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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. I find it odd that you'd prefer risky, counter-intuitive strategies over safe ones in a game like Fire Emblem, where one wrong move can be very costly.

    Thankfully no wrong moves have been made at least not with wrathers ;).

    Like I said they are always walled and so far so good, maybe because they are the first units I move and in any case Physic staff and/or a healer are around.

    I am more worried about the walls themselves than the units with wrath.

    Edward is the only one that gave me problems in part 1.

  2. Marcia has a B support with Astrid and I thought keeping triangle attack together would be good but Astrid in Miacaiah's team worsens her.

    Besides maybe I should not bring Astrid or Ilyana to endgame since I brought them last time but I also want a double bow user not named Shinnon, too bad Geoffrey can't use it :(

    Is Pelleas useful for endgame?

  3. I have one regard and some questions so i thought better to bump than make a new topic.

    For my current hm playthrough is Yune blessing meteor tome a good idea? I wondered because I have one with 1 use left.

    In part 4 forging possible?

    Are Silver forges possible now and good?

    I just finished part 3 and have trouble dividing teams for part 4.

    3 characters have paragon Devdan, Astrid, and Edward

    2 have wrath Jill, Tanith

    I want 1 paragon for each team so I could switch it off to another character.

    and I want to bring some of these to endgame:

    Edward, fave

    Fiona, want to try

    Naesala, want to try

    Zihark, useful

    Stefan, want to try

    Astrid, fave

    Renning, want to try

    Devdan, fave

    3 of the 4 pegs or all 4, fave

    Haar, fave

    Jill, fave

    Kieran, want to try

    Makalov, want to try

    Boyd (SS bowgun?), fave

    Gatrie, want to try

    Pelleas, want to try

    Callil, for SS tome

    Bastian, for SS tome

    Ilyana, favorite

    Lehran, replace Sothe want to try

    I've been raising most

  4. Thats true about Sanaki :P i've been doing that to raise Kieran but I think Smash is right about Volug and Sothe.

    Unless Sothe is unequipped in enemy phase and being constantly healed, Volug can do that too and raise his red gauge.

    Well pemn but i did that in the swamp chapter and it workedjust fine plus I raised Fiona :).

  5. Wrath... Bleh. It's been nerfed to the point of near-uselessness (30% or less HP requirement ftl). Being in one-hit-kill range for a critical boost? DO NOT WANT. I find Edward annoying to use.

    In my current playthrough I gave wrath to mounted units wielding ranged weapons that way they get to move back to safety ;)

    For now Tanith and Jill have used wrath the most.

  6. Elincia does not need much compared to Oscar

    Using her saves you weapons and money. With her unbreakable sword all she will need are healing staves, a heal staff is just about right to get the job done and she is an automatic Physic staff user ;).

    Where as Oscar needs weapons and might need a forge to double accurately costing more money. He also has a lot of nice competition for kills and experience. His canto utility is nice but she also has it and can use it a lot better. She does not need to compete with anyone for kills because she benefits your team by healing = more kills for others.

    She probably won't need paragon at all since healing gives her good amount of experience.

    iirc can also activate stun from her recruiting point and on.

    As for Lehran he requires a whole playthrough to be playable for one chapter, to me thats actually a lot of effort.

  7. Astrid and Fiona give useful and sellable skills > Lyre or Meg. Also Meg/Fio/Astrid at least deal some damage in their recruiting chapter.

    Lehran takes a lot of effort to be playable for one chapter = phail.

    Lucia is great for one chapter but Nephenee/Brom/Mordecai put the exp to better use.

    Marcia is one of the superior Crimean knights saving you houses in that one chapter.

    Elincia/Micaiah inferior to Oscar? He's alright as a fighter but so are they and they can heal themselves and the team.

  8. I gave wrath to Jill in part 3 and she made everything easier :)

    Leo is decent in Part 3 for ballista and enemy pegs Nolan is good for wall except on my current playthrough speed screwed Nolan and Aran had hand axes/javelins instead.

    Fiona, Zihark, Tauroneo and Edward were my walls instead.

