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Giga Man

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Posts posted by Giga Man

  1. well it was fun while it lasted

    I have a dreadful feeling that NoA is going to go crazy and try to get all of the subtitled skinshipping videos off of youtube

    Funny you should say that because yesterday, I was looking for the original 10 minute My Castle introduction trailer from Nintendo's Japanese youtube account, and it has apparently been made private. The fan translation of it is still around, though.

    On that note, I'd love it if NoA dubbed this trailer. In before Felicia's voice hate.

  2. That annoyed me so much in Awakening like, no I don't have a life I want to play Fire Emblem.

    It was better than the warning in A Link Between Worlds where it made you press through extra text every time you saved. In Awakening, Anna's just hanging out on the bottom screen away from interaction.

  3. Well, made an account to basically confirm it: It's gone

    IGN's Nintendo Podcast and crew have confirmed its removal. Now, I haven't really played much FE myself. I've been interested in getting Awakening and I have played a tiny bit of Sacred Stones, but I only know it through Smash. But as if the whole 3 game split with the Revelations episode technically being the True End wasn't enough to keep me away, a removal of a game MODE and making us pay basically the same as Japan is downright sleezy and disgusting.

    Before any of you mention how we pay $120 for our Special Edition, understand that I'm talking about the fact that the default price in Japan and the US/UK for a 3DS game is the same for the game in each region. Japan paid the same as they usually pay for a 3DS title and we will too.

    No, I'm not going to tell you guys to not buy the game because of this. I want you to understand though that the majority of the people that are upset are most likely due to the fact that we got something removed and probably not replaced with something good like a VN style dialogue tree.

    Do you mind providing a time stamp for those who don't want to watch (listen to) the whole 1 hour podcast?

  4. You know what I find funny about Camilla's voice clips? The giggle she does to try and sound cute sounds so bad and I love it. She thinks... No. She "knows" she's sexy and shows it off as much as possible. She's so confident in herself, which makes it very fitting to her character that the way she moves and sounds isn't nearly as sexy as she wants you to believe. So fitting to her character.

    Also, every time Hinoka opens her mouth, I giggle out loud. Her voice fits her, but I keep laughing at it, and I don't know why.

    Oh, by the way. Uh, if it wasn't already common sense considering the title, there are probably heavy spoilers in here. I had to stop watching midway through when I suspected something super serious was gonna happen.

  5. The removal of skinship on its own isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is that it is the removal of an option that allows me to further interact with my characters. I THRIVE on character interaction in Fire Emblem and RPGs in general. The characters make these games worthwhile for me. Taking away something that would allow me to learn more about these characters is infuriating.

    Awakening had the Scramble maps that allowed characters with no support amongst each other to chat amongst each other, and even provided special conversations for the avatar and specific characters. If you married those characters, you'd get more intimate dialogue, which was nice but not exactly fair for everyone. It had the Future-Past maps that provided UNIQUE conversations among the children and their many potential parents.

    Maybe we'll get more cool stuff like this as DLC again, but right now, this looks like one feature I will never have the pleasure of experiencing. It looked like a funny feature that would be good for laughs. It's a damn shame if it's gone. I want it to stay, but if it doesn't stay, I want it to be replaced with something equally meaningful. If it's gone and not replaced, I will be very VERY disappointed.

  6. Seeing how the game is soon coming out here in the West I'm starting to take notes on things, like who I want to marry and such. I plan on going with Conquest first, and eventually will marry Luna, Marx, Odin, Effie, Flora and Leon. I haven't looked up things like classes, stats and similar things so I would like some thoughts on those pairings, how to use the kids you get, classes for everybody etc.

    Are you saying that you're going to pair Luna & Marx, Odin & Effie, and Flora & Leon, or are you saying that you're gonna have those 6 characters gain S-support regardless? Cuz, if you meant the former, then, well... Flora can only marry the avatar, so... yeah.

  7. I tried sending NoA an email. Instead of responding to my concerns, they redirected me to here: http://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/contact

    I don't know if this is a recent development or they've always responded to emails with this, but regardless, I don't know how to proceed.

    For the record, I sent my email to "nintendo@noa.nintendo.com". Has anybody else tried contacting them besides that one screenshot we keep passing around?

  8. I actually have another question... Could I complete the game with a team of level 20's even if I don't re class them, or would that make the game needlessly difficult?

    Once again, sorry about posting in the wring forum.

    If they're maxed out at level 20 and they're not promoted, promote them with a master seal. After that, you don't need to do any re-classing to complete the main story if you're playing on Normal difficulty (or even Hard if you know what you're doing).

    Also, welcome to the forums!

  9. Instead of touching our units, we chat with them. We start a conversation, they say something significant, a selection of choice phrases pop up that you can choose to respond with. Your response effects the course of the conversation. Say the right things, and you are rewarded with whatever skinship rewards you with.

    After marriage and childbirth, you can pet your spouse and children. Only leave out the blowing. If she wants me to blow on her, she might as well toss me in the bed right then and there and slap an M rating on it.

  10. Like, i get that Kamui/Corrin is supposed to be around a certain age in the canon. But at the same time, i feel like it was just another excuse not to add skin tone and facial hair. Most notably, facial hair.

    *argle bargle*

    This bugs me, too. They give us avatar customization, but it's extremely limited. I'm black and have a beard. Let me be me in my fantasy, but a little taller and muscular!

    EDIT: Sorry for the double post. -_-

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