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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Maybe Kamui keeps them as a memento? Or maybe Marx was the one give those socks to Kamui? Granted, both of these ideas are weird, but everyone in the army has weird hobbies.
  2. I see... From what path you got this support? Maybe in the Hoshido path is Ryoma who washed the socks, I know the supports are mostly the same on all paths, but maybe this changes? After all, it's such a minor detail, it would be easy to change.
  3. My guess is that whole thing of Marx washing sockings is something that happened a long time and Kamui still have the socks, weird I know, but it makes more sense, or does somewhere in the support does it say that Marx washed the recently?
  4. I think we should the Tourneys on the weekends, since people will have more free time during those days, By the way I meant to ask this during the Tourney but do you guys mind I add your friend codes on my 3DS? I just thought that we could do something of a Tourney on the 3DS, even thought the 3DS doesn't have Tourney mode, we could try to do something like a mini-Tourney so people who don't have a Wii U can play with us as well.
  5. This support is really strange, it's all over the place... By the way is the person who translated this reliable? Because honestly the context of the support seem weird, as if it's missing something or incomplete, which is why I think the translator got something wrong.
  6. Actually all they asked was for a X&Y pokemon, and Sakurai choose Greninja, but you know what's interesting? The reason why Gamefreak gave Sakurai only 1 page of concept art was because Greninja's concept wasn't actually finalized yet, in fact when Greninja was chosen for Smash, Greninja didn't even have name yet, he was only know as the final evolution of Froakie, and yet Sakurai managed to come with Greninja's entire moveset in a single night.
  7. The Silas/Kagerou support was pretty interesting...but: Kagerou: Yes But, it would be rude to go empty-handed. Thats right. For a greeting, Ill bring one of my works. At some point I had a picture that left a huge impression on Mikoto-sama Kagerou my dear, I'm not sure if you should bring that picture, it might make things worse, besides while I believe picture did leave an impression on Mikoto, I'm not sure it was a good one... In fact, I'm trying to image the scene now, Kagerou showing her "masterpiece" to Mikoto, which would absolutely shock her, but Mikoto being to nice, probably said something like: Mikoto: Y-Yes, it's very...unique. Oh, and Felicia? The one who eats people is Flannel, not Benoit.
  8. While Jigglypuff's popularity came from the anime, Charizard and Mewtwo are popular even without the anime, so it makes sense that they're in Smash, Lucario is the face of generation 4 and is also seen the face of Mega Evolution but the movie did help boost his popularity, and I'm not sure if you know this, but Sakurai choose Greninja even before Pokemon X & Y were released, so the anime has absolutely nothing to do with Greninja being in Smash.
  9. Now that I think about it, wasn't Kid Icarus Uprising localization also done by NOA? If so, how much different the localized version was from the japanese one? We could use that sort of information to somewhat predict Fates's localization, or at least we would have an idea about how NOA localizations works. After all, Uprising was a game with a lot dialogue, so it's very likely that NOA made some changes.
  10. I always try my best to not hate characters, and I always try my best to find positive traits about any character, however the Well-Intentioned Extremists characters always annoy me, as I utterly despise the "the ways justify the means" line of thinking, and hate how characters like that refuse that even consider listen to different points of view from others. "Destroy the world to save it", "I killed them because it was the best for them", "It's the only way" or "there's no hope left and this world is beyond saving", that's utter bullshit, it's never the only way, the always hope, and the world is always worth saving, always. There's a reason I start fuming when Takaya from Persona 3 or Mithos from Tales of Symphonia appear in the game. Also, I really don't understand this hatred of Peach, it's true that she's always kidnapped, but she's far from useless since she always tries do something help, be it on the main games or the RPGs, the only games where she did nothing are the New Super Mario Bros series and the Mario and Luigi series. Other than these two series, every other game she does something to help, even if they are very minor contributions.
  11. Really? I've heard a lot of people saying that a lot of Hoshido units lack defense.
  12. I see, is Dragon Vein more common and more chaotic on the Nohr route? Also is there something the Nohr units lack in regards to weapons, classes and stats? You know, similar to how pretty much everyone in Hoshido lacks defense.
  13. From what seeing, it seems that the reason Hoshido is easier is mostly because of the victory conditions, as they are simpler and the fact that you can grind. For those who have played the game, is my guess right? Or are there other reasons for why Hoshido is easier? Do you think that if the Hoshido maps had similar victory conditions as Nohr, and didn't allow for grinding, would the Hoshido path be as hard as Nohr?
  14. By the way that was match against Roy was probably my last one in this tournament, I'll gonna be busy now, and by the time I'm free, the Tourney will have ended, How fitting that my last match was against a Fire Emblem character in a Fire Emblem stage, I had so much fun with this tournament, we should really do that again!
  15. I'm sure he did! I should have recorded it! By the way that match with Pit at Mario Galaxy was fun! Those fake-outs were pretty funny. And how did you like my Arcfire aiming against Shulk at Smashville?
  16. Did that dog laughed the moment I was KOed? And did he laugh again the moment Dotty was KOed?
  17. I wonder which console the game would be. I hope it's a portable, since I could spend more on it, some people are expecting it to be on the Vita, But I would prefer it to be on the 3DS, even if I have a Vita
  18. I'm back in the game! Let's who I'll face now.
  19. I'm with there! I may have lost the majority of my matches, but even so, I had a lot of fun!
  20. I'm gonna jump on the Shigure love train, he really is awesome, and to me his singing is very soothing, even more soothing than Aqua's, and did you guys know that Shigure's japanese voice actor also voiced Robin in Awakening?
  21. I...don't camp much...do I? Using Robin's projectiles is my strongest point, particularly Arcfire, but now you made think, could be camping without realizing it?
  22. Since today is the last day of the tournament, that got me thinking, are we going to another one? I could something of weekly on mothly thing, or we could even do one on the 3DS.
  23. He's truly a terror... Oh no! It's him! Away with ye, beast! Do not taint these land with your evil Marth any longer!
  24. During a Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert at Pittsburgh, one of the composers slipped that Square might be making a Final Fantasy XII remake or perhaps a remaster. What do you guys think? I hope it's true. Personally I really liked FXII, it had excellent world building, and it reminds of Majora's Mask because both games have very deep sidequests, my only issue was the main party, I wish they were fleshed out more, you know they could something like the skits from the Tales series to flesh out their characters a little more. However, if it is true, I'm gonna need a lot of free time to play this game, because it is seriously time consuming.
  25. Gonna take a break now. That last match was pretty good, despite the lag, and it reminded me that I have been planning to start using Rosalina for a while now, I just gotta pratice before. Oh, and Dotty? You're in first place now, you are sharing the podium however. I've had some awesome matches today, you guys did great! Hope you enjoyed as much as I did!
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