voice actors to be virgins unless they were lesbian, I'm not joking. Also the AKB48? There was scandal, because one of it's singers was seeing leaving her home with man, and because of that she was almost kicked off the group( she still got demoted thought), and had to shave her head and do a public apology on tv, apologizing to her fans for not being a virgin anymore, otherwise her singing career was over. Unbelivable as it may sound, I can give you links, to prove I'm not lying.
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