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RNG Princess

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Posts posted by RNG Princess

  1. Forging a bronze axe isn't costly. Getting it the same Mt as an iron axe costs 1200G. So sell Panne's beaststone to get it cheaper for her. She won't need her beasttone and it gets you 500G at 25 uses left at the merchants. Or give her an arms scroll.

  2. Is it a good idea that Donnel makes an excellent husband for Lissa or Olivia? I'm not sure how fast their support grows since I haven't tried it out but Lissa and Olivia don't care for support bonuses because they're not attacking enemies. As long as they're kept out of OHKO range. Or is he better husband material for someone else? That Aptitude skill should be passed down.

  3. 1) Add the soldier and halberdier classes.

    2) Add light magic.

    3) Make Lissa a lord.

    4) Let there be route options between Chrom and Lissa.

    5) Let Falcoknights use swords so I can forge Brave Sword and name it Amiti.

  4. So, Fem!Hector?

    Also, fun fact, I think Lucina can even die without giving you a game over.

    Personally I just really really really want a main lord who isn't a blue-haired swordfighting royal/noble dude. They have to defy at least three (technically two would be enough if those two were major/had a big effect on the character in relation to other FE protagonists) of those traits to satisfy my desire for a different protagonist, preferably all four. You know, Micaiah actually qualified for this but then she wasn't actually the main character. I was disappointed by that. Stupid spotlight-stealing Ike. At least Marth's sequel didn't fake you out with a different set of main characters in the beginning.

    Something like that :^_^: but instead of FemHector I prefer a character like Titania without a mount be the main lord in a new game. Let her be strong and convicted but also well mannered. Like you I think that blue haired lords could use a break. I would like a pink red haired female lord ;W;. Or if there is another male lord I prefer him to be a mage :^_^:.

    I thought it weird Lucina could die without causing a game over despite her being a lord. My Chrom died once but he caused a game over, it's not fair.

  5. Instead of either i'd rather see something new or at least let the other lords get some love. I felt bad for Micaiah being original and new just to get her spotlight stolen by Ike. Please no more Ike.

  6. I like naming my forged weapons :^_^: and I like specific characters having specific named weapons.

    Donnel's lances: Toothpick

    Lissa's lances: Wing Spear(she is a descendant o3o).

    Ricken's wind: Grafcalibur

    Anna's (killer) sword: RNG's Laugh (max crit)

    Gaius swords: Steel Dagger

    Soon to be:

    Any of the brides get Cake slicer swords lances.

    Too bad I can't name beaststones claw :(:.

  7. I want a game where light magic returns and the soldier and summoner classes return too. Also i've always wanted a central female lord that uses axes as her primary weapon and doesn't afraid of anything or Lucina to have her own game and not share the lead role with another character :^_^:.

  8. I like Marth but I think that they're done with him unless they do a Marth travels to the past theme game or Marth goes to Mars.

    the Fire Emblem mascot is Anna. We can never have enough Anna.


    in fact, the next game should just be about the Annas. a whole army of Annas, all in bride class and being beasts.

    Anna Emblem: Doom of the Secret Shop.

    Main heroine: Anna

    Main Villain: Anna



























  9. Its just my opinion :^_^: sorry if it looked bad I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'll try to explain a little why I dislike Ephraim and it's that every time they tried to make Eirika do something good they'd suddenly give her brother the spotlight and upperhand to make him look better. It looked like they were trying too much to rub it in the face how cool and broken he was and I didn't like that. He never really changed throughout the whole game and to me he seemed like a stale ported version of Hector that uses lances instead of axes but with less personality. I don't really care about stats when it comes to liking characters but I know that Eirika is good in battle and if that were a problem I could just give her stat boosts to fix her combat but character is different unless the story was rewritten. From game start to end Ephraim is just there because he likes to fight and I felt that Eirika was actually compassionate about the others and her people even if she did stupid things like falling for Leon's trick because she loved him. I do appreciate Ephraim's lance class though but as a character I preferred Eirika over him.

    I'll join the lord tiering wagon too o3o


    1. Lucina

    2: Eirika

    3. Sigurd

    4. Lyn

    5. Ike PoR

    6. Marth

    7. Micaiah

    8. Chrom

    9. Eliwood

    10. Roy


    11. Hector

    12. Ephraim

    13. Ike RD

    I like most of them though the only ones I dislike are Hector, Ephraim, and RD Ike. I haven't played Seliph's story or seen much of Leif, Alm or Celica.

  10. I want a sequel/prequel for Awakening. I want to know more about the future without the parents and based around the children but I also want the story of the first exalt ^^.

    MY other choice are FE8 I want a sequel for it and a prequel for RD/PoR I'd like to see the first war between Ashera and Yune and meet all the anscestors ^w^.

  11. Henry is the only character I wouldn't restart a chapter if he died. His insanity and bubbly personality didn't work for me.

    Virion and Inigo for being womanizers.

    Olivia is just too shy but her supports with Panne are nice ^w^.

    Chrom is boring especially compared to his family members.

    Basilio for being a stubborn moron.

    Lon'Qu for being sexist and insecure around women.

    That one villain controlling Yen'Fay for reminding me of RD's senate.

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