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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. I WANNA BE NINJA I'll probably stick with White Blood though in my first play through.
  2. Fartes Anna is gr9 ouo Although I do like her in Awakening, at one point she was one of my strongest units. But that was in my first file where I didn't know jack shit.
  3. beep bop I may have figured out IK pairings: Ryoma/Camilla Leo/Hinoka Xander/Sakura Elise/Takumi Benoit/Rinkah Asama/Effie Tsukuyomi/Nyx Pieri/Hinata Charlotte/Nishiki Subaki/Luna Hana/Flannel Lazward/Felicia Kagerou/Jakob Orochi/Odin Saizou/Belka FeMU/Kaze Azura/Silas Oboro/Zero Arthur/Setsuna I feel like I'm forgetting people oh well I'll edit it. Shinonome/Eponine Gurei/Soleil Ignis/Kinu Mitama/Lutz Hisame/Ophelia Siegbert/Matoi Midoriko/Shigure Sophie/Deere Kisaragi/Velour Syalla/Foleo I swear I'm missing people. Oh welllllll EDIT: jeez I forgot that Kanna and Midoriko are siblings in this playthrough lmao. Prolly Midoriko/Shigure then.
  4. Hoshido. I like samurais and shit like that. I'd add on to say 'I WANNA BE A NINJA' but there's Kaze so it's irrelevant I think.
  5. Only FE13. But I have an interest in Sacred Stones, and I want to play FE14 when it gets released outside of Japan.
  6. Holy shit that Pieri is awesome. Guessing the dudes are just random cooks or something. I don't think they're supposed to look remotely like anyone.EDIT: ninja'd
  7. set the awakening voices to Japanese and I'm not completely sure how this is going to go

  8. That's a cool piece of art right there. I love her hairstyle :o
  9. I did shit today. and I'm currently writing, which means procrastinating. Yay for being active
  10. EA this is the second time you've killed me in the games why you do this
  11. Awakening's story wasn't really the best; those are some of the comments I see floating around. And from what I hear, Fates's story isn't the best either. I haven't played Fates though, so don't take me up on it.
  12. Well Corrin might be a different spelling of another name. I was going to say Corinne, but it's a female-only name and it means 'fair maiden'. i bet somewhere hidden among that science jumbo there's a context that somewhat relates to the main character. And I thought 'Corrin' was just the placeholder name for the person who was playing as the Avatar in Fates? i might be wrong so feel free to correct me.
  13. iirc someone told me it was a joke and it was a reference to something (and it made a lot more sense), I want to say Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table but I really don't remember. i said that earlier but hey repeating is fun
  14. lazward makes me think of Oswald I'm sorry Zero's name has been confirmed to be the same? May I ask, where was that confirmation?
  15. so does that mean Tsukuyomi will be Sukuyomi Im surprised nobody mentioned Harold>Arthur yet unless someone did and Im just being sleepy and not remembering shit. Someone told me that they changed it for an allusion or something…can't recall it at the top of my head, but it made a lot more sense.
  16. Takumi won, ooooh :-o pretty cool I don't necessarily like Oboro, but I think it's cool she made the poll
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