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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. I agree with this. Thing is, the first somewhat decent-looking person who the protagonist is not related to in anyway is introduced, you know that they're gonna get together. I assume maybe that's why Chrobin is everywhere, you're introduced fighting bad people with Chrom and even though Freddy is in the prologue shortly afterwards, you talk to Chrom first. I could go on with more examples but I'll just keep this summary short and concise. I'm not sure if it makes sense, so sorry if it doesn't.
  2. EDIT: someone beat me to the punch like they're lightning fast
  3. I don't know. I voted for Male Morgan (given I haven't seen much of M!Kanna) and Female Kanna based on design, but in terms of personality, they seem very similar. The only difference to me is that Kanna is said to be more of a crybaby.
  4. Once in a blue moon, but usually not.
  5. I'm not sure if I should intrude (particularly because I'm not a translator), but someone on tumblr translated Hinata/F!Kamui.http://megidoladying.tumblr.com/post/122939381259/kamui-and-hinata-supports-c-s EDIT: wait if this was referring to Hisame then oops no one has translated that I should read closer to the lines
  6. Aw, that's pretty cute. has nothing to do with the sword but whatever this is much better. Oh it was you who made that comic? I saw it floating 'round tumblr, I didn't know it was linked to the support. Makes a lot more sense now.
  7. I'm interested in seeing kid/parent supports. I've glimpsed Kanna/Kamui and Grey/Saizou, but that's really all. The children do need love after all. I wonder what Xander and Siegbert's supports are like. "Prince Siegbert of Nohr, you were named after the bravest sword I ever knew" "Dad nO"
  8. Hoshido. But I want the damn third path too.
  9. (I don't mean to come off as offensive if I do, I don't want to start a heated debate)
  10. I'll add more stuff later, I'm on mobile. Unit name: Leila Class: Myrmidon Reclassing: Archer or Dark Mage Supports: Tharja, Sumia, Vaike, and Henry, all A supports. Bio: an extremely temperamental yet sensitive girl who is prone to hitting people when she's angry, but laughs while she's doing it. Often has her head in a book, but makes dark comments while reading. She always has sarcastic responses ready on the tip of her tongue. The one who slaps people the most. Criticals: "Heehee!" "I'm not joking about death this time: you are dead." "Ooh, you've tested my temper!" "Want to see me angry?" Retreatment/Death quotes: Classic: "Looks like...I'm the one who's dead...this time..." Casual: "Looks like I got hit pretty hard...I better get this checked out!" (In conclusion I am a pretty temperamental person but once you get to know me I'm nice. I swear.)
  11. I'm gonna throw in my two cents because this looks interesting.
  12. Mostly spoiled Hoshido, but I know a fair number of Nohr spoilers. I don't care much about spoilers, though, because I know that I'd end up looking for spoilers because I'm a lame person that always reads the ending before I even start. (I'm referring to books but same goes for videogames.)
  13. Oh hell, I love Takumi. This is going to sound somewhat heartless, but I don't feel like I could ever betray him, and that's part of the reason why I'm going Hoshido. But yeah I really like him, I guess I'm miffy on the whole 'I-don't-trust-you" thing but I can't really blame him, and I just also feel really bad for him, really sympathetic. He has bad dreams, violent mood swings, mentally weak. Like I have a soft spot for that?? Plus, he's great with children. That's awesome. Although I know I'm going to get severely annoyed with Takumi/Oboro (sorry shippers) and it might shake that high opinion of Takumi. It happened with Lon'qu, I hope it doesn't happen to Takumi. But yeah to conclude I think he's amazing (for right now).
  14. For some reason, I can see this topic ending badly, but I'm just a paranoid person so don't worry about it so much. The only pairings that I can find to be "canon" or whatnot are Virion/Panne and Frederick/Sumia, even if I don't like the latter very much. With Virion/Panne, Yarne's all concerned about his father cheating on his mother and threatening his existence (least C-B), and with a guy like Virion, who flirts with practically everyone, it's not hard to see why. (Suppose you could count Virion/Olivia too, for Inigo's flirting skills, but idk.) Cynthia's all about having her father be a hero and hanging out with him, despite her father's initial objections. Frederick is initially a powerhouse in the beginning of the game, and I don't think I'm doing a good job explaining but it just seems fitting right there. Plus, when Cynthia is going on and on about his heroic entrances or hanging out in town, her father is noticably flustered and uncomfortable. Fits in Frederick's personality. Those are the only examples I can think of rn and boy do they suck I'm sorry
  15. According to that doc, only Saizou's supports with Kagerou and Charlotte have been translated. I find that funny idk why Saizou/Kagerou makes it up for me though like wow
  16. Dammit, I made regular popcorn instead of kettle corn.

  17. I haven't found it yet either, but I think I saw some tumblr blog say they're going to translate it. I can't remember what blog it is, though. I remember reading somewhere that it's a little hard to translate their supports, too...
  18. Ooh boy...the explanation kind of results in spoilers, but I put the explanation down incase.
  19. ... Dammit. Oh well. Thanks for that info, though.
  20. Oh cool. Now I'm kinda hoping for Hisame/Epinone, but you never really know. Thanks guys.
  21. (if this looks weird I'm on mobile so yeah) But anyways, I know this was a bit back but I'm just saying that I'm marrying Hinata with the full intention of giving Hisame dark pink hair and he is going to like it. Anyways, on-topic...just out of pure curiosity, on the third route can children from Nohr and Hoshido have supports and get married? I think I saw a Foleo and Kisaragi support but I'm not completely sure. (I bet I sound stupid for asking oh)
  22. Oh good, I'm not the only one who's gonna marry them. Anyways, I've scrolled through a few of the paste bins and has anyone seen any other Orochi supports? I'm curious to see her other supports with Kagerou and Takumi.
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