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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. Hard Classic (female)-> Flaw skill, Asset Defense.
    Premonition 2 turns

    Prologue: 4 turns
    Heroes: Elincia and Frederick

    I didn’t keep track of stats but Lincy had 3 level ups and Chrom got 1. FreddyxLincy paired and took over the boss, Chrom got their leftovers.

    Chapter 1: 3 turns
    Heroes: Lincy&Chrom

    Since I’m pairing them I decided to start building now. They go left and Freddy attacks enemies with the bronze sword. Virion and Sully pair up. I won’t be using Sully so I won’t keep track of her stats. Actually I won’t keep track of characters I won’t use in for the whole pt.

                        Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                
                 Elincia 6.63 24 10  7   6   10  5   12  6   E Sword, D Tome      
                  Chrom  2.85 21  7  1   8   9   6   8   2   D Sword              
              Frederick  1.17 28 13  2   12  10  6   14  3   D Sword/Axe, B Lance
                  Lissa  1.60 17  1  5   4   4   8   3   4   E Staff   


    Fred-Elincia C

    Chapter 2: 3 turns
    Heroes: Vaike & Chrom

    Idk why they got the hero label since Fred with Stahl soloed the top area. Stahl ferries Freddy and he KOs enemies with his silver lance. I paired Vaike with Chrom, Virion with Sully, and Elincia went solo. Miriel got a kill.


    Fred-Elincia C
    Sully-Virion C
    Vaike-Chrom C

    Chapter 3: 4 turns
    Heroes: Chrom & Elincia


    I bought 10 of each of the tonics n.n and a thunder forge with 5mt for Elincia. Sumia paired with Fred took over the RHS and reached the boss. The rest took the left side and both Miriel and Lincy with their pair up partners reached some enemies on the upper part of the map before finishing the chapter. Virion was not deployed. I really like Vaike so he’s going to stay in my team, and so is Miriel.

                        Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                
                 Elincia 8.27 26 11  7   6   12  5   13  6   E Sword, D Tome      
                  Chrom  3.85 22  8  2   8   9   7   8   2   D Sword              
              Frederick  2.87 29 14  2   12  10  7   14  3   D Sword/Axe, B Lance
                  Lissa  2.60 17  1  5   5   5   8   3   4   E Staff
                  Vaike  4.00 30 10  0   8   7   4   5   0   D Axe
                 Miriel  2.22 19  0  7   6   8   6   3   4   E Tome      
    Fred-Elincia C       
    Sully-Virion C
    Vaike-Chrom C
    Elincia-Chrom C

    Paralogue 1: 5 turns
    Heroes: Elincia & Fred

    I paired Chrom with Elincia, Sumia+Fred, Donnel+Vaike, and the rest (Miriel, Lissa, Kellam) were solo. Donnel was not recruited I focused on Vaike and Miriel instead. Sumia takes Freddy and then on turn 2 Chrom trades Elincia to Frederick. Sumia uses chrom as support bot against the archer and some LHS enemies. I Didn’t keep track of stats, I’m thinking about doing one yes one no. Miriel and Kellam are got to C support, and so did Fred and Sumia.

    Chapter 4: 2 turns
    Heroes: Sumia & Elincia

    Elincia pairs with Sumia for speed boost, Chrom pairs with Fred, Vaike goes solo and Lissa is there to heal. Fred got the mage on turn 2 and Vaike took both turns beating the same enemy. Elincia got the rest of the enemies.

