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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. I demand my team to beat all of yours >83.

    Axes, Swords, Knives, Staves, beaks, claws, and light magic!

    1-P (5 turns) MVP- Miccy Mouse
    Miccy gets all the kills here, Edward helps her.

    1-1 (3 turns) MVP- Nolan
    Nolan does the heavy work here, Miccy trails behind him gaining CEXP.

    1-2 (4 turns) MVP- Nolan
    I ignore the chest area, Nolan was my free unit and he helps out a lot. Miccy Mouse being able to take a hit helped Laura get some experience.

    1-3 (4 turns) MVP-Sothe
    Aimee and Kurth wall the upper part of the map and Kurth getting hurt helps Laura. Instead of killing the boss I rely on EP critkill because I had Soothe steal discipline for my other characters because it comes in handy o3o.

    1-4 (6 turns) MVP- Sothe
    I buy Mend for Laura (shade) and beastkiller for Soothe. I forge something for Miccy(wrath), Meg(discipline) and Sothe(Cancel). Meg had a max MT max crit forge. Laura and Meg go to the seal area. Sothe fights the upper side of the map and turns right and Miccy finds beastfoe.

    1-5 (5? turns) MVP- Sothe
    Sothe South, Miccy Laura and Meg center, Volug North. I bouth the magic dust and a wind edge. I can't remember if I 5 or 6 turned this chapter i'll check after endgame because I saved after finishing o3o.

    1-6 (3 + 3 turns) MVP-Jill
    Gave robe, energy ring, and dracoshield to Jill (resolve) and gave her the rest of bexp and sealed her. She rescue drops Sothe(adept) on the LHS and both make the clear faster on 1-6-1. Miccy, Meg and Laura take the center (Miccy goes slightly north). On 1-6-2 Jill alone goes to the boss area and the boss attacks her(hand axe) on EP on turn 2 but she left him with very little hp for the next turn. I did some forges for Sothe in this map.

    1-7 (5 turns) MVP- Meg

    Everyone turns right except Laura(shade) and Meg(cancel) who go up. Meg because she's training and Laura so she can mend her I bought the secret book but I always buy stat boosters when they're for sale. Sothe with his accurate forge kills one of the ledge mages and clears the way for Jill to drop Miccy Mouse. Jill kills the boss and Vika finds the seal.

    1-8 (5 turns) MVP: Laura
    Idk if Celerity could have shaved a turn or not if I put it one someone else other than Miccy idk why I thought she needed it for 1-9. Anyways Vika rescue drops Laura(resolve) who was bexp'd and sealed to the boss area. Meg deals with northern enemies, Sothe left, Miccy South and Vika deals with the enemy wyvern with help of Rafiel who was shaved by Meg, Sothe and Laura on turn 2. I used a robe and the dust on Laura.

    1-9 (4 turns) MVP: Miccy Mouse
    Miccy goes left BK goes up and then returns.

    1-E (6 turns) MVP: Jill
    I bexp Meg, Laura, and Jill to .99. Ilyana transfers Celerity, Savior, Pass, Brave Sword, 3 light forges for Rhys, and Hammer. BK clears first two ledges. Vika is in charge of rescue dropping Miccy and Jill rescue drops Laura. Meg stayed down in the ledges. Vika grabbed the speedwing and Sothe got parity. Jill + Laura make and excellent team.

    Final P1 stats:
    20.00 Miccy 22|6 |20|17|17|26|4|20 A light
    09.84 Sothe 38|22|6|24|22|20|17|13 S Knife Adept
    05.94 Laura 29|8|25|18|19|15|8|15 D light S Staff Disciple, resolve
    20.14 Mega 32|17|4|14|20|21|16|10 A Sword Cancel
    12.83 Fizzart 39|22|3|16|25|23|19|10 D Lance S Axe Paragon
    14.48 Vika 38|9|6|14|16|15|7|8 A Stike
    12.90 Rafiel 31|1|6|1|6|31|3|13

    P1 Total: 53 turns

    Part 2

    2-P (8 turns) MVP-Nealuchi
    Nealuchi gains S strike and many levels.

    2-1(5 turns) MVP- Nepheknee
    I wait for Heather just because Pass.

    2-2 (3 turns) MVP- Nealuchi
    I bexp'd Lethal Kitty and my free unit was Nephenee. Nealuchi lol'd at the boss.

    2-3 (5 turns) MVP- Geofries
    Geoffrey solo.

    2-E (2 turns) MVP- Nealoochie
    Nealuchi is gr9. With the help of Lethe and two stones he's locked by enemy 2 rangers so Ludveck can attack him. Before the map I bexp'd him and Lethal. I know Lethal matched Ranulf's str stat but I didn't keep track of their stats.

    P2 Total: 23 turns

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