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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I talking about a particular group of users that defend Edelgard whenever someone criticizes her on the Fire Emblem.
  2. You would be shocked about how there so many people that are fans of a character’s design despite knowing nothing about them. Why do you think Plumeria did so well in the CYL poll?
  3. I do completely understand that, but what annoys me is that Edelgard fans have become extremely defensive and whenever someone criticizes Edelgard they hound the person until they accept that Edelgard is a perfect person who did nothing wrong. This is particularly bad on the Fire Emblem reddit where when someone criticizes Edelgard, there’s a defense squad ready to justify her every action, though this place and reddit are different. I also want to say that I don’t want to generalize Edelgard fans, I’m talking about a particular group and a particular Edelgard stan(I’m sure some of you knows which Edelgard stan I’m talking about). I know most of her fans aren’t like that.
  4. I do think husbando factor was an important fact in the vote and that was actually the reason for my post. Allow me to explain my previous post better: I was actually calling out to certain fans who were angry that Dimitri won previous polls and were claiming that Dimitri won only due husbando factor, and now that Edelgard won the poll, they’re bragging about how “this dispel the myth that Edelgard isn’t popular” or bragging that waifu factor doesn’t play a part as for why Edelgard is popular while husbando factor is the reason why Dimitri is popular. I wanted to point out their hypocrisy.
  5. I’m not saying they’re only popular because they are waifus. All I’m saying that “waifu factor” played a large role in Edelgard’s victory by the nature of this being a gacha game.
  6. Well I’m not sure if you think it’s important or not but the reward for the 200th floor is a Lore.
  7. I’m not saying it’s only “waifu factor” that mattered in her victory, but it was a major part.
  8. Is it really shocking that Edelgard did so well? While she has her fans, remember that this is a gacha game, where female characters always are more popular than male characters due to waifu factor. I’m pretty sure a lot of people who play Heroes don’t play console Fire Emblem, so they see Edelgard and think “that’s waifu material!” and vote for her. I think waifu factor was a deciding factor in Edelgard’s victory and the proof of that is the fact that Plumeria, a character with zero presence in the game did so well in the poll. Again, this is a gacha game, so it’s possible that a lot of people voted for Edelgard for waifu reasons and not because they like her as a character.
  9. Managed to finish all 200 floors today, and I gotta say, I quite enjoyed this event. Using Servants that have been collecting dust has been a refreshing experience. That being said, the best part of the event was it not being timegated! Seriously I hate timegated events, and I’m already dreading Valentines which I hear it’s timegated.
  10. It’s worth noting that this is a gacha game, in which female characters are always more popular than male characters. There are lot of people who plays FEH but didn’t play Three Houses, so they pick Edelgard solely due to the fact that she’s a hot girl. Waifu factor in a gacha game is a powerful thing, it’s why Edelgard did so well on the Voting Gauntlet.
  11. I picked Parvati for my free SR and damn, her mats requirements are so damn easy. Like, I was to get her skills to 8/8/8 incredibly easy. Her ascension mats were really easy too. I’m starting to see why people consider Parvati so good. Not only is she’s got useful skills, she’s super easy to max! I don’t remember the last time a Servant need Horns or Lamps!
  12. This caught me off guard, but I think I’ll pick Parvati even though I might not roll for Skadi. I like the character at any rate. To be fair, my pick this year was going to he Saber Diarmuid, but I think we’re still gonna get another free 4* ticket this year.
  13. I never said she’s a horrible person, only that she’s not a very good leader. But fact is that Edelgard is still placing more value on the lives of the students. Students who are armed, that killed before, are ready to kill again, are defending the church and that are training to become soldiers. They’re not innocent lambs. They’re soldiers. The fact that Edelgard is willing to recruit them to her cause shows she considers them soldiers. Edelgard would have been completely justified in killing them. But she places more value in the lives of people not loyal to her than her own loyal soldiers. That’s poor leadership. And the fact that the students don’t die in the chapter battle in the Holy Tomb mean nothing, because no one dies in Part 1 even on Classic. When students fall in classic mode during the Holy Tomb do they retreat and can be used again or just retreat and can’t be used again?
