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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. Chapter 3-3

    Completed in 7 turns

    9,682 BEXP

    6,493 Funds

    I bought flourish in order to disarm things, it was probably a waste anyway :o. Haar has the killer axe and a few ranged weapons like javelins and short axes, I'm so happy he capped speed he made things a lot easier by going all the way up and then left. Heather stole a coin and Ellight, which is good for gold ;), Titania had hammer she's so close to capping speed. I tried giving everyone at least decent CEXP except Heather and Oscar, although they did get some. Shinnon killed the boss with a critical, unlucky for me I wanted that kill for Gatrie but it saved me a turn. I had to restart a few times since Haar wasn't dogding enough times. Also I gave Haar the speedwing before starting the chapter.

    Should I promote Haar already or wait?

    Unit       Lvl HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS   Support
    Ike      12.71 45 24  2 28 23 14 22  7
    Titania  18.50 37 26 11 25 24 20 21 15
    Mist      4.03 29 11 17 14 19 19 10 16
    Boyd      9.97 46 23  1 20 19 13 16  8
    Oscar    13.55 39 21  7 23 21 18 17 13
    Shinnon  15.22 44 22  7 30 26 17 21 15
    Gatrie   12.30 45 25  5 19 21 16 26 11
    Mia       9.17 35 17  5 26 28 19 15  8
    Nephenee  7.03 36 18  6 26 25 15 18 17  C Heather
    Heather   8.39 33 16  9 22 26 17 10 14  C Nephenee
    Haar     13.79 47 25  2 26 24 14 25  7

    Also i'm on 3-4 and Kyza isn't good at all, he gets nearly killed and transformed he's dealing 14 damage.

  2. This is what happened

    Ilyana's shade experiments:

    First I put Ilyana(normal bio) and Titania(normal bio) out there, Titania has nothing. Most of the units Target Ilyana and kill her.

    Second I put Shinnon(best bio) and Ilyana(bad) he has provoke 8 enemy units target him 2 mages, 2 sms, and 4 halbs none target her.

    Third I have Titania(good) have provoke, 2 sms and 5 halbs target her none but a mage that wasn't in range for Titania targets Ilyana(normal).

    Fourth Haar(normal) has provoke 4 halbs 2 sms, 2 mages target him none target Ilyana(normal)

    Lastly Mia(best) has provoke 2 sms, 3 halbs, 1 mage target her and none target Ilyana(bad)

    Ilyana unequipped targets half of the enemies

    *Only Mia, Shinnon doubled all enemies. Titania doubled some halbs. Ilyana does not get doubled by anything.

    Brom's shade experiments:

    First Brom(normal) uses shade and Shinnon(best) has provoke 6 halbs, and 2 sms target shinnon

    however 2 mages target Brom.

    Second Brom(normal) and Haar provoke(normal), 5 halbs, 2 sms target Haar the 2 mages target Brom again.

    Brom unequipped targets half of the enemies.

    *Brom has 16 speed so he'd get doubled by everything except mages.

    Soren's shade experiments:

    Soren(normal) uses shade and Shinnon(bad) provoke 6 halbs target Shinnon, 1 mage targets shinnon but 1 sms targets Soren doubles him and kills him.

    Soren unequipped targets more attention than Ilyana or Brom.

    *Soren gets doubled by sms only.

    I see that beside the skills speed, defense and resistance are critical as to whether the enemy ignores your shade unit or not. As long as the provoke character is there he or she should gather most of the attention.

    You were trying to solo the map with ike? otherwise he was down on damage, i won't believe ike died.

    If your using ilyana just keep it on her, ike won't need it unless you don't want him getting as much exp.

    No he wasn't soloing he was just in a wall line of characters all shielding mist and brom from the myrms and mages but both mages targeted him and so did the myrm and he died.