                        Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                
                  Lincy 12.27 29 13  10  8   14  9   14  8   E Sword, C Tome      
                  Chrom  4.75 23  9  2   9   10  8   8   3   D Sword              
              Frederick  3.59 30 15  2   12  10  7   15  4   C Sword, B Lance, D Axe
                  Lissa  3.60 18  1  6   6   6   9   4   5   E Staff
                  Vaike  5.30 31 11  0   8   7   5   6   0   D Axe
                 Miriel  3.38 20  0  7   6   9   6   4   4   E Tome
                  Sumia  2.76 19  7  4  12   12  9   6   8   D Lance    
    Fred-Elincia C       
    Vaike-Chrom C
    Elincia-Chrom C
    Sumia-Lincy C
    Lissa-Vaike C

    Chapter 5: 4 turns
    Heroes: Sumia & Elincia

    Elincia pairs with Sumia again but just so she can be ferried to the top area. Fred and Chrom turn left and everyone goes to the upper center area. I almost had a 3 turn but Frederick didn’t double the LHS hand axe enemy reinforcement since Fred dropped Chrom on the bottom enemy reinforcement spot. I decided to keep track of stats from now on. Lon’Qu was Vaike’s support, and Kellam was Miriel’s. Lissa traded off Maribelle’s mend as soon as she hit D staves.

                        Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                
                  Lincy 15.39 32 14  12  9   14  10  15  8   E Sword, C Tome      
                  Chrom  4.95 23  9  2   9   10  8   8   3   D Sword              
              Frederick  4.11 31 15  2   12  11  8   16  5   C Sword, A Lance, D Axe
                  Lissa  4.25 19  1  6   7   6   10  4   5   D Staff
                  Vaike  6.40 32 12  0   9   7   5   6   0   D Axe
                 Miriel  4.29 21  0  7   6   10  6   4   4   D Tome
                  Sumia  4.28 21  8  4  13   14  11  6   8   D Lance     
    Fred-Elincia C 
    Fred-Chrom C     
    Vaike-Chrom C
    Elincia-Chrom C
    Sumia-Lincy C
    Lissa-Vaike C
    Lon’Qu- Vaike C
    Miriel-Kellam C

    Paralogue 2: 5 turns
    Heroes: Miriel & Kellam

    Sumia and Lincy fly over the river to the boss area, but Lincy kills off one of the bandits near the bridge so only one could reach Anna making it easier for my other guys to kill that one. Then they reach the boss on turn 2 and after finishing his guys they go toward the guy on the right but I trade and make Sumia get that kill. Miriel and Kellam solo’d most of the enemies on the left with healing done by Lissa or Maribelle but mainly Lissa, since Maribelle was only used to trade if Lissa got hurt. Vaike with Lon’Qu paired on him follows Fred. I got the physic staff, and Anna ‘s sister Anna didn’t die o3o.

                        Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                
                  Lincy 17.79 33 15  14  10  15  12  15  9   E Sword, B Tome      
                  Chrom  4.95 23  9  2   9   10  8   8   3   D Sword              
              Frederick  4.35 31 15  2   12  11  8   16  5   C Sword, A Lance, D Axe
                  Lissa  5.00 19  1  6   7   6   11  4   5   D Staff
                  Vaike  7.20 33 13  0   9   8   5   7   1   D Axe
                 Miriel  6.66 22  0  8   7   11  8   4   6   D Tome
                  Sumia  5.14 22  9  14  14  14  12  6   8   D Lance     
    Fred-Elincia C 
    Fred-Chrom C     
    Vaike-Chrom C
    Elincia-Chrom C
    Sumia-Lincy B
    Lissa-Vaike C
    Lon’Qu- Vaike C
    Miriel-Kellam B

    I'll continue tomorrow :^_^:

  2. FrederickxChrom, GaiusxLon'Qu, and DonnelxRicken are my favorite OTPs.

    Canonly I like FrederickxCherche, SullyxVirion, MaribellexGaius, MirielxLon'Qu, TharjaxRicken, CordeliaxVaike, PannexStahl, LissaxKellam, SumiaxChrom, and DonnelxOlivia.

  3. Hi :^_^: I've been curious for a while if Anna > mage > sage is useful in the long run on HM or not so I decided to experiment and keep a log of it. I tried it for a few chapters and it was going well but I decided to restart and keep a log of it to keep track of her performance. I'll try to be as efficient as I can c:

    I don't have a numbered-team planned, i'll just use whoever fits right in.

