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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I knew I shouldn't have spent 3 months without playing smash, I really gotta pratice... And I still think that the 4vs4 it's not responsible for the lag, I had a 3vs3 before, and it went just fine.
  2. It was mostly the lag that was awful, funny thing is I had a match with 3 people and had no lag at all.
  3. Funny, Pac-Man won the match without scoring a single K.O. until sudden death, I'm not angry or anything, just suprised.
  4. Really? Could I be wrong, then? I never have weeds, so when I would talk to him, he would refuse to remove the weeds, so I thought he could remove the weeds from the town...
  5. Could it be that the woman who appeared in the B-support be a child of one Garon's concubines?This support was interesting...
  6. Gotta go as well, but I will return later, and I will train to be a better fighter! Seriously, I didn't remember being this bad... By the way, how about we advertise the tournament in our Signs?
  7. Then talk to Leif! He will offer to remove all your weeds!
  8. My profile says Canada, but I'm actually at Brazil and from Brazil, it's just that there's no brazillian Eshop.
  9. Oh, oh, I'll join too! My Mii the Blue one with glasses called Luiz, for those who are curious, I sure am about the others! I'm not very good thought!
  10. It's simple all you have to write is at the end of what you want to write and
  11. What store do you have right now? Like I said before, if Leif's store has mereged with Timmy and Tomm's store, he can easily remove the weeds for you.
  12. A little off topic, but is it true that Kozaki's favorite character is Hinoka?
  13. I wasn't denying that it is Stockholm Syndrome, in fact I'm pretty sure it is. However Flora does mention that the Ice Tribe are group of prideful warriors, but Felicia doesn't seem the violent type, so she may prefer the peaceful life of maid, rather than folllwoing the path of the warrior, it does seem to be this case with Flora, Now that I think about, how is Felicia's relationship with Father and her Tribe in general?
  14. I know I'm bias, but another reason that I always choose water is because from a gameplay perspective, the Water starters are usually the safest option of the starters trios, and choosing the Water starter is never bad choice, and usually don't give you problems unlike the grass and fire starters, that said Grass is one my favorite types, but you never have much trouble if choose the Water Starter in the main story. Yes, I'm biased towards the Water Type, why do you think my username is Water Mage? I'm part of the Water master race, and the things I do in video games because of my Water favoritism are crazy
  15. And if I remember correctly, it's subtly implied in her supports with Zero that her dedication to be a maid and cheerful attitude are ways of coping with the fact that she and Flora are not really maids but prisioners just like Kamui, she didn't say that directly, but that's the impression I got.
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