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Everything posted by Coolmanio

  1. FH!Takumi's art: Also, apparently this is Skadi's effect: These effects are getting bonkers 0.0
  2. We've had it before where there are no VG banners. I feel like that will be the case here.
  3. Soooooo, anyone else feel like we are going to get Protagonist vs. Possessed as the Voting Gauntlet now? Especially since we will be having that Falchion banner coming around that time too.... It'll look like... Marth vs. P!Hardin Alm vs. P!Celica Chrom vs. P!Robin Corrin vs. P!Takumi This will probably be it. Also, I doubt P!Takumi will have the CC skill. His bow will have it built in. IS isn't gonna give use 3 copies of CC haha.
  4. What the f**********k?! Welp, I'm surprised. Gonna go for Robin (Grima?) and Celica here!
  5. I agree. I don't need any more Faye/Alm or Sharena/Wrys comics. There are SO many more interesting characters we could look at.
  6. Considering they have all appeared on Cipher cards, this shouldn't be the case. I think they will come eventually.
  7. It got me haha. I thought they would all get blessed or something when that happened lol. Side note, never will I ever be able to do that Final Boss on Hard-Expert haha.
  8. Hmm, so this time it was Fae and Sophia. I wonder what this 'mysterious' 100th Floor will entail.
  9. So, this mode is actually kind of fun. I just wish there were incentives to go back and play the levels to get 'S' rankings. Since you get the sole reward from simply completing it, there really is no reason to S rank every level. Maybe they will add quests in the future for S ranks?
  10. I did the first boss on Hard-Casual, and it was actually challenging. Expert may take some time and practice! Was the first boss for everyone else too?
  11. Only took 60 orbs and I am done ! Best luck I have had in a while!!
  12. New Calendar is up! We got a lot of stuff coming. New GHB and Voting gauntlet, 2 new summoning focuses, 3 summoning focuses with older units, and a bunch of quests/bonuses. I'm assuming the 'New Power' summoning event will be the units that just received a weapon upgrade. Also, no mention of the new, mysterious event yet!
  13. He just looks too tiny for that to be Eliwood. Gotta be Roy :/
  14. Regardless of who it is, we know we have at least one Bow character here.
  15. Dang, you changed your profile pic fast. I also feel like the 3rd panel could be good for a 'This is fine.' FEH meme haha.
  16. Legendary Hero Ike is currently in the lead!! Let's keep voting!
  17. For some reason I’m of the mindset that it won’t be Valentine themed at all. They may do something for the 1st anniversary month! But if it is, we could get our first archer. Cupid-styled!! Haha
  18. I totally forgot that Brave Veronica was already kind of teased to us. GREEN SWORD CAVALRY VERONICA CONFIRMED.
  19. Pulled a B!Lucina, Gunnthra and a PA!Azura within 5 pulls on the Legendary banner with the Anniversary orbs! Spent the rest of them trying to get Myrrh, but no luck was to be had. I think I will stockpile from now until we see who the Special heroes are, and then I will go from there!
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