    One question. Who is a better bride for Vaike Cordelia or Cherche?

  4. I like a lot of characters but i'll cut it to 8 per game.

    FE4: Fury, Cuan, Ethlin, Ira, Noish, Adean, Arden, Azel.

    FE5: Karin, Selphina, Ronan, Lara, Asvel, Hicks, Saphy, Tina.

    FE6: Thany, Tate, Yuno, Hugh, Lugh, Sophia, Ellen, Ray.

    FE7: Serra, Lyn, Matthew, Fiora, Heath, Sain, Florina, Farina.

    FE8: Tana, Seth, Eirika, Ewan, Dozla, L'Arachel, Syrene, Vanessa.

    FE9: Elincia, Marcia, Astrid, Jill, Tormod, Mordecai, Tanith, Sigrun.

    FE10: Laura, Fiona, Meg, Edward, Lyre, Vika, Nealuchi, Heather.

    FE11: Caeda, Palla, Catria, Est, Gordin, Lena, Matthis, Linde.

    FE13: Anna, Cynthia, Lucina, Ricken, Cherche, Owain, Vaike Donnel, Miriel.

    If I have to cut the list to just one then probably Lincy, Anna, or Eirika. ^^'

  5. I'll go game by game.

    In FE4 I hated Levin for leaving his family and his sickly wife, but then someone told me it was because he was cursed by a tome so I sort of toned it down.

    In FE6 I disliked Clarine, and Zephiel. Clarine for being incredibly rude and vulgar unlike her mother who was the total opposite, a kind and likable person. The reason I disliked Zephiel was because of his backstory. Zephiel was likable in FE7 but I don't like how he turned out in FE6, although his father is probably the blame.

    In FE7 I hated Hector, he seemed unnecessarily rude too many times that first time I played the game, and I didn't like that he was a boring arrogant show off. I also hated Karel for being a bit too bloodthirsty and heartless. There is also Jaffar who I despised for killing Leila, I always wanted Matthew to avenge her. I didn't like Renault's past either so I think he sort of counts too. And also Priscilla for trying to ruin LuciusxRaven OTP.

    In FE8 I despised Ephraim for many of the reasons I hated Hector, although Ephraim wasn't rude but I found him incredibly obnoxious, predictable, boring and a spotlight stealer. For a while I disliked Innes too but when he revealed to Tana that he really cared for her a lot I thought it was sweet and began to like him. Caellach was the villain in this game I despised the most.

    In FE9 I flat out hated Soren for being heartless and rude. I never used him because of that and because he insulted my favorite character o3o. Poor Soren I was too harsh on him.

    In FE10 I hated Shinnon for his racist remark and I also hated Ike for ruining the development of the new characters by turning into spotlight stealer, and a ridiculous gary stu. I also hated the senators, and Lehran.

    In FE13 I wasn't very fond of Lon'Qu. He seemed like a sexist the first few lines but after reading his supports I understood him sort of. I'm going to say for this game the character I dislike the most is Henry and I don't like Priam, Excellus, or Walhart either.

  6. The odd thing is that the most favoritism I gave her was in her recruitment chapter o3o but that's because it was where I was experimenting with her as a mage. I traded her the seal, Chrom, Thunder, and a concoction. Then she moved forward and turned into a mage and the next turn she ate the concoction, because enemies can 3HKO her if they hit her but most of them had 40-60 hit because of her high luck I think. That's where she gained about 4-5 levels because the enemies in the top area went directly to her since nobody else was anywhere near.

  7. Can Anna can gain some momentum if you seal her and turn her into a mage and then promote her to sage? Her bases would be higher than Tharja, she joins a map later and would gain tomes at an earlier point to build her rank. Actually I think i'm going to try this.

