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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. I like both, but I prefer Hoshido Noble Like magic is really cool and stuff, plus the skill Nohr Noble has, but the design kinda bothers me And I do enjoy staves + need them because I tend to build a physical team and I…sorta forget about healers whoops
  2. so you did change your theme nice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jiac


      It has always been like this :^)

    3. Jiac


      SHHHH it's a secret to everybody.

    4. Shadowess
  3. I sometimes theme since I didn't really know what a theme was until like two months ago, but when I do it's the avatar image, usually member title and occasionally sig
  4. 1) fav FE character? 2) fav book? 3) what encouraged you to join SF?
  5. candace is the only boss I always try to get so that's her i don't use generics but i really do enjoy the dark knight design and samurais as well.
  6. im on mobile but that xander & ryoma picture is glorious

  8. oh right i remembered i read a few more children supports nina/velouria and nina/caeldori, already read those ones but worth a mention because why didn't nina act like this in her soleil support and most of her guy supports c'mon shigure/rhajat was actually p nice, it kinda delves into rhajat's background over in the deeprealms and shigure is a sweetie aw
  9. I got Kagero/Hinata to A support; it's a p sweet interaction, I'm curious about the s support. Dwyer/Sophie is cute and Nyx/Orochi (good god why wasn't aware of this one ooooh) is good imo I'm trying to fill out the support log, those one stick out to me particularly rn. Others too but I don't wanna repeat lmao ...I just did Sakura/Jakob too. That was nice.
  10. the last picture of that comic with rhajat kinda looks like a really bad meme
  11. Thanks for doing all these translations karasu :o Nyx!Forrest is quite good, aw
  12. gg ryoma, come visit your son in the deeprealms wearing that
  13. ohhhh i get it now, yeah logging onto see that is…a sight
  14. did someone change the sf banner up on top
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