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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. what drew me in was SSB because i was curious about the roster and ended up being sucked into Fire Emblem hel I really like the gameplay, it's probably my favorite thing. And at the risk of being attacked, I do like building supports, I think they're rather fun. however, i've only played Awakening, and I hear/know the older games are a bit different? Although, the other games do look interesting ouo kinda curious to try out Sacred Stones
  2. Banned for shipping Lysandre and Serena :p
  3. if you're married and you walk into MyCastle or something, I believe (believe, since I haven't played the game) they can be sleeping on your bed and in order to wake them up you smack gently on the head. or whack 'em upside the head. either one. i think.
  4. 'The Donnel' sounds like a superhero name or something for hoshido I believe Tsukuyomi is the Merric of the game, but I'm not completely sure. And there are two 'bandit twin' archetypes for Kanna's prologue, William and Hormone, who fill in that role. Least that's what I understand anyways. I know nothing of stats so correct me if I'm wrong, idk.
  5. nah, I think they'd definitely include Hiccup or someone. How to Train Your Dragon is pretty popular, and last I checked the rating was pretty high according to RottenTomatoes. maybe all the Guardians from Rise of the Guardians would be in the equivalent? not sure tbh
  6. I really like Brady/Noire and Hisame/Ophelia. Gregor/Cordy is good as well.
  7. Idk I like Sakura with Tsukuyomi but that's just me Saizou is good too tho
  8. inigo/nah. Seriously. I don't really like lon'qu/lissa too, idk he just never seemed to like her…but i can see why someone else would ship them, I can see the moments. but he just seemed…annoyed the whole time, idk.
  9. ffs I deleted my awakening file by accident ugh

  10. why no Say'ri on the poll she is my absolute favorite but I really like Sumia, Cherche, and Donny. Second gen-wise, I like Noire a lot.
  11. Banned because I don't know who Oswin or Serra are :p
  12. Banned because I don't watch anime and I don't know who Erwin is
  13. i guess i'll post my nohr and children pairings because I went over them and made a deal with my sister Nohr: Xander/Pieri Camilla/Zero Leo/Nyx Elise/Silas MaMU x Flora Jakob/Mozume Benoit/Felicia Effie/Flannel Odin/Belka Arthur/Charlotte Luna/Lazward Kaze/Azura Shigure/Eponine Velour/Siegbert Foleo/Midoriko Ignis/Soleil Lutz/F!Kanna Deere/Ophelia Sophie and then children pairings for Hoshido: Deere/Sophie Midoriko/Kisaragi Mitama/M!Kanna Shinonome/Matoi Hisame/Syalla Grey/Kinu Shigure
  14. Oh right. I forgot about that. Artemis then, I guess.
  15. Sumia: Pegasus Warrior/Wyvern Rider (idk the classes very well) Stahl: Bowman/Cavalier
  16. I have yet to play the game, but I looked it up and it said that they were the "optional bosses". They show up on a certain turn or something and can be easily missed. Least that's what the wiki said anyway
  17. Banned because your icon went from Palutena to a black skull thing!
  18. Banned because you said you would keep your last icon for awhile and you lied! :p there is nothing there!
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