  3. There's not a lot of solid data on how Shade works, but generally it seems like it reduces the chance for someone to get attacked when they normally would be. I tend to put it on Ike, no joke, since it acts as a counterweight to his big threat increase from being the commander. It's typically not very effective on someone who doesn't deal damage on counter (which is why it's really important to make sure that Heather doesn't deal goose eggs with her equipped weapon if you want to use Shade on her).

    Ilyana makes good use of her innate Shade, to the extent that it's possible, since she can generally survive a direct hit if she'd not being doubled, and counters everything while hitting RES (which seems to make enemies avoid her a touch more often). But the reason that they probably ignored her for Shinon mostly has to do with the fact that he doesn't counter at 1-range with a bow, and his innate Provoke.

    Shinnon had crossbow equipped though. I think Ike is a perfect candidate thanks for the idea. I notice he has problems with mages, the ones in 3-2 got me a game over although they didn't kill him they did weaken him for a sword master that had survived player phase.

    I'll experiment on Ilyana for 3-3 have her and another unit surrounded by a bunch of enemies and then I'll put her and Shinnon surrounded by a bunch of enemies and see what happens. I'm considering giving him a talisman.

  4. Shade on Heather doesn't hurt, but you're still going to get stung occasionally since it doesn't prevent her from being attacked altogether, particularly since her damage output is balls.

    LOL It is, she has 16 str and only hurts halbs 1 damage.

    How useful is shade anyway? I notice when someone is around the enemies always ignore Ilyana but then again that someone is Shinnon so maybe the shade skill users should be close to him.

    I purposly put her in range of several enemies and they all ignored her for Shinnon.

  5. Is shade a good idea on Heather?

    Well, you might as well give Micaiah credit for recruiting Stefan or Marcia credit for recruiting Haar. In addition, I never have to deploy Ilyana to give her some of those items, since they can be given in the base. Does this mean Ilyana gets credit for moving the Speedwing but not the Gems or Fortune?

    that seems fair but then again maybe you guys are right, I just feel Ilyana's item transfers impact to the benefit of my gameplay much more than anyone elses but maybe she should only get credit for the speedwing.

  6. I redid chapter 3-2 but now I bought all steel greatlances, poleaxes, and blades no iron whatsoever ;)

    Chapter 3-2

    Completed in 4 turns

    6632 BEXP

    7,206 Funds

    Here's what I bought:

    6 Steel Blades, Steel Knife, 6 Steel Greatlances, 6 Steel Poleaxes, 6 Mend staves, wyrmslayer, bow forge, wind forge. Sold several items as well including Silver Card, thank you for the tip Slize.

    This time was pretty similar except I gave more fighting to Gatrie. Rhys almost died, a general attacked him leaving him at 1 hp :blink: I'm so glad the wyvern didn't reach him. Heather stole a steel sword and a reaper card, didn't find the coin this time. Ike took the boss kill again. Gatrie, Soren, Rhys, Rolf all went up the rest went down. Rhys got like 2 kills since Rolf does loldamage.

    Haar took Nullify, Titania took savior, Shinnon took Disarm, Gatrie took celerity, Nephenee took adept, and Mia took the other adept, Brom took fortune for this one chapter.

    Unit       Lvl HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS   Support
    Ike      12.34 45 24  2 28 23 14 22  7
    Titania  17.97 37 26 11 25 23 19 20 15
    Soren     5.59 28  9 23 21 18 11  9 21
    Mist      3.31 29 11 16 14 19 18  9 16
    Rolf      2.47 33 17  3 20 19 13 13  9
    Boyd      9.48 46 23  1 20 19 13 16  8
    Oscar    13.20 39 21  7 23 21 18 17 13
    Shinnon  14.21 44 21  7 29 25 16 21 15
    Gatrie   11.70 45 25  5 18 21 15 25 11
    Rhys      4.59 27  9 24 16 15 22  7 25
    Mia       8.54 35 17  5 26 28 18 14  8
    Ilyana    2.61 28 14 19 17 21  8  8 15  
    Brom      3.05 37 19  5 17 16 13 21  9
    Nephenee  5.62 34 17  6 24 24 13 18 15  C Heather
    Heather   8.17 33 16  9 22 26 17 10 14  C Nephenee
    Haar     12.80 46 24  2 25 21 14 25  7

    Mostly people worried about the slippery slope, I guess. It's an item thing. You dump items on her, she brings them elsewhere and you take them off her. How is that different from a unit's starting inventory? Or different from base conversations? Fiona gives Micaiah another Thani. Pelleas gives Tarvos. He's not playable at the time, but he will be playable eventually.

