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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. Like I have reiterated many times, you do not need to break Physic to make it useful.

    A certain 3-4 strategy requires Rhys to be shoved 4 times so that he can Physic allies on turn 3. Now, I know how much of a big deal having 9/9 WT/con is, but imagine how many more shoves it would take for Mist to do the same thing.

    Unnecessary shoving, I'd rather not have those 2/3/4 shovebots and use actual fighters to help clear the way, unless I'm missing a point. I prefer Rhys using mend staff on the npcs than burn a physic use on Haar, unless he can't self heal with concoction.

    Also 3-10 and 3-11 and maybe 3-E depend on physic staff, if you've been burning uses on physic staff during chapters like 3-4 the staff is going to break.

    I still don't get why this is an arguement, it's like arguing for the General with unGeneral like growths, ex: Meg, no one ever stands up for meg, so why for mist??

    How is one more movement and a couple more speed even close to 10 more magic and actual damage, he does nice work on Armours.

    Except he's supposed to be healing and he lags behind unless he uses physic staff.

    Besides Interceptor pretty much summed it up.

  2. If Rhys has tons better Physic range and there's clearly not a shortage of the thing, I'm inclined to say he doesn't need much in the way of shoving.

    We cannot always have Brom or Kyza sitting around to shove. We cannot always spare a deployment slot so we can have a good shover sitting around. And if we can, then Rhys not being able to be shoved by a handful of characters is a non-issue.

    The question is not 'when does Shinon need to be shoved'. I could just as well ask 'when does Soren need to shove Mist'. The fact remains that it's an option available to Rhys that does not exist for Mist.

    Probably in 3-P and 3-4 if you want to heal npc laguz with Mist.

    Rhys probably needs more shoving than to shove around with his 6 move after physic staff breaks just to keep up.

  3. Actually Mist can survive a little better with shade, especially if you give provoke to Ike. Most of the attention will be drawn to Ike if he has provoke, and she's more likely to have better speed than Rhys and enemies usually divert the attention from the provoke character if the shade character can be doubled by them (Mist(T) benefits from this). I doubt Ilyana really needs shade, and you have two after 3-3 anyways might as well try it. She can reach level 10 so she can promote on 4-1 while playing efficiently, she will need to spam heal a lot though.

    BTW Rhys/Mist can benefit from unlock staff's +3speed boost for enemy phase, but only if you transfered it with Ilyana and have someone to trade with.


    Let's see, we can make a unit a slight bit better for an easy map, or make them immensely worse for a really hard map, how is this an advantage "any way you slice it"?

    You have Laura, Rhys, Micaiah, Mist, Elincia, and possible healing candidates like Bastian, Pelleas, Soren, Ilyana, and Callil.

    There is at least one healer for every route. Rhys and Laura have the option to go to any of the three routes, its not that hard having Laura or Rhys be a second healer for Ike's route. Canto Mist actually helps a lot in 4-1, with torch staff, high move, canto and sol.

  4. Theres no way Mist (N) = Mist (T)

    Mist(T) has 15 magic and 17 speed, she has no issues compared to her non-transfered self the only enemies always doubling her are SMS. She'll probably be more durable than Soren anyway with a better speed growth rate and move.

  5. You can steal physic staves along the way with Heather + disarm but you're only depending on 1 (15 uses max). I'm pretty sure physic staff is amazing for 3-10 and 3-11, and both Mist and Rhys can share the staff or not I make my healers share physic staves.

  6. Mist has innate Miracle, its pretty random though so idk if it should count. She can promote in 4-1 if she reached level 10. The other differences is that she has less magic base and growth than Rhys but a little bit more speed base and growth, she has her own free sword and her own promotion item.

    She can still be a convenient unit to use because she has her own promotion item and he'd have to compete for a master crown, but he's still handy with 25+ magic in part 4, so she'll only beat him due to move.

    Her 13 magic looses to his 23 magic and he treats a heal staff like a mend, so Mist needs many mends staffs the good thing is they are cheap in 3-2.

    Imo their gap shouldn't be that much.

    Physic doesn't last forever though and she always has better move.

  7. Also based on 4-2 I think Pelleas should drop to bottom tier.

    After arriving if he takes the left side he's going to need some shoving around to catch up, if he goes to the bottom part of the map he has to be careful with the enemies there especially the pegasus knights so he's likely to wait and he'll have trouble keeping up. BTW bottom part is easier for him to reach due to his placing when he steps in, and enemy placings on both places.

