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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. I think I saw someone on tumblr make one for Joker but there are some creative people, I'll say that much. From all the weird things I've seen, this isn't all that weird so if this is your type of thing, I say go for it.
  2. Even though he only did 6 damage, I'll give him points for that face of pure ruthlessness.
  3. Isn't he described as super harsh towards other people besides Kamui though? :o
  4. Ooohhhh pastebin has been updated with some of the Awakening DLC conversations.
  5. This was really sweet ;u; I think this is my favourite support conversation so far Everyone looks so good *u* Takumi has a really nice smile (o´ω`o)
  6. All the completed supports can be found here.
  7. I found something pretty awesome. Maurice linked on his tumblr to a Kamui customizer oohhhhh man. You can check out the post here.
  8. It depends from person to person, but I enjoy them so far but I can't really rate of whether they're better than the ones in Awakening.
  9. It looks like some people are running a fan translation blog for the game and they already have the prologue translated.
  10. Just go all out and kill everyone with coconuts.
  11. Just letting you guys know that Derrick from Gamexplain is starting so you can head on there. Right now he's just asking chat what gender and build they want Kamui to be. Also, he said that he's only going to play for 3 hours and he feels that he would only be able to go up to the decision of which side to go for in that time frame.
  12. I personally like their videos so I will most likely tune in! Do you perhaps have a link to where they'll stream?
  13. I like to try to look at this topic from multiple angles so I would say, yes and no. I say no because I've been exposed to enough games with fanservice that I kind of learn to just ignore it especially if it's something that can be avoided in some way but it might not be that easy for other people to ignore. And this is where I say yes because even though I can ignore it to some degree, it still nags at me for the fact that these options exist in the first place. It's so easy to just say, "Well, just ignore it." when it really isn't for some people. I know lots of people who liked the support/relationship building that you can do in Awakening and I myself enjoyed it too, but I feel like they went a bit too far with the whole face touching/chest touching and seeing your units in just their underclothes. But that's just me. Some people might like those features so more power to them. It's just kind of unfortunate by how these features are watering down or covering up just how extensive the plot of the games seem to be based on the reactions I've seen. At least, that's how I see it.
  14. I'm putting this under a spoiler for safe measure. My apologies if this was already posted.
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