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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. in general I'm alright with localization The only two things I'm generally annoyed with are Effie and Hisame's changes, albeit I suppose Hisame wasn't exactly changed too much. He did like pickles in the JP version, but…not so much from what I saw in his supports? Effie just annoys me now oh god. I loved her in the JP version but now…ugh. But I am pleased with localization in the turnouts! I like Jakob a lot more now…ha...
  2. I just got the game, so it went: Boon: Strong Bane: Dull Talent: Ninja so far it's working out okay

  4. Wait, regarding Soleil Is her Ignatius support changed to platonic as well? Just out of pure curiosity, since their Japanese ver. was alright. Also that Laslow/Selena support is hilarious lmao
  5. Hisame's Ophelia support mentions he bought a banzai tree from a pickle stand, and I've heard that some of his other supports mention pickles? It was always there, just not his, well, gimmick :v
  6. What about Mitama? To me, she never strikes me as a teenager like Caeldori or someone, but not as young as Midori ouo
  7. For Effie they were probably going "do you even lift bruh" That's what it sounded like to me (although I vastly prefer JP!Effie sigh) Also I was looking at those voice clips, scrolling on the tumblr blog...and I accidentally pressed play on Hisame's pickle lines (headphones weren't in). Now my friends are looking at me weirdly But those lines are the best lmao
  8. Holy crap Dwyer does sound stoned lmao I like Selena's a lot though, and Kaden's. EDIT: I started listening to Keaton's and, uh…wow. he sounds more like Gaius than Asugi does
  9. Hana confesses first, yeah, it's a spur of the moment thing. She doesn't really propose iirc, though, 'cause Takumi is the one who says they should go get rings. This is off the top of my head though As for Kagero, she and Odin are accordingly p good.
  10. Just out of pure curiosity, is Sakura better as a war priestess or an onmyouji?
  11. Personally I like Camilla/Niles bc it's hilarious and sheds a bit of light on Camilla's background and there's an actual line in their S support with Camilla going "Zero, I heard you stopped stealing, was that a lie? 'Cause you stole my heart" or something like that
  12. 1. Sue 2. Say'ri 3. Cherche 4. Forde 5. Orochi 6. Marisa 7. Fiora 8. Sumia 9. Hinata 10. Hisame i made up a few up on the spot but i really like Sue EDIT: oooh how could I forget Ilyana she's great
  13. Selena and Beruka for Nohr, because….I don't know. Hinata and Oboro because they're hilarious and I like their friendship a lot, ha.
  14. Soooo Takumi is a Sagittarius Sagittarius is compatible with Leo, right? Just putting that out there. I know Leo is a Cancer pls let me make a dumb joke
  15. yes me too i've listed most of my favorite ships already, ha…Leo/Nyx is another of my favorites, I suppose. and Odin/Selena have a nice support convo, even if I do prefer Laslow/Selena.
  16. I'm going Hoshido because aesthetic classes and characters
  17. He was the chapter 14 boss. I don't remember much from that chapter either, but that was his name when I looked it up. Somehow they always end up making Ignis's name overlap with something :p
  18. So now we know everyone's localized names, right? (minus most bosses) Ignatius sounds…okay. Could've been worse.
  19. Ah, I see. I might know what you're talking about, but I'm not completely sure... Listening to that song on repeat. I really like it holy shit.
  20. Azura's voice really surprised me in Nohr. Didn't sound like Azura to me, but then I got adjusted to it. It sounds pretty good! Garon sounds more like a dinosaur
  21. I hate pairing Kamui up, but I'm going to be self-indulgent a few times Hoshido: Hinata and Kaze, and then Shura Nohr: Flora Revelations: Shura it'll always be shura and flora in the end because kamuisexuals
  22. I'm glad they kept Hisame, Mitama, and Kisaragi. Least a few of the original 2nd gen names were kept.
  23. Velouria reminds me of a ribbon or something? It's a strange one imo, but whatever. It's cool that she kindasorta kept her name in the end.
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