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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. The comic about Lawzard and Shigure is interesting, are they talking about Shigure having the same voice as M!Robin? That actually kinda cool and fitting, since if M!Robin is Inigo's father then he can be Shigure's grandfather.
  2. D-did he do it? Did he drank his own urine? I must know! And, this is off-topic, but here's something interesting about Splatoon: It's a shooter that's a popular in Japan. A shooter that's popular in Japan. Not only that, but I've heard that because of Splatoon, japanese players are getting interested in other shooters. And even though I love Splatoon, I'm not really a fan of shooters, but even I know enough to realize that Splatoon achieved something impressive.
  3. Could it the name of one the capturable bosses? To those that played the game, were the voice actors for the capturables bosses named in the credits? Or were credited anywhere else? EDIT: Also, I can't I forgot this but in D.C. Douglas's page he is credited as: Fire Emblem If (2016 video game) Gunther, Llewellyn, Additional Voices Considering that he's also doing "Additional Voices", it's very unlikely that Llewellyn is a minor boss, otherwise, he wouldn't be listed as a separated name from "Additional Voices", granted "Additional Voices" could mean the generic soldiers, but I don't think a minor boss's voice actor would be credited, they weren't in Awakening.
  4. Not always. War is hell, no doubt about that, but there's nothing wrong in having a positive attitude during war, and a story about kindness and justice helping achieve peace can make for a good war story. It's a matter of how you write it.
  5. That's a bit to edgy.A serious story is nice, but too much "darkness" in a story might ruin it. You might be surprised of how an optimistic story about a brave and kind hero who saves everyone might be much better and entertaining than a serious story about a cynical hero who kills his enemies without mercy. Again, too much edginess might ruin the story. You don't want another Shadow the Hedgehog, do you?
  6. Maybe Lutz's Fighter outfit is the same as Harold's?
  7. Now I'm curious about this NSFW stuff on pixiv... Time make an account there, a brave these new waters! It's gonna be a interesting journey. I will probably run into things and images that will scar me for life...oh! Now I'm getting excited! Wish me luck! How long will it take for me to run into weird stuff I wonder... Can you guys give me an estimate?
  8. You're right. I couldn't agree more. Honestly, just because we don't like something doesn't mean others aren't allowed to enjoy it.
  9. She ships him with Leon. Also her supports with Soleil are a Yaoi vs Yuri war, and it's pretty funny.
  10. To be fair, only Nintendo of America advertised this whole "revolutionize a kingdom from the inside" thing, Nintendo of Japan never said anything of the sort, I don't think Nintendo of Japan even said that the story was more complex. So this is case of a translation mistake.
  11. 1)I think Hydra was saying was that Robin's spirit is watching over them with the spirits of the rest of the first generation characters, so it seems to be from the firfs timeline 2) They don't mention any pairings, but what's interesting is that they do mention Nah, and they seem to imply that she's showing signs of madness like Hydra, or at least they seem to imply that Nah lost control of her power more than once.
  12. Like NoNameAtAll said, it's too early to say, the only thing we know is that same-sex marriage weren't censored and will be in the localized version. To be honest, this topic has already been discussed to death here, so there's nothing really I can add. By the way NoNameAtAll, I mean no offense, but your avatar makes me really hateful for some reason, it reminds of a certain boss that was very difficult, so I can't help but look at it with nothing but sheer spite. But that was your intention, wasn't it?
  13. I see, thanks for info! I was afraid that the items were route exclusive.
  14. You can rewards from My Castle's Crystal Orb using your rank points, correct? However, there are two lists of items, one of Nohr items and another with Hoshido items. Are they route exclusive? For example, if I want Felicia's Ice Tray, but I am playing on Hoshido, can I only get it from sparkling tiles? Or does Felicia's Ice Tray don't even appear on Hoshido's sparkling tiles? Is it impossible to get Felicia's Ice Tray and other Nohr items like Arthur's Manly Axe in Hoshido?
  15. Again, I apologize, it was unfair of me, I was really rude. Anyway, back on topic, Honestly, I can see him voicing Zero.
  16. Sorry, it's just that we discovered the name Llewellyn because D.C. Douglas said he was going to voice that character in Fates alongside Guther.Again, sorry if came of rude. If you want I can show some clips of D.C. Douglas, to see if helps predict who Llewellyn is going to be.
  17. But do you really think D.C. Douglas is a good voice for Foleo?I mean, there's Todd Haberkorn, who suprised everyone by voicing Rowen in Tales of Xillia, so we could be pleasantly suprised. But still, I'm curious, why do you think D.C. Douglas is going to voice Foleo? As I said before, I don't think Foleo fits his vocal range, but I could be wrong, for all I know D.C. Douglas can pull of a girly voice really well.
  18. I still think that Llewellyn is not Foleo, as Foleo does not fit D.C. Douglas vocal range. I already posted it here, but I'll repeat, D.C. Douglas is the voice actor of Albert Wesker, from Resident Evil and is the voice of Azrael from Blazblue, so it's very unlikely that he will voice Foleo. The Nohr characters from Fates that fit his vocal range and whose english name have not been revealed are Zero, Benoit, Ignis and Clear.
  19. I still think you should try SakuraxLeon, mostly because this pairing benefits everyone involved. Sakura, Leon and Foleo all get something good from this pairing. For example, Leon can get Tomefaire and Renewal Sakura can get Devilish Wind, Magic Seal and Lifetaker And Sakura is one of the best mothers for Foleo. Really, those two compliment each well in terms of gameplay. Not to say SakuraxXander is bad, but this pairing will not benefit everyone I think.
  20. So the new Splatfest is... Autobots vs Decepticons? Well, didn't see that one coming. I'm Team Autobots, cause I always side with the good guys. And I just had a thought... In the month before the western release of Fates, maybe they do a Fire Emblem themed Splatfest, you know to promote the game. It could even be Hoshido vs Nohr! Well, one can dream at least...
  21. Despite being rushed, their S-support was actually quite sweet. How can a support be rushed but sweet and heartwarming at the same time I'll never know.
  22. I see, and I agree with you about Reed, he was a good character. My problem was that, with all them being teenagers, the family dynamic that the Fantasic Four had was lost, and that bothered me. And I totally agree with you and your uncle, it feels like I watched two movies instead of one, maybe that's why it dragged in for me, if it were two, Doom would have gotten a much needed character development. And the reason why the second half if the movie feels different, is because they had a different director. Also read this, it's the reason I have issues with the movie's production: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/fantastic-four-blame-game-fox-814764?utm_source=twitter Oh, and they are making a sequel, they were already planning to make a sequel even before the movie was released, and still are planning to make it, despite this first movie's bad reception, they are desperate to keep the movie rights.
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