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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. I generally kill Msr. Purge on turn 1, to stop him killing Leanne. And also because he's pretty annoying in general.

    But I'd get cracking on NolanxJill, unless you plan on bringing Aran's worthless ass into Endgame just so he can give Nolan a support bonus.

    Ok that sounds just as good :)

  2. The only use for Aran at this point is to provide his support bonuses to Nolan. Giving him a Master Seal will not stop him from getting doubled and ORKO'ed by almost everything, nor will it even make him good at weakening. Fortunately it appears that he can barely survive a hit from the Purge bishop, so there's that.

    Poor Aran :sob:

    well he wasn't as useful as Nolan so I gave more kills to Nolan and Jill instead of all the other DB. I do like the support, it helps Nolan a lot.

    Nolan missed 70% of the hits irrc.

  3. Seems irrelevant to me. An 18/1 Aran is just about as useless in Part 4 as an 18/0 Aran. I think that the opportunity to get measurable performance increases out of a Master Seal has passed; that bus left the station somewhere in Part 3 and is now halfway to Cincinnati.

    These are his stats, is he better off in the bench boat?

    Unit       Lvl HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS   Support
    Aran     17.92 28 20  0 20 14 11 19  6  A Nolan

  4. Chapter 3-9

    Completed in 6 turns

    17,695 BEXP

    Funds not tracked

    I bought an adept for Kieran and took gamble off him and put it on Astrid instead, Marcia took Geoffrey's paragon. The hardest part of this chapter is getting the spirit dust. Marcia killed the first soldier on the top, that way she won't have to stop to extinguish the house and she killed most of the top layer. Callil and Danved took care of the left mid layer, except he missed a lot of hits to actually count for anything. Marcia or Kieran took the boss kill, I can't recall who it was. Makalov and Astrid killed a few enemies, he weakened them for her actually and Geoffrey was just weakening for the npcs or taking care of the healer npc. Astrid activated criticals more often without gamble actually, but I only tried 3 times with gamble on that ledge with the enemy units on the bottom layer.

    Unit       Lvl HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS   Support
    Geoffrey 15.-- 37 24  8 23 20 19 18 15
    Marcia   10.67 37 19  6 20 25 13 22 16
    Kieran   12.37 42 22  6 21 21 17 19 12
    Astrid    6.58 36 17  8 20 18 21 13 15
    Makalov   7.50 37 18  5 17 18 20 17  9
    Danved    9.63 39 17  8 23 21 18 15 12
    Callil    6.99 32  9 19 18 18 16 11 17

    Chapter 3-10

    Completed in 6 turns

    24, 661 BEXP

    39,834 Funds.

    I forged a hand Axe for Haar so he could kill ranged enemies instead of weakening them, I noticed Titania activate Sol more often than landing a critical with a killer axe. I took 6 turns due to a miscalculation of Reyson, I thought Mist could shove him while he was transformed. Anyway on turn 5 four enemies remained, the boss Sergei and a bow paladdin and two generals. I had formed Nephenee, Haar, Ulki,and Jannaf in a fashion to be refreshed and I wanted to move Reyson to refresh them but he couldn't reach so I had Boyd shove him and he only reached Nephenee, and I moved Mist to shove him but she couldn't. Anyways Nephenee took the boss kill, and Heather stole 2 mends and a Ellight. Titania and Haar went the top way, both Ulki and Jannaf joined them on turn 2 after being refreshed. Everyone else went downwards, I gave Boyd a left over hammer so he could clear the Generals, him and Ilyana helped a lot there, Ranulf was shove bot pretty much. I had wanted to bring Soren to help against the generals but he was slowing me down too much. I bought a recover for Mist.

    Unit       Lvl HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS   Support
    Ike      15.48 48 24  3 29 23 14 23  8  C Mia
    Mist      8.41 32 13 20 17 22 23 11 18  C Titania
    Gatrie   15.21 45 27  5 20 21 16 27 12  C Ilyana
    Titania   2.17 43 30 17 28 28 21 24 19  C Mist
    Mia      12.65 37 19  5 28 30 21 15  9  C Ike
    Nephenee 13.29 40 19  7 26 27 17 20 18  C Shinnon
    Heather  10.20 34 17  9 24 27 19 10 15  C Haar
    Haar      4.33 53 30  6 30 26 17 30 12  C Heather
    Ilyana    8.72 31 15 20 21 24 11 14 18  C Gatrie
    Reyson   16.61 40  3  6  5 11 32  6 17
    Boyd     11.29 48 24  1 22 19 14 18  8  C Oscar 
    Ranulf   26.15 Base Stats
    Jannaf   29.30 Base Stats

  5. In my opinion, promote Laura at the start of 3-13, or at level 10 (whichever comes first). The one time that she actually needs her promotion bonuses is when she has access to the Sleep staff, so every stat point counts.

    I just finished 3-13 and she used Sleep Staff, however she's still not promoted I was undecided to give that last master seal to her or someone else. She's in level 11 btw, should I give her master seal start part 4?

  6. Zihark is not durable until Part 4, and even then not unless he piggybacks onto an army that has some authority stars (like wtfTibarn and his +20 free avoid). Being an Earth affinity character doesn't help him, largely because he can't even be expected to establish a C rank until 1-7, thus B-rank by 3-6. And in 3-6, facing enemies with 130-140+ HIT, while getting 2HKO'ed, forget about it. Even when he gets A-rank by 3-13, Ike's authority stars completely wipe out the gains.

