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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. I'm trying to explain Leonardo, Ilyana > Rolf

    In Ike's team there are many characters joining and not enough space, Rolf is one of the unfortunate that is prone to get dumped, but so are Leo and Ilyana in a way. hmmm

  2. Um, has to be. I know Oliver can't do anything but heal, I never said he wasn't bottom tier (he obviously is)but he does that perfectly fine. If you really want to leave optimal deployment out of the equation, then I can very easily argue that one physic staff use>>>>>>the bottom 4, combined.

    Oliver being in endgame is the only way for him to contribute to anything, and the only thing he can contribute decently is healing. Surely Micaiah will need a little backup from time to time in the healing department, since she can't always do everything by herself, but there is Sanaki/Sothe to shove her around in any case she's too far from the heron.

    Then there are better options for other fighters and second healers (Elincia and Mist with better move and fighting) (Bastian is debatable but he's free for a chapter to train in).

    Astrid/Meg/Fiona are crappy units but they contribute to small things like rescuing/shoving/chipping/ledges/etc, and they do this free without taking a spot away from another character. Its like comparing Nailah and Volug, obviously she has better stats and is better at fighting but she's not around for long and he is, which makes him useful for longer and makes him > her. So their contribution is more than he could promise to bring without affecting anything else.

    Well thats how I see it.

    Even screwed/untrained Elincia is rivaling Oliver she has decent base magic, better speed, equal defence, and A staff, all she would need is paragon to be slapped on her. Canto moves her back to safety and like someone else said she can equip wyrmslayer and bless it then trade it to Ike for better results.

  3. You can give him a left over crown though, his problem in my eyes is the two turn wait my units are already far ahead :( (not everyone plays the same though ;)) and I don't remember what level staff he gets when he promotes.

    Also Makalov and Astrid can kill one enemy together in 2-3, unless they are data transfered.

    I support Ilyana(T) > Leonardo. Ilyana doubling is helping weaken enemy for someone else to get the kill. :D Especially in 1-5.

  4. Bastian could use a different tome : and you could raise Bastian a little bit with paragon before endgame, unlike Oliver not that it would matter too much but it counts.

    Well Oliver does have Staff A > Staff B Bastian

  5. I have some doubts if Oliver is always going to be a negative, shouldn't he be in bottom tier?

    Following this wouldn't this also make Astrid, Meg, and Fiona be above him?

    Also what makes Oscar without transfers be superior to Mordecai? Shouldn't it be the other way around, because Mordecai is one of the better Part 2 characters.

    Micaiah and Elincia's healing is very valuable I personally believe they should be considered high tier.

    what about Kyza vs Astrid(/T)? who is being more helpful between the two?

    Howcome Sanaki is below Gareth? Isn't he like 1-rounded by Ashera?

  6. I was thinking of Nolan since he's a decent tank but can get speed screwed pretty easily but I easily forgot about Volug so I guess it wouldn't be necessary.

    I'm in 2-3 and Astrid(T) has a 27-30% chance to land a critical using a killer bow but I'm not sure if I should let her use it.

  7. Who's better than him in the long run? All Speedwing!Kyza needs to do to remain viable in Part 4 is proc a single point of speed and get S Strike. That puts him on 37ATK/28A - which isn't great by any means, since even weaker people like Nephenee and Mia can beat him with a forge, but is still good. 2-rounds everything in 4-P (except Generals, he 2-3 rounds them). 2-rounds a lot of stuff in 4-1, only missing Generals and a few units he doesn't double. He's better in 4-2, where he 2-rounds everything on the map again, missing Swordmasters and the odd 25AS Sniper or Halberdier. Sure, he sucks in Endgame, but many characters are in good positions on the basis of solid Part 3 performance.

    (Although I don't know how he'll level up. Isn't laguz exp calculated by multiplying their level by 1.5? Then he counts as a 20/9 unit upon joining, so he might have a higher level than I'm estimating. I was assuming level 21 for Part 4, but that might be low, it's a level every two chapters.)

    This is convincing but it only leads me to my next question :awesome:

    how is it possible that Kyza < Oliver?

    You've all explained how promising Kyza is and how he can contribute a lot (maybe I'll use him to see if he can actually be decent), what does Oliver have better than Kyza does? He's pretty much filler healer since Micaiah can be first and second healer thanks to the heron anyways.

    and I still find Astrid is being underrated

  8. Top tier.

    I don't understand Queen Elincia's argument. Even if you don't want Kyza to eat a Speedwing and be better than guys like Boyd for most of Part 3, you can still use him for shoving and rescue -> dropping. 9 move and overkill WT/Con does that. Kyza isn't killed by an angry stare (actually, his durability is pretty great), and he can 3RKO things like Warriors at base, which is more than Fiona can say. Fiona 4RKOs Archers in 1-7 and is ORKO'd by them.

    Actually my main argument is Kyza vs Astrid B)

    I was also trying to compare the contributions of Kyza, Meg, and Fiona. The main thing they have against Kyza is that they have a small team and can contribute to small things like rescuing, shoving, etc without using up someone else's spot or resources. <- I'm mainly talking about a speedwing but you say he's tough without it as well

    The way I see Kyza is that he's getting in over someone else who can be gaining experience and be better than he is in the longrun. Besides they are in a weaker team who needs all the support they can get and he's not.

