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Everything posted by Coolmanio

  1. Another interesting tidbit, the use of や and など indicate that the DLC will not only include these three things. This must just be what they are willing to indicate now.
  2. They all look great and have their own style, which is amazing. Lorenz, I always had faith in you. I can't wait to see the rest of them! But, does Lysithea have purple hair here? Or am I just clueing into something?
  3. Sorry, I was a little too specific. It just says leaders and certain students (I presumed, second in commands).
  4. Here are some quick translations I have done so far. At work, so I can't do everything yet. -There is a town outside of the monastery you can check out. Anna is there to give you hints/tips if you need and there is a weapon refinery. There are also shops where you can buy weapons and items needed for quests - Tea Time is the new 'Bond Strengthening' (see Room mechanic from Fates) mechanic in this game. You can invite characters to this around their birthdays (weekends only). If you give the perfect responses during your tea time, your bond will increase greatly! - You can find items dropped all over the monastery. Often times, these are needed for quests. - You can 'Scout' units (we already knew this). Each unit requires specific parameters and professor levels to scout. You CANNOT scout leaders of the other houses or certain students in each house (presumably, second in commands) - You can give presents to the students in your house! It's best to pay attention when they are talking as they will reveal to you what they like and what they don't like! - On Sundays, you can go to worship at a temple! There are 4 temples to choose from, each named after a famous person in the history of Fodlan! Using the points you get from battles and quests, you can strengthen up each temple to get bonuses for the units using the corresponding weapon types (bows, axes, lances, swords). -Advice box and praying at church (as per Treehouse) can increase the bonds between you and your students.
  5. Sorry guys, I was not available last week (had some job stuff), so we will get you last week's ASAP. In the mean time, here is the new one from today! Ch. 82
  6. New Mode: Rokkr Sieges Fight against shadowy menaces (Rokkr) in an army Co-op mode Increase your bonus and damage by defeating enemies and attacking the Rokkr Earn rewards like orbs and feathers Debut gift of 20 orbs! Begins June 17th TBH, I was disappointed with the FEH Channel for the first two, super lame bulletins. But this... this is a cool mode I can get behind.
  7. What do the finger pointing up/nun symbols beside some of the characters' tutoring pages?
  8. I mean, they could have supports just being supports. Once you raise supports levels enough, you can still get the support convo, but they won't actually be in battle since they are in a different house. There is this part of the article that Vincent translated: This is what sells me on the fact you can only command students of your house. But who knows, all we can do is speculate (and wait for E3, haha).
  9. The way the article poses it is that you can have all students interact with each other, but technically the only units you have are the ones from your house. It wouldn't make sense if the houses didn't all socialize with each other. But they just go out on their 'assignments' with their class. This is what I inferred anyway.
  10. Personally, I pulled a NY Laevatein and a NY Fjorm. I don't have either, so I'm happy! Still want a Naga tho...
  11. Yeah, Blue is stacked here. NAGA ARTWORK: This might be my favorite artwork in the game so far.
  12. Ch. 79 Edit: Read the katakana. Wrote the katakana..... I still think Aqua is a better name than Azura, but whatever.
  13. Although now that I look at it, it looks like Mikoto just went with an ordinary bank envelope. Swear I’ve been handed these from a teller at りぞな
  14. Actually, that's part of the 'jumping to conclusions' part (in the Japanese version anyway). Certain Japanese envelopes, known as 祝儀袋 shuugibukuro, are made especially for giving money/gifts. For example... Money is the most common thing to put in them, but I have been given gifts from students/coworkers before in them. Corrin jumped to conclusions and thought it was money in the envelope. Mikoto just chose the blandest looking one she could find, I suppose.
  15. This conversation is over now, correct? Good, let's move on. Fjorm is the standout for me. I still don't have a flying healer. I'll take her and Louise please.
  16. I have played almost everyday since launch. You may also notice that I translate the 4-koma comic that is posted weekly here. I don't excel at posting on forums, but I enjoy making the community better with timely banner posts and my translation services. Don't assume I am not involved or do not care. I just don't need every instance of my game posted. Check yourself.
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