    You can throw Parity on him for 3-13 but its better use on Jill or Nolan.

  7. When is it adequate to promote Laura?

    that's perfectly fine. but i don't understand your reasoning, what GMs do you use? shinnon, mia, and neph are 3 of the best GMs, and iirc you don't use Gatrie, P3 provides a lot of exp so why not use a numerous amount of mercs? i have actually successfully trained 8 including Ike.

    I do use Gatrie, he's level 18 right now and I use all of them even if a little but for endgame most of them are not going.

  8. I think Zihark should move below Nolan. His experience gain in Part 1 is small and his defense slows him down in part 3. Meanwhile Nolan is good for Part 1 and he's better for Part 3 and 4 with his +5def axe he won't be facing many durability issues compared to Zihark.

  9. Astrid would be better off on the Bench's team.

    If we're being serious though...I wouldn't know. She doesn't seem helpful anywhere.

    I'm not benching Astrid, she's going to be my double bow user unless I decide to use Shinnon and I'm not going to use him for endgame, Rolf is out of the options as well and unless Leonardo levels up faster I'm leaning towards Astrid.

  10. Well, to be frank, 31mt in 3-6 sucks. 3HKOes Cats, and what, a 5HKO on Tigers? Even doubling everything, he struggles to rise above Aran-level offense. 36mt is a lot cooler, since it lets him 1-round. And it goes up to 64mt with Beastfoe. OHKOes Cats. I guess if you gave him the Energy Drop and a Micaiah support, you could have 70mt and OHKO the weakest Tigers, and a strength proc lets him OHKO all of them. Not that great, though. Although if you did that, he'd have 14+14x3+2 = 58mt. OHKOes Cats, even when untransformed.

    In my playthrough Volug with A-strike in 3-6 took wrath and resolve, I'd rather leave beastfoe on Nolan since he OHKO's everything and gains better experience. Of course Volug got S strike after like 4 or 5 hits on turn 3 iirc, I think its good enough to at least have him close to S strike in Part 1.

  11. I had Volug reach S Strike in 1-8, personally.

    Not that it matters. Before S Strike, Volug struggles to 2HKO many enemies without the Energy Drop, so generally you can have him weaken an enemy and gain WEXP then finish with a Nolan/Jill/Edward/Aran.

    Volug is still useful with A srike in 3-6. Its good to have him at least close to S strike before 3-6.

  12. I added a new list to my first post about a List of Worst unit performance, pretty much personal experience.

    Chapter 3-8

    Completed in 7 turns

    17,642 BEXP

    On my first try Heather stole a disarmed Storm sword but I had to restart because Mia died against a general and shaman. However on this one Heather was pretty much useless only used for the mage reinforcements on turn 7. Haar, Titania, and Gatrie took the right and the rest took left, Jannaf saved my life thankfully I had put wildheart on him and he killed a shaman which Haar had missed a hit on. I took blossom away from Ilyana so she could gain more cexp and she capped speed. I decided to leave Shinnon behind because his crossbow damage is ridiculous and I'm saving the uses of killer bow, too bad bringing Heather didn't help me steal anything. Haar took celerity for this chapter, I should have brought Soren he'd been the best candidate for the last spot.

    Unit       Lvl HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS   Support
    Ike      15.32 48 24  3 29 23 14 23  8  C Mia
    Mist      7.38 31 12 19 16 21 22 11 17  C Titania
    Gatrie   14.39 45 26  5 19 21 16 27 11  C Ilyana
    Titania   1.44 42 29 16 27 27 20 24 19  C Mist
    Mia      11.94 36 18  5 27 29 20 15  9  C Ike
    Nephenee 11.31 38 19  6 26 27 16 20 18  C Shinnon
    Heather   9.69 34 17  9 23 27 18 10 14  C Haar
    Haar      3.74 52 30  6 30 26 16 30 11  C Heather
    Ilyana    7.77 31 15 20 21 24 10 13 17  C Gatrie
    Reyson   16.61 40  3  6  5 11 32  6 17
    Ranulf   26.07 Base Stats
    Jannaf   29.23 Base Stats

  13. Aran needs to be spoon fed as well. He has good defense but it doesn't make up for it as soon as fighters start doubling and killing him or mages start aiming at him in 1-7 and he can't double them right back, I recall him never doubling anything during my playthrough. I do agree Aran being two tiers above is Edward is pretty odd.

  14. Thanks for the tip Interceptor :)

    Lehran will never join with Creiddylad. Only Ashera. You will need to trade him a blessed tome (preferably Rexaura because Micaiah can bless it).

    So much effort for nothing :( it costed me Ike to loose CEXP for 2/3 turns :sob: on a side not at least he is better at chipping auras than Micaiah.

  15. 3-12 I don't think needs ferrying. 3-13 uses a bit for me: grabbing the archer on the right to replace with Leo. Others can pull that off, though. 3-6 she can't go into the river anyway. And part 1 she sucks. Well, maybe ferrying Micaiah since she has Canto. I don't know. Anyone bother with Fiona to see if the ability to re-move after picking up Micaiah can do anything to cut back turns?

    It doesn't help I tried, in 1-7, and she takes a fighter spot away. Vika is the best choice to ferry around in 1-7, and if you kill the mages blocking the ledges (with Tormod) you can have Mic go down and Vika carry her (well thats what I did) and Jill drop her.

    It would help Fiona build a support and she's a better choice than Meg and Maybe Leo and Eddie for that chapter.

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