    So the best thing to do with him is having him kill/hurt an enemy armor on turn 2 if there are any of the three left. Have him wait for the warrior reinforcements on turn 5 and 6 (one enemy reinforce for each turn) so he and another character can team up on them. Any other decent pair of scrubs (I used callil and kieran) can do this without him.

    He can also use Fenrir but he can have hit issues, the best he had was 70% hit on a warrior :). Its better to giv him a forged thunder tome so he can hit the enemy instead of miss. The reason I think he should drop is because he's no different from Astrid, except dealing better damage but not enough to OHKO an enemy unless he lands a crit. Both Pelleas and Astrid need partners to kill an enemy, and both face durability issues but he has hit issues and costs a forge.

    I'm basing this on 4-2 I'll wait for 4-5.

  8. Poor Lea, especially Vika she's practically dealing no damage at all or was that Tormod? No it wasn't Tormod, I remember in normal mode he had a lot of hit issues in 4-4.

    Kieran > Geoffrey imo

    he can help Pelleas in 4-2 with a nice forge, so can anyone else but at least he has the opportunity over Geoffrey.

  9. Interceptor's strategy of Mist+restore staff is an amazing way to deal with that enemy. What can Lea do anyways in 4-4 to stay useful? I don't think using meteor is a good thing or is it?

    I think I'd rather use Rhys and/or any other healer than vulenaries, I like my characters fighting instead of using up turns on vulenaries or concoctions I carry those just in case.

  10. Volug makes a good use of resolve anyway, especially if he has a support with somebody he also doubles things (>Mordy) and deals better damage (>Kyza).

    I don't emulate, I play the actual game.

    I own the game as well and nvm the most recent is Part 2-E

  11. I think I have a save file before 3-4 want me to give it to you Master Tang? I can't judge it because I'm too strict/mean with laguz. :sob:

    btw dondon's 0% growth playthrough is amazing, I love how he manages to short turn everything considering his characters get almost no growths. You use amazing tactics, but i'm curious does the 0% growths only apply to characters or does it apply to both characters and enemies?

  12. Well, if you want to "permanently" abuse Resolve for offense, you need to be able to function well at half HP and below and you need to be able to easily manipulate your HP so that it stays in Resolve range without going too low. Mordy, like I said before, is 14HKO'd, if not better, by common enemies in 4-4 after Resolve, while Kyza is 2-3HKO'd and Boyd is likely 2HKO'd by the enemies that 3HKO Kyza. Mordy also has the highest Resolve HP of the bunch, meaning that his HP is slightly more easily manipulated with Herbs and Vulneraries.

    I guess the drawback of using this strategy on laguz is that you can't Olivi Grass and heal in the same player phase, and conventional healing is a little too strong.

    I can't think of any other better candidate for resolve than Mordecai.

  13. But as far as I remember seeing, crossbows aren't all that common (most maps have what, somewhere from 1 to 4?).

    Thats true, I've only seem very few so far. I should have tried resolve on more characters than laguz only, Sigrun seems too weak to stand a few hits though. Although maybe I could use her doubling attacks and good mobility with ranged weapons?

    wrath + resolve = <3

  14. Beorc can make very good use of Resolve if it's in the right hands. Though, it's usually better with Laguz primarily because they can leave themselves squishy enough to get thrown into Resolve Range, then transform to keep their durability up from dying in one or two hits. Mordecai is a pretty good example of what a good Resolve Candidate should be for Laguz. As for Beorc, it has its ups and downs. Boyd is okay at it, but he doesn't really have durability that's super awesome once he's in Resolve Range.

    ...If that makes some sense.

    I'm sort of confused at this.

    What I understood

    Boyd has bad durability without it

    Mordy has great durability without it

    It fits Mordy better because he can take more hits, right?

    I guess thats a no to Sigrun since Crossbows 1 shot kill her.

  15. Wait there are 3 resolves? or are you all taking away Tauroneo's and giving it to the GM's? I'd rather leave the DB resolve on them.

    Also Kyza vs Pelleas.

    Pelleas beside entering for free in 4-2 can use a Thunder forge to fix his hit issues, not the strongest of tomes but its something he could use. He also can use a left over crown for instant healing, idk if he deserves it though.

  16. Shinnon with provoke can draw away the attention from Ranulf btw, of course he'd suck against generals if he's using crossbows. You could give celerity to Gatrie or somebody else and have Haar use Savior to drop Ike to the top layer so he could do some more fighting.