  14. That arguably makes Edelgard look worse. It means Edelgard placed more value on the lives of people not loyal to her cause than the lives of the soldiers who actually follow her voluntarily. Yes those soldiers were prepared to die when they joined her, but would really follow a leader who puts more value in the lives of the people trying to kill than your own?
  15. You know, I really wish they made either Europa or Mandricardo a 4 star rider, because damn, when was the last time Rider was added to the general 4 star pool?
  16. Managed to get Jalter in a few rolls. I got Hokusai in less than 100 SQ as well...I’m scared I’m using up all my luck for this year. That aside, Extra Classes seems to be the way to go this event. Even with all the mixed class nodes, this event feel so much easier than Christmas 3. Am I just imagining it?
  17. Dumas the Servant? I think chances are low. The author of Strange/Fake said he doesn’t want Servants from his manga in FGO before he finishes it to avoid spoilers. It all depends of FGO will still be alive when Stange/Fake ends.
  18. Ah, I got it now. I was confused since they used the “human attribute” term.
  19. I got Orion from the GSSR which made me a little pissed, so I thought to try the Hokusai banner. Ended up getting her! Now I got two Foreigners! While it would be ideal at NP2, I can still loop with Hokusai! One thing I don’t get, does Hokusai’s anti-human NP works against Servants or just regular enemies?
  20. There’s a new Foreigner for New Years and she’s called Yang Gufei. Here are skills: skill 1 - CD8-6 : Gains self invincibility(1turn), gains a self buff for NP charge every turn(3turns), gains stars and self taunt against [Male] enemies(1turn). skill 2 - CD9-7 : Decreases NP charge of all enemies and inflicts defense down(3turns). Gains NP charge for self, according to NP charge drained from enemies. skill 3 - CD8-6 : Gains a buff [rough translation* : Living fire] that inflicts defense down(3turns) and burn(3turns) on enemy when hit, (for 3times, 3turns). Gains self defense up(3turns) Her NP is like Robin’s but with Burn and the same Overcharge effect. Her NP gain is 0.51 and four hits for all cards except her buster. She honestly doesn’t seem that impressive, at least at first hand. Her male only taunt hurts her her stalling potential, and her living flame skill puts her at danger even with Def Up. If only she was a Ruler, then she would stand out more.
  21. I used 36 SQ while rolling for the Queen of Sheba, but instead I ended up with a NP2 Abby. While my luck was amazing and this isn’t a complaint I have to ask: will I have use for her? Is her anti-Berserker niche worth it? I imagine she will be useful in the third Lostbelt, but other than that, I’m not sure. At the very least, now Chimeras won’t be a problem anymore! You guys have to agree that having a counter to Chimeras feels amazing, no more death to stray crits!
  22. From what I kept hearing about the last Abigail fight, I expected something incredibly difficult but it wasn’t really that hard. Granted I had Melt, Lip and MechaLiz plus a support Melt, but even so I expected something much harder.
  23. Have any of you ever tried their hardest to get a 4* only to get the 5* instead? I spent 10 tickets and 116 SQ trying to get Emiya Assassin but only got Ozy instead. Part of me is glad that I got a 5*, and it’s Ozy at that! A powerful 5* and I didn’t have a SSR Rider before so it’s a great thing! But another part of me is extremely salty! Getting a SSR from 116 SQ is a good thing...right? So why am I still so salty?!
  24. I don’t mind mission based events, but I hate the fact that mission events with welfare always require you to level welfare, and it’s such a waste of embers.
  25. Here are Space Ishtar’s skills: S1: increase own atk (3T), increase all allies atk except self (3T) and give them charm immunity (3T) S2: increase own np dmg (1 use, 3T), change own's np card type (3T) S3: increase own np gauge, chance for arts up (3T), chance for quick up (3T), chance for buster up (3T) Changing her NP’s card type is pretty impressive, helps her lot with NP looping. Speaking of NP, here it is:
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