    Also thats their utility in part 3, Fiona is useless in Part 1 and Meg is partially useful.

  9. The only way they can die is if a cat/tiger somehow kills the character walling and then other laguz reach them (3-6) or a bird reaches them in 3-13.

    Meg will most likely always be walled in 1-5 anyway.

    BTW is 25% critical chance a good percent? I just finished chapter 2 and I think that was Nepheene's critical chance with a killer lance.

  10. I hate the fact of endgame having to force more units than necessary, I'm ok with the heron being forced because I'll pick them anyway. Ena and Kurth give a boost at least, but Sothe and Sanaki means two less favorite units I have to skip over because of them :angry:; Sanaki is fun to use though. I especially hate Sothe having to use him from beginning to end with only one chapter break. They should have made endgame choose the units you want and not forcing so much on you; the lords can stay for tradition.

  11. I think early promotions was something pretty common to FE newcomers or begginers to the series.

    My first early promotions were on Colm, Franz and Arur. The promotion item's description didn't help at all ("Use this on a unit of level 10, or higher")

    My Colm was lvl 14 when I promoted, he actually wasn't bad at all, he had capped Str, and +1 Str than averages.

    Franz was decent, I promoted him to a Great Knight at lvl 11 and he was still rockin'

    Same with Artur, he went Sage and was just great.

    That is true :P

  12. The only person that should ever be Master Seal'd is Laura. And she is a complete pain to raise in HM. And she gets Master Seal'd because she is an even bigger pain to raise in NM. Oh wait. She actually has trouble levelling in EASY MODE. <_< Kind of wastes her 70% Magic, Skill and Speed.

    I would recommend Sigrun/Tanith/Titania for Crown. Basically because all 3 are at a high starting level. Geoffrey should be Crown'd if you have a spare and if he is still a Lance Paladin by 4-5. IMO.

    Is it necessary to promote her? I always leave her unpromoted until she can promote herself :P I only use her for healing.

  13. Recently I promoted Ilyana on my hard mode playthrough at level 17 and Tormod was virtually useless, although she had less hp he had less everything else. I did it because she had capped speed and fire on 1-E is a good tome ;).

    Sothe never gets past level 7 for promotion, I really dislike him so I neglect him as much as I can.

    other early promotions were Nolan and Aran because I needed more meatshields.

  14. I also forgot to mention Heather :P

    Although I'm not sure what is worth more Heather finding (ettard 3-4) and stealing items or Kyza's combination of usefulness.

    He does need a speedwing or he's not as spicy without it, compared to Meg/Fio/Astrid they don't need a stat boost to have a use.

    Now the data shows two speedwings before his jointime, one with the DB which Ilyana could bring along and one which is gathered through the CRK's. Maybe both speedwings could go to Ike's team, but it would be better to leave one with DB and the other to Ike's team. The thing is Kyza is competing with more than enough characters for that speedwing.

    If he could somehow deserve that speedwing before Titania and Haar he's only putting to good use for 1 or 2 chapters. In 3-7 he's still competing for a tight spot and this time there are fewer units out maximum of 10 - Ranulf and Ike that makes it 8 named Shinnon, Mia, Reyson, Rhys/Mist, Haar, Nephenee, and for that last two spots he's competing against Gatrie, Rhys/Mist, Boyd, Soren, Heather, etc.

    He's using up a speedwing to be useful and only last useful for a short amount of time, preventing better units from using it instead. While Meg and Astrid don't require you to boost them or bench someone for them to have them do something for the team.

    My main argument anyways is that transfered Astrid is more beneficial to the team than Kyza (and maybe other characters as well).

    I also go for Kyza > Oliver

  15. I understand Oliver's argument and maybe Fiona's but I do not understand how Kyza can be salvaged while Meg, and Astrid especially with transfers cannot.

    Considering by the time he joins there are 12 units out and there is Ranulf and Ike forced so you'll bring 10 along. Oscar and Titania suck for this chapter so he's competing with Mia, Ilyana, Haar, Nephenee, Brom, Gatrie, Mist, Soren, Rolf, Boyd, Shinnon, Rhys, and Lyre. All of the above except Lyre and maybe Rolf, and Ilyana are better than him. So maybe he can get in instead of Brom or Soren, but thats one chapter of use, because when Jannaf and Ulki join Titania and Oscar will be back in action 8 units out and Reyson needs to be in. Kyza is a waste of space and resources because the speedwing will fit someone else better on the longrun. IIRC he also needs to use olivi grass before being able to fight, and thats a two turn wait unless he uses the laguz stone which is better used on someone else named Reyson.

    Astrid isn't competing with anyone for a spot and chip damage is helpful during her availability. When she has transfers she's even better because she is doubling and dealing better damage (2-3) and is better at surviving although that shouldn't be too much of a problem because she can easily canto her way to safety. She has no need to use many resources to be of some use and he does.

    Similar case for Meg, looking for coins and shoving from time to time is helpful considering she is doing that job instead of somebody else and with no competition for a spot (for 1-5, and part 3 that is :P).

  16. Actualy without boss abuse all Fiona needs to be okay is to have a forge and kill every mage in 1-7, I raised her 3 levels this way without taking too many turns of course her growths have to be decent at least. In 1-endgame I let her have more kills though. In part 3 she'll be a little better.

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