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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. in this thread, not much, but I've been sparking up the activity recently. So new lurker~? and if this is about my sig i need to update it haha
  2. sims 4 came out somewhat recently (like a year ago or something i can't remember)
  3. the thing that's busting me right now is Velour/Nina Their supports are decent (and I'll take anything that doesn't revolve around her fujoshi trope) and I like them being bffs but now I kind of like them more than that fuck.
  4. asugi over usagi Well, it could be worse.
  5. I'm not far into the video but I find hilarious that when they're listing Ryoma's siblings it's literally "rebellious Takumi" "shy Sakura" "and Hinoka" granted they talk a bit about her afterwards but man poor Hinoka
  6. "Son, you were named after the bravest sword I ever knew." "Oh my god Dad" bad joke is bad The Nohr brothers are such dorks
  7. So did both of the Nohr brothers name their sons after their personal weapons Because that's pretty cute
  8. Forrest…okay then? Huh. So Shigure, Siegbert, and Soleil kept their names! Cool...
  9. I spoiled the plot but I haven't watched the dialogue that goes down but I'm weak tbh
  10. oh yeah I see your guys's points And I'm curious as to what happened with the avatar movie trisi
  11. how do people even sleep at movie theaters like it's so loud
  12. Ah, I see. That's p cool, it's fine. yeah she's not real lucky
  13. wow mobile almost autocorrected "understandable" to "underway blue"
  14. who from where lol it's ok my avi got last place in character poll so it's a somewhat understandable mistake
  15. I'm late to the party but anyways I like Felicia's voice but that confession is awful. Not her voice, but what she said. Yeesh. and the dumb excuse for children are still in but I'm truly not surprised but there are lot of a glaring plotholes that make me cringe Also how long was this war anyways if everyone's off making babies and then taking care of them for like six months or whatever yeesh
  16. rip Wait expired skittles what were you thinking
  17. this topic title keeps misleading me into thinking it's 'i wanna to be a millionaire' also where do you guys keep finding these pretty artworks of these old history dudes
  18. Real talk it's kinda cute, follows w/Kaden I guess? Better get used to it haha
  19. Shura luv I thought that was a class though? Maybe I'm getting mixed up. It's kinda cute though EDIT: oh I did not see the posts above me lmao so it was a class
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