    Well then maybe their tier list position can change, since how many people above them are capable of being positive without nulling out someone better? How many people in Low tier are actually capable of helping make things easier? I feel that Low tier should be fore people who are capable of doing some things, but are easily replaced by someone else. As to better compare to bottom tier, of which none are good at anything and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

    However, even if you do disagree with me on Kyza vs Pelleas, would you at least agree that neither are bottom tier despite how ridiculously miniscule their possible utility is? Cause I feel if Kyza's gonna get thrown down there, Pelleas should follow in tow, below him or not.

    He's capable of few things, just he also happens to be replaceable in that use, just like Pelleas, or most of the low tier garbage.

    That goes for Pelleas's "ridiculous chip" as well.

    You got the number for the vatican? Last time I called was with their old number, of which apparently they were screening me because they found it sort of tresspassing of me to wear my socks to a church.

    Then that should apply to Astrid and Meg as well

  17. Yeah, you wish. Soren's the only guy who's got a shot, and that's if he gets a max accuracy forge to get high 70s hit.

    Sren's got about 161+15 leadership hit on his most accurate forge. Gatrie's got 116+15. That's a nice 45 hit discrepency, and it lands him in the 40s and 30s displayed attempting this. Titania's 133+15 isn't much hotter.

    Then with Soren, he's got 2 problems here. 1. He needs transportation, of which Kyza does not with his great move. If whe transported we get the same results on the same turn, it doesn't matter if Soren's shooting up the cliff. 2. Soren requires a forge, Kyza costs 1 olivi grass. Kyza's a lot cheaper.

    If he drops to bottom, Pelleas sure as hell is going with him.

    I wonder if Ranulf could use Pass because that'd sure make it easier to get him up there since Haar is clearing the top mostly by himself anyway. Kyza can't double and he doesn't deserve a speedwing (35% speed growth? speedwing is one of the most important boosts no thank you @ Fenrir), he's scared of mages, and he's weaker than Ranulf. Haar isn't immortal either since he's also scared of mages and the sm with the wyrmslayer but he has a better chance of clearing the spots for Ranulf and Ike because he'll like double them or deal decent damage.

    IIRC Gatrie had 60% chance of hitting mages, pemn, and maybe he had a forge but it happened. I'd just rather not give him a spot in 3-4 that way other of my characters can gain cexp. Mist/Rhys can heal the left laguz npcs they could do Kyza's job instead.

  18. Also, recruiting Lehran doesn't really have a significant effect on turncount anyway, so Ike fighting the BK is pretty pointless from an efficiency standpoint. But yeah, Magic cards.

    It takes up a turn or two of cexp for Ike and maybe Haar, thats all I can think of against Lehran.

    Also Kyza does 14 damage transformed to fighters/warriors, can't double, and can't shoot up cliffs which Titania, Gatrie, and Soren can do a lot better.

    I'd say he's a horrible choice for 3-4, and I'm going back to that he belongs in bottom tier.

    As for Gatrie he should be lower than the hawks for sure, their better mobility is always more useful its takes as many turns for him to catch up as it does for them to grass up.

  19. what about Naesala vs Hawks (not Tibarn)

    who would be more convenient to bring in endgame? I like the royals never depend on olivi grass/stones/gems so thats one point that Cain is a little better than Giffca, unless you use the gem on him which equals them out.

  20. I, of course, think this was one of their dumbest ideas ever. But then I suppose fighting untransformed isn't the most efficient way of clearing maps anyway, even if it is only once to boost gauge.

    Its not reliable since sometimes (depending which laguz) gets killed but for someone like Volug theres a need to fill up the other half of his laguz gauge to make him fight sooner.

    Of course he's have to be attacked by a ranged enemy or miss a hitting them untransfomed. If its safe I do it :).

  21. Vika? Broken? HAHAHAHA no. Vika and broken do not belong in the same sentence, ever.

    I fail to see how Soren has "awesome growths in like everything" when ihis speed growth is a grand total of 5% better than Ilyana's. Oh, and his luck stinks.

    As far as RD is concerned, Titania isn't exactly what I'd call "broken".

    That aside...

    Marcia - Wishblade

    Calill - Rexflame

    Ilyana - Rexbolt

    Laura - Either of Rexaura or Valaura (Micaiah gets whatever she didn't get)

    Elincia - Amiti

    Tanith - Tempest Blade

    Sigrun - Tempest Blade

    Mist - Alondite

    Astrid - Double Bow

    Fiona - Spear (I know, I know...)

    I <3 your team

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