    In a way, I'd be okay about crediting Ilyana/Neph/Brom/Haar/Heather/Mordy/Lethe for their mule-ability, but I don't want to start giving Fiona credit for Thani or Aran for sleep staff. And anyone suggesting that one leads to another has a point because they are all things that require zero use of the unit. One is chatting, the other is moving items, but in the end they are things that don't involve the character's abilities on a map.

    You have to deploy and keep Ilyana/Mordy/Lethe/Haar alive on certain maps to have them take all these items thats the difference between chatting with Fiona or Aran.

  7. bold, obviously i was wrong, in the fact you can use rolf past 3-1 but i was assuming he would slow you down past there, i don't think a Rolf(t) would but compared to other transfered units he does, and i had no idea about this rule of, "the only transfer unit on your team" rule, which i still don't get the point of.

    Yeah edward is extremely hard to train(i threw items at him but just got frustrated and gave up)that was probably a bad comparison but he's the first that comes to mind when i think of "bad now good later". I think Aran is better, there is someone in his class who is largely regarded as better(some say aran is better, and some say rolf is better but most side with neph and shinnon) he's hard to train, does good after reaching tier 2, but then neph is much better in the endgame. Does that make more since?

    I don't get the point of that, rolf is better for 3-4, ettard is worse than a steel blade or forge, so why bother with ettard? when rolf is proven to be better in combat?

    Ettard is a free sword it has 1 less mt more hit and crit than steel blade so I say its equal. You can have both in that chapter but if I got to pick one I'd say Heather is more convenient.

  8. Actually, Neph is the only GM that gets slowed down by any weapons she can wield, I think. And thus Neph gets a forged steel lance in my playthroughs rather than a greatlance. Well, I give her non-forge weapons for when she fights enemies that don't require a forge, but I don't remember what. As for Titania, um, she has over 20 str at base and no weapon ever weighs more than 20.

    Perhaps, but that opens the door to crediting units for starting inventories and other things like that. It's a bad place to go. Or we think it is, anyway. And thus Ilyana gets no credit (though she does get virtually free deployment in 1-E due to the whole "I'm the only way you are getting a speedwing to the GMs" thing).

    Well maybe you're right but what she's doing is much more convenient than taking off saviour from Fiona and it also affects gameplay results drastically, similar to using a non-transfered and a transfered-unit.

    I'm pretty sure Oscar got slowed down as well. Anyways about Titania she's raping things with Iron Poleax :blink: I really don't think it makes a difference, she capped str and skill I'm waiting for her to cap speed to promote her.

  9. Rolf does have vast space to grow in, 3 free chapters without shoeing someone out is good. I'm pretty sure his durability isn't the worst, he also has his own bow affording you money (I use it :D) but I'd rather give someone else the kill, I'd give him the left overs instead. There are certain chapters where she is a better choice than Rolf like 3-4 for Ettard etc.

  10. Unless you really need the extra 5 hit, Steel Blades, etc. are better choices than Iron Blades, etc. considering that you get 3 extra MT from them and they will last you awhile.

    I wasn't sure what was better in the longrun so I got both just in case ^_^ I found it amusing buying steel blades at a cheaper price than a steel sword :3. I should have bought more :/.

    as for iron and steel poleaxes/greatlances doesn't it slow Oscar Nephenee and Titania down? Haar is excellent for not slowing down.

    all the blades are going to Mia anyway.

