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Everything posted by Coolmanio

  1. THATS THE DREAM. Only pulling on Green and want those two.
  2. Can we take a moment to appreciate our new last place character: Sir Bloom from Genealogy Glade moved on up ^.^
  3. They announced a new Mario Kart mobile game at this meeting as well.
  4. From the Annual Corporate Management Meeting at Nintendo. New commercials, huh. And it's good that the player base is increasing again. SEE IS. ADD NEW SHIT AND THEY WILL COME.
  5. So I just noticed that the Tap Battle game is, in Japanese, called かんたんタップバトル, which translates to 'Easy Tap Battle' Yay. 100 floors of easy tap battling.... If we have to do it, couldn't we at least have a challenging one?
  6. OOOOH. Yes, a good idea! W!Tharja would be awesome since she is OP. But, the masses aren't going to be coherent enough for that haha!
  7. From FEH Channel: "This Ike will play a role in the Tempest Trials launching tomorrow as well" WELP. LOOKS LIKE WE KNOW WHO THE OTHER 40% UNIT IS. 'throw phone for not having a 40% bonus unit'
  8. All the new orb maps are cool with me. 50 orb present! Yo, that's chill. Thanks IS. Training maps looks awesome and super useful. I am down with those. Tap game is a big 0.0 Hero Fest 3 is okay for those who need those units. I have all 4, so I can rest easy and avoid it. Legendary Heroes Banner...... Units look alright. I'll only pull on Green, as I need Guunthra and would LOVE a PA!Azura. Don't have Xander and don't really want him. But if I get him, at least it fills in the catalogue. V!Ike..... Let's hope he wins the... HERO VOTING THING (I already forget what it is called). Yup, there will be bloodshed here for sure. I agree with everyone else. This sits firmly in the ok range of FEH channels. For the anniversary, I did expect a bit more. #fixyourfreakingsummoningpools
  9. I would prefer the Legendary Ike, and I think that is going to happen. That way I can just pull for Greens because I need Guunthra, P!Azura and...... S!Xander I guess -_-
  10. 120 orbs so far on this banner and only a - ATK Brave Roy to show for it. Not bad, since I didn't have him, but still haha. But Myrrh was like in my Top 3 characters in SS, so I WILL get her haha. I hope the next Legendary Hero isn't TOO OP, so I won't feel bad missing him/her.
  11. Beat the quests and got the 6 orbs! Was a great little distraction! Once the arena resets, I will have enough orbs for a full pull! COME ON MYRRH. I guess it seems like we will just be getting the TT banner sprung on us tomorrow?
  12. Yeah, you're right. In Japanese, the tweet says, 近日, which means 'in a few days'
  13. You guys. This is what I want in FEH. Raid battles. Also, sick graphics
  14. The official FEH Twitter just released a new version of the male ranking chart. Apparently they used the wrong portrait of Leif originally. Here are both versions with the NEW, CORRECT version on the RIGHT.
  15. It's unfortunate, but Anna is just a victim of having 5 different incarnations of herself in the poll. But there really does need to be an Anna seasonal unit. Valentine's Day?? Anna running towards a big pile of money with hearts in her eyes?
  16. If we were to take the top two on each side now, what would their Brave Alts look like. Celica - Overlord styled Sword Camilla - Flying 'Dark' Mage Hector - Daddy Hector with.... Wolf Beil? Ephraim - Ephraim on a Horse? Like this?
  17. Yeah, I totally think I will be giving the rest of my votes to Marth. He really deserves getting a Brave version, since he has been shafted H.A.R.D in Heroes so far.
  18. Seriously. He has been so shafted in Heroes. I am gonna vote for him as well. I wonder where he would be if his two version were combined.
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