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Everything posted by Coolmanio

  1. EVERYONE IS HERE! (Sorry, I had to) As announced on our surprised anniversary FEH Channel, we will be getting 2 anniversary presents! One banner will include all the special heroes from 2017 and the other from 2018! You are GUARENTEED a 5* unit!.... The catch is, you can only pick a colour! Not a specific unit! So summoners, who are you going to go for? 2017 Heroes 2018 Heroes
  2. Ch. 61 This was a busy one! Linkmstr was a bit rushed this evening and was unable to put the translation of Anna's sign in for the LQ version, but it reads: Sale! Falchion (copper) 1 coin
  3. Ch. 60 Side note, I did not know that Arthur was Harold in Japanese... I wonder why they changed that.
  4. Was pity broken by OG Lucina after pulling for Tibarn. Don't have her at least! Only got Nailah from the beasts banner, so little disappointed in that, but I know I will get them eventually!!
  5. Camilla (Steamy Secrets) will be our free unit from Tempest Trials+. She will be a Flying dagger user.
  6. Hmmmm. That's not too far off though. Who would they add then? Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf would fit well in the world.
  7. "We're giving you beasts, so you can wait 2 months for more new Heroes now" - IS
  8. No, Hero Fest isn't signified as a 'Special Heroes' banner. These types are always ALT banners... Could this be a collab?? :0
  9. Hmmm. The 2/7 ~ 3/7 Special Heroes are most likely Valentines again, so what would the 1/22 ~ 2/22 Special Heroes be? IIRC, there was no special heroes banner between New Years and Valentine's last year, was there?
  10. Were enemy dragons always called 'Fafnirs', because I just noticed that in the trailer. What does that mean for Dragons/ Dragon Laguz? Also, I like almost everyone. I'll pull for Tibarn, Leanne, and Nailah!!
  11. I gotta say. New Year's Gunnthra is on like a whole other level. She is beautiful.
  12. Hey guys, Sorry, I was in Japan for the last 2 1/2 weeks visiting my old co-workers and friends, so I was unable to translate. Link and I will post our own version of the translations as soon as my Jet lag dies and we will be back in full swing come this upcoming manga page! I hope everyone has had a happy new year!! ^.^ あけおめ!
  13. I'm remaining cautiously optimistic. This kind of aesthetic is really tops for me.
  14. Ch. 51 As I don't play the Japanese version, I didn't know that combat manuals were called 秘伝書, which directly translated to 'Book of Secrets'. Just a weird fact.
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