    IMO Ilyana deserves more credit for transfering things over ;)

  11. Chapter 3-2

    Completed in 4 turns

    6632 BEXP

    11,370 funds

    Shopping spree ^_^ I bought too many items probably :sob:. Here's what I bought:

    Steel Blade, Iron Blade, 2 Iron Greatlances, 2 Iron Poleaxes, Bronze Bow, Steel Knife, 2 Steel Greatlances, 2 Steel Poleaxes, 6 Mend staves, wyrmslayer, wind edge, 2 hand axes. Sold several items as well including Silver Card, thank you for the tip Slize. Also bought two forges one for Brom/Titania, and the other for Ilyana/Soren.

    Brom and Oscar range attack the halb for Nephenee who kills him then Titania crits a sm with killer axe, Haar attacks the other sm and Rolf shoves Ilyana who kills the other sm. Rolf, Soren, Gatrie, and Rhys go to the upper way and the others go downward in turn 3 Nephenee goes to the upper part to shield Rhys, Soren, and Rolf. Heather stole the reaper card and found a coin. Fed Mia a kill she's too behind. Ike took the boss kill, Titania weakened him for Ike. I fed Haar as much cexp as possible ;) he needs one more speed point to cap speed I fed him the speedwing.

    Haar took Nullify, Titania took savior, Shinnon took Disarm, Gatrie took celerity, Nephenee took adept, and Mia took the other adept, Brom took fortune for this one chapter.

    Unit       Lvl HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS   Support
    Ike      12.35 45 25  2 28 24 14 22  7
    Titania  17.96 37 26 11 25 23 19 20 15
    Soren     5.81 28  9 23 21 18 11  9 21
    Mist      3.31 29 11 15 14 19 17  9 17
    Rolf      2.26 33 17  3 20 19 13 13  9
    Boyd      9.39 46 23  1 20 19 13 16  8
    Oscar    13.35 39 21  7 23 21 18 17 13
    Shinnon  14.07 44 21  7 29 25 16 21 15
    Gatrie   11.36 45 25  5 18 21 15 25 11
    Rhys      4.51 27  9 24 16 15 22  7 25
    Mia       8.51 35 17  5 26 28 18 14  8
    Ilyana    2.62 28 14 19 16 21  7  8 15  
    Brom      3.34 37 20  4 18 16 13 21  9
    Nephenee  5.74 34 18  7 24 25 13 19 15
    Heather   8.27 33 15  9 22 26 17 10 15
    Haar     12.93 46 24  2 25 21 14 25  7
  12. I never thought Rolf was gay

    Anyway Rolf is useful in 3-P, 3-1, and 3-2 three chapters to train him for free :3

    3-3 comes in and you have to kick some people out. Soren, Mist/Rhys, Ilyana, Rolf, Brom, and Heather are all candidates for the last spot.

    Theres only like 1 coin in the map and not many stealable items. You can steal a mend, and a javelin iirc and if you want to forgive the senators Heather can steal their items.

    I guess Transfered Rolf can save a turn or two, maybe give him crossbow helps enemy phase.

  13. And only the Ettard and Rescue staff are worth mentioning, because coins go under the category of "crap that's so common they might as well grow on trees" and Heather is not in 3-9.

    Ooops I meant energy drop

    and I forgot dracoshield thanks King Soren for mentioning it :).

    I don't see why coins, javelins and vulenaries shouldn't be mentioned while Rolf's chipping should. Stolen items could change things drastically, I can see why the coin is iffy but why the vulenary and javelin?

    and the team having higher defense is always positive or you can just sell the dracoshield.

  14. Vulneraries? You mean the stuff that's so common they might as well grow on trees? You're really getting desperate if you think that she deserves credit for THAT.

    Yes it could be sold for free gold and buy a good forge ;)

    I also enjoy having free javelins and tomes iirc Heather can steal a bunch of those.

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