  8. I demand we give Quint a penalty so his team can lose against mine o3o.

    Part 3

    3-P 9 turns
    MVP: Ike

    Ike takes adept and makes his way to boss area, Rhys and Mist take his leftovers. I'm extra careful with them because everything doublestomps them in this map. I had to restart since Skrimir was being a moron and I forgot to battle save ;A; but never again will I forget.

    3-1 6 turns
    MVP: Rhys

    I bexp Rhys and he turns out slightly higher than Soren's speed base or equal to I can't remember. Ike goes left and up, Rhys up and right and Lethal kitty NPC fights off the generals. Shinnon was the free unit and he was very helpful. Lethicia had slightly higher stats than Ranulf's bases in this map so she was gr8 help.

    3-2 3 turns
    MVP: Rhys
    Ike with Celerity and savior rescue drops Rhys (adept) and Rhys takes care of the boss. I did use some BEXP on Rhys in this map too. Ilyana transfered: Celerity, Savior, Pass, Brave Sword, 3 light forges for Rhys, and a Hammer.

    3-3 10 turns
    MVP: Rhys

    Gatrie is my free unit, I made him get blossom for Mist too. Ike and Rhys keep the same skills from the last map. Ike goes right and Rhys goes left, Mist trails behind Rhys and gets whatever leftovers along the way or she long range heals. I skipped hammerne, I should have probably waited to get it.

    3-4 6 turns
    MVP: Lethe
    Lethal kitty rescue drops Rhys on the ledge with the ballistae so he can help clear the way for Ike and Ranulf. Ike had celerity and Ranulf had pass, Lethe had the other pass and she used two stones here. Ike with brave sword was very helpful. Mist equips blossom from here and onward (except 3-5 and part 4) so make sure she gets better stats.

    3-5 2 turns
    MVP: Rhys
    You know that square to the left the entrance right under the ledge? Rhys goes there below, Mist smites Reyson who refreshes Rhys and flies back to the ledge. Rhys then goes forward to clear the area.

    3-6 5 turns
    MVP: Jill
    This is one of my favorite maps <3. I was 2 enemies away from a 4 turns, but I didn't know where to find them so I settled with a 5 turn. This map went by too fast Q^Q. Jill takes beastfoe, Meggy imbue, Laura resolve+discipline, Sothe adept, and Miccy Mouse Paragon. I bought the physic staff, torch, and short axe (I regret this one). Miccy torches, Laura+Sothe go right, Jill north. Laura eventually moves forward to the mid right area with Miccy healing her from afar if necessary. Jill clears the top area without issue.

    3-7: 12 turns
    MVP: Lethe
    I deployed Haar so he could recruit Jill. I think Lethal cat reached SS strike here. I gave Ike speedwings so he wouldn't be doubled by BK because I forgot the magic card and everything worked fine.

    3-8: 4 turns
    MVP: Jill
    Jill with celerity+savior stomps this map. She rescue/drops Rhys near the boss area so he can help her secure the area. Lethe toop wildheart+adept and Ike had smite, but now I can't remember why I gave it to him.

    3-9: 4 turns
    MVP: Geoffrey

    I bexp+crown Geoffrey and he soloes.

    3-10: 4 turns
    MVP: Jill
    Jill(celerisavior) rescue drops Rhys again. Lethe, Ike and Mist stay to clear the south area.

    3-11: 4 turns
    MVP: Jill
    Jill with the same skills rescue drops Ike and she got the boss kill too.

    3-12: 3 turns
    MVP: Laura
    I bexpd' Laura and promoted her and gave her Paragon. Meg(adept) shoves Laura for two consecutive turns so this way Laura has more area covered. Miccy(resolve) is my main healer but she also takes some kills from Meg/Laura leftovers. Sothe turns to the left area.

    3-13: 1 turn
    MVP: Laura
    Laura takes adept, Miccy trades Sothe the purge tome, Sothe gives it to Laura and Laura 1 turns the map.

    3-E 5 turns
    MVP: Jill
    I did another rescue drop with Jill (with Rhys again). Mist was bexp'd + promoted in this map and she got the rescue staff (thanks to battle save).

