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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. Well Astrid/Fiona/Meg have free chapters yes but...

    Idk if it counts for efficiency Fiona's rescuing is helpful in Part 3, and she could give someone good earth support.

    I personally found Meg useful for Micaiah+Wrath in 1-5, and she's ok against mages. In Part 3 her shoving and rescuing can be helpful from time to time.

    Astrid is doing hit and run to help clear the path, and she is most qualified for turning the houses on fire off.

    Kyza may also shove and at the start be better at fighting enemies but Meg/Fio/Astrid are doing all of what I explained without taking the spot from somebody else, and without needing a statbooster or extra items to do so.

    I also want to point out that raising any of these in hard mode would be unlogical in terms of tier list, but Astrid's base paragon gives her room for other skills and would make her a little easier to raise than Kyza and canto would move her back to safety.

    I also personally think Renning should go below Oliver, and have Data transfered Astrid above Renning. He isn't a great choice for endgame and has no contribution what so ever to anything but endgame, while Astrid(T) is a whole lot better now and contributing more in her availability.

  2. Ike is the most broken and cheapest character in the game, he gets exclusivity to kill Ashera and have many personal weapons. They should have treated Ashera like Ashnard and give more than one character the exclusivity to kill them, my first choice is Elincia <3.

    Titania was also favored too much if you ask me, she sure is in a gimped class but somehow everything is in her favor. Compared to the other paladdins she has the best overall growths, best availability, best bases; way too spoiled and all the other paladdins get the short end of the stick.

    I also think Gatrie and Shinnon were favored too much because of all the favoritism their classes get and lol competition.

    Haar is a different story to me, he has decent competion and his class is not favored to that extent.

    Astrid and Ilyana seem to be the most screwed of the returning characters, and they were not the best in PoR which is unfair to them :P If anyone should have been screwed that bad I would have picked Titania and Shinnon and Gatrie.

  3. I used Feditor to rip out the following images. My problem is when I put them up in Sacred Stones they look messed up like they do in the image is there a way to make it look normal?


  4. Laura is useful for healing though so I suggest using her a bit. Also I forgot but for Part 3 (DB chapters) the only females will be Jill, Laura, Micaiah, Meg, and Fiona. Using Laura will definitely help. I also suggest Fiona she may be horrible but pouring some attention to her in part 1 will make her a decent fighter in Part 3, and she can definitley help Jill and Suecaiah in the fighting.

  5. I think Meg, Astrid, and maybe Fiona are more useful than Kyza and especially Pelleas.

    Mainly because their spots are free tickets.

    Here's certain things I found useful for them, idk if it counts.

    In 1-5 you can have Meg attack a tiger or cat that does not kill her and then have Micaiah+wrath sacrifice. I was lucky because that very first tiger the one closest to the units was weak and i did that right away :). I found this useful along part one, also a support with Ilyana is certainly useful. She's also better to take the hit from a mage and she can weaken them and have someone else take the kill that way the other unit does not get damage from the mage.

    Astrid is useful for hit and run, on the very first turn I have all of my units attack an enemy and accomodate them in a fashion to guard Astrid (canto helps). Then I don't have to worry about her since she will be hitting and running back to a tall grass spot. She won't be doing much damage but any damage is certainly helping clear the path for Geoffrey. Data transfered Astrid is even better or not as bad.

    Fiona is useful for that Earth support and free saviour makes her useful in other ways. In Part 3 is where she is noticeably more useful for her rescuing.

    Pelleas also has a free ticket but he has hit issues and I think doubling issues as well unless you trade him with a thunder tome. You also have to wait two turns for him and he would have to be rushing into the fighting.

  6. I hope they keep the dancer :) I always liked dancers better than herons especially FE8's dancer because of the glitch to make her use stone.

    I don't like reclassing in fact it is the only addition to the series that I hate but I don't mind if they keep it because I won't use it. I do like the reclassing in Fire Emblem 8 though, it felt more natural and fun to use.

    I would like to see supports to get to know the personalities of the characters, everyone in SD felt so bland and boring with absolutely no personality. I think Maria was the only one that hinted a personality.

    Marth is the worst lord in the series in terms of personality, I'd like to see a more polished Marth.

    Magic tomes were all shared in the same rank in SD and I really don't like that, I would prefer they would go back to RD/PoR's style and seperate the wind, thunder, light etc or at least go like gba fire emblems and have dark, light and anima separate, I find it ridiculous to have Merric use a dark tome and have the dark mage use a light tome. Merric fits wind, Linde fits thunder, etc and keep it like that.

    Thats probably all I want maybe a new class would nice ;). I'm sure i'll love this game, sd was the one i like the least but i still enjoyed it I'm sure they will pull more effort on this one.

  7. I hated 1-9 having all that experience to her is selfish and even worse is she only gets a hanful of it BK gets the rest. Would be better as another chapter to raise the others instead.

    wasnt fond of part 2 and 3 prologue especially part 3's.

    fighting sephiran was boring to me and im not too fond of the spirit enemies

    i like the music in part 1 the most

    my fave chapters

    1-5 I liked the layout

    1-6b i found it challenging (dont use tauro much but to wall bridge)

    1-E i liked the layout a lot it was challenging

    2-3 was a fun for me mainly because i like Marcia, Kieran, and Astrid

    2-E was very fun and challenging too bad crk arrive late

    3-6 back with db a challenging chapter this is where fiona turns useful

    4-1 was memorable i like stages like this walling off enemies

    4-4 was also great, i like the layout it reminds me of 1-E

    and endgame stage 2 is the most memorable to me. endgame stage 3 would be my next fave.

    oh i also liked the chapter reyson joins i remember having titania and shinnon walling off the entrance, the mages walling off the left side and the generals walling the right.

  8. I'm in endgame part 1 and he's still in base level is that normal? he's killed some enemies but not a whole lot i didnt take too long in chapters they're all below 20 turns, the longest one i took in was 1-9 which was 22 turns irrc but thats because i wanted micaiah to reach level 20. All bosses were fed to Edward Aran or Jill and one to Fiona.

    It seems like Volug would make good use of discipline if he could use it, can he?

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