  9. I think I know why IS separated them ;).

    My first guess is that if she were with the Greil Mercs it would be 3 bow users and maybe they wanted at least 1 for every part.

    2nd guess iirc in PoR she talks to Sothe and Makalov, so they probably thought it better to pair her with Drunkalov.

    In PoR's ending Astrid, Makalov, and Marcia were supposed to go back to Begnion.

    So IS decided to make Gatrie hit on a furry.

    Cut Astrid's fighting epicness down by a lot.

    The only beneficiary by a little is Gatrie, but he gets a less useful gf.

    They should of kept her with Gatrie and she would probably be a lot better.

  10. Im playing hard mode and I hate how wrath hates me by never activating criticals ):<

    Fiona is hard to train but she's so useful in utility <3 rescuing.

    Devdan is pretty hard to train here, he can't keep up.

    Jill's hp is lame

    Nolan really sucks, Aran is meatshield now.

    Titania never doubles when I want her to :\ but she's useful.

    Shinnon makes a great meatshield

    Boyd+Crossbow = <3/and more kills for Oscar :D

    Nephenee is too frail right now

    Marcia rocks everything, except bowmen

    Astrid is decent due to canto/moving to safety

    Haar never doubles but thats good for my team ;)

    Mia is really good with Wo Dao, I still don't like her :/

    Lethe has her uses

    Mordecai is so awesome in Part 2 endgame

    Soren looks so lame compared to Ilyana

    Rhys and Mist get owned by anything

    Wow Lyre actually really sucks :( transformed and does 3 damage no double on a soldier :/ at least Fiona/Meg can count on a forge.

  11. I always plan on avoiding Haar but I end up needing him.

    Besides Haar I always end up using Elincia, Edward, Ilyana, Astrid, Marcia, Sigrun, Tanith and Boyd. Somehow I feel I need them and unaware tend to feed them the most kills and they either make it to my main team, or get into top 5-20 kills.

    Volug and Titania are some I like but avoid using due to their exp gain early game/chapters. Other characters I avoid are BK, Soren, Shinnon, Mia, Kieran, Royal laguz, Giffca, and Tauroneo; most for similar reasons except Soren and Mia who I dislike and Kieran is neglected along with Geoffrey so Devdan Astrid Marcia Callil or Makalov can take the experience.

    As for characters I am annoyed by using Sothe is the first. Forcefully using him in every chapter he is available irritates me to no end. His exp gain in part one bothers me which is why I give him bronze knives so other units get kills. Then it is these characters I am annoyed by Ranulf, Volug, Black Knight, Lucia, Tibarn, and Geoffrey for similar reasons. Other characters I am annoyed by are Vika, Nealuchi, and Lethe, unlike the above (except Lucia and Geoffrey) I do enjoy using them but their gauges reduce their performance and their caps are not so great in endgame.

    Characters I have never tried in this game are Nailah, Rolf, Gatrie, Lyre, Lehran, Stefan, Bastian, Jannaf, Ulki, Renning, Volke, Gareth, and Oliver.

  12. If L1 Seth is equal to L18 Franz then we would wait a good amount of chapters for Franz and Seth is already there? I'll take the prepromote. Also he doesn't need to promote like Franz. So for Franz you have to train him to L18 to be as good as Seth, and an item to get him to 1X/1, clearly Seth is better for a long stretch of time and he doesn't need to promote. Also the fact is Seth is in your team from beginning to the end assuming no deaths. Any route. No other character has that. He's also forced in some chapters. Franz comes in the middle of one.

    Also, if you divide exp evenly Seth is the better character for a long time, so I don't see favoritism.

    Yes thats true, dividing experience evenly is the good part ;). If the player gives any jeigan or any other character for that matter too many kills the team starts to detriment and become useless if not already. Thats why I recommend that Seth gets only boss kills early in the game in which he would gain a lot more experience in that one kill than killing a map full of non promoted enemies.

    He gains crappy experience killing non-boss enemies while the other characters get a good deal of experience killing such enemies. Would it not be better for Seth to kill the bosses only and gain fair experience while the rest try to divide the kills for themselves and gain a good chunk of experience?

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