    P3 total: 78 turns

    Part 4. Teams
    Silver- Miccy, Nealuchi, Rhys, Laura, Sothe
    Greil- Ike, Mist, Meg, Vika
    Hawk- Jill, Lethe

    4-P 3 turns
    MVP: Miccy

    Nealuchi rescue drops Miccy, Laura soloes the bottom RHS. Miccy and Nealuchi advance to the top right area and Rhys + Sothe trail behind clearing any leftovers.

    4-1 5 turns
    MVP: Ike
    Ike(Pass) takes boots and goes south and to the boss area, Meg(paragon) with hand axe forges to the LHS, and Mist(adept) with silver blades and brave sword (just in case) to the RHS. Rafiel assists Mist. Before this map Meg was bexp'd + crowned.

    4-2 5 turns
    MVP: Jill

    Jill clears most of the map, and assisted with Reyson to cover more area. Lethe clears bottom area and with quickclaw equipped she shaved a turn by killing a mage with quickclaw.

    4-3 6 turns

    MVP: Laura
    Miccy(resolve) to the top area and eventually goes to Stefan's. Laura, Rhys, and Sothe fight in the boss area. Laura who had the other resolve took the most enemy attacks. Sothe was dropped thanks to Nealuchi who turns left to clear that area. The gem was found and sent to the convoy.

    4-4 8 turns
    MVP: Ike
    Vika takes the gem. Rafiel refreshes her, Meg, and Mist at the start to give them more momentum. Ike clears the boss area with help of Meg. Vika takes clears the enemies with the chest room areas with help of Rafiel. Mist takes the bottom right area and lures in the archers on the ledges.

    4-5 1 turn
    MVP: Jill

    Reyson with celerity and shoved by Lethe refreshes Jill(Pass) and she eliminates Izuka.

    P4 Total: 28

    4-E-1 2 turns

    MVP: Jill
    Jill takes the left area and Ike turns Right. I know Laura and Rhys assisted in the LHS, while Meg and Lethe the RHS. Everyone else helped clear enemies at the center.

    4-E-2 1 turn

    MVP: Micaiah

    Ike + Hammer kills BK. I got the wishblade thanks to Laura, Nealuchi, Rhys, and Mist. Miccy was exposed on EP just for free levels.

    4-E-3 1 turn
    MVP: Jill
    Geoffrey kills the white dragon blocking the way, Rhys and Laura kill the red one with their blessed Purge. Miccy rescues Ena. Mist with Wyrmslayer hurts Dragonking, followed by Ike, and terminated by Jill with Urvan.

    4-E-4 1 turn
    MVP: Jill

    Miccy and Mist rescue Meg and Ena. Meg kills one of the spirits blocking Lehran. Ike kills another. Rafiel refreshes Jill, Nealuchi, Lethe. Lethe and Nealuchi kill the other two spirits and Jill kills Lehran. I forgot who I used to chip Lehran for me before killing him with Jill.

    4-E-5 2 turns
    MVP: Jill?/Ike?
    Mist, Geoffrey, and Vika were the spirit hunters. Everyone else helped clear spirits. Good thing I blessed the brave axe because Meg was using very good and it also proved useful on Jill o3o.

    Endgame Total: 7 turns

    Draft Total: 189 turns

    1st: Jill 168w/197btl/16rnd
    2nd: Rhys 122w/141btl/18rnd

    3rd: Ike 119w/166btl/18rnd
    4th: Lethe 78w/133btl/15rnd
    5th: Miccy 77w/97btl/22rnd

    6th: Laura 77w

    7th: Meg 62w

    8th: Mist 57w

    9th: Sothe 54w

    10th: Nealuchi 33w

    11th: Geoffrey 25w

    12th: Vika 22w (she reached s strike in 4-E-1 o3o)

    13th: Ena 2w

    14th: Lehran 1w

    15th